




BIOS アップデートユーティリティ

File Name Date

AMI Flash ROM Utility V5.24 amiflash.exe 4/9/1997

Award Flash ROM Utility R1.30C aoflash.exe 11/19/1997

Checksum Check Utility checksum.exe Jul 3, 1995

PentiumII motherboard

PentiumII motherboard Version File Name Date Note

AX6L AX6L BIOS R1.30 ax6l130.exe Date: 11/26/97

AX6F AX6F BIOS R2.10 ax6f210.exe Date: 10/7/97 1.Implement BIOS solution to support Advanced Desktop Management (ADM) package.

PentiumPro motherboard

PentiumPro motherboard Version File Name Date Note

AP65 AP65 BIOS R1.40 AP65140.EXE Date: 12/4/97 1.Fixes errors in codes that support LS-120. Due to some errors in the codes that support LS-120, even with the 1.2/1.44MB Floppy removed and Drive A: & B: both set to "None" in Standard CMOS Setup, there will still be two icons in My Computer Dialog Box in Windows NT, A: for nothing while B: for LS-120.
2.Supports Iomega Zip Drive.

AP61 AP61 BIOS R1.20 AP61R120.EXE Date:5/12/1996

AX65 AX65 BIOS R1.20 ax65120.exe Date:12/4/97 1.Fixes errors in codes that support LS-120. Due to some errors in the codes that support LS-120, even with the 1.2/1.44 MB Floppy removed and Drive A: & B: both set to "None" in Standard CMOS Setup, there will still be two icons in My Computer Dialog Box in Windows NT, A: for nothing while B: for LS-120.

Pentium motherboard

Pentium motherboard Version File Name Date Note

AP58 AP58 BIOS R1.20 ap58120.exe 11/21/97

AP5T AP5T BIOS R1.60 AP5T160.EXE 11/4/97 New CPU in AMD K6 family (233/266/300MHz 2.1V & 266MHz 3.2V) to be recognized.

AP5T Bus Master IDE & Ultra DMA/33 Driver V3.01 for Windows 95 BMIDE_95.EXE 6/21/97 Support Bus MasterIDE & Ultra DMA/33 for Win95

AP5T Bus Master IDE & Ultra DMA/33 Driver V2.01.3 for NT BMIDE_NT.EXE 7/3/97 Support Bus MasterIDE & Ultra DMA/33 for NT3.5X/4,0

AX5T AX5T BIOS R1.60 AX5T160.EXE 11/4/97 New CPU in AMD K6 family (233/266/300MHz 2.1V & 266MHz 3.2V) to be recognized.

AP57 AP57 BIOS R1.40 AP57140.EXE 11/20/97 1.Supports Iomega ZIP drive
2.Supports LS120 drive

AP5K AP5K BIOS R1.40 AP5K140.EXE 5/27/1997 AP5K supports K6 up to PR200 only because the Vcore 3.2V is not provided on mainboard.

AP5VM AP5VM BIOS R2.70 AP5VM270.EXE 11/3/97 1.Fixes destroyed INT14 codes which was due to the code's malfunction of BIOS LS/SCSI booting segments.

AP5V AP5V BIOS R1.70 AP5V170.EXE 11/18/97 1.Fixes destroyed INT14 codes which was due to the code's malfunction of BIOS LS/SCSI booting segments.

AP53 & AX53 AP53-3/AX53 BIOS R3.C0 AP53R3C0.EXE 11/18/97 1.Fixes destroyed INT14 codes which was due to the code's malfunction of BIOS LS/SCSI booting segments.
2.Fixes 150MHz being indicated when Cyrix P166+ is used. Shows the correct CPU frequency as 133MHz.

AP53-3/AX53 BIOS R3.90 AP53R390.EXE Jan. 24, 1997 For M/B version AP53-3 & AX53 please use BIOS R3.60 or later.

AP5S AP5S BIOS R1.60 AP5S160.EXE 9/19/97 Support K5 PR166 CPU.

AP55CS AP55CS SiS 6205 Windows 95 Driver V1.15 (Evaluation only) 205115-2.EXE Nov. 18, 1996

P55CS SiS 6205 Windows NT 4.0 Driver V1.15 (Evaluation only) 205115-3.EXE Nov. 18, 1996

AP55CS BIOS R1.10 55CS110.EXE Apr. 1, 1996

AP55CS SiS 6205 Win3.1 VGA Driver V1.10 (Evaluation only) 205110-3.EXE May 24, 1996

DP5 DP5 Evaluation BIOS R1.10a for Win'95 DP511a.EXE jan. 17, 1995

AP5C & AP5C/P AP5C & AP5C/P BIOS R2.01.S (for SMC665GT Super I/O Only) AP5C210S.EXE Nov. 10, 1996

AP5C & AP5C/P BIOS R2.01.A (for SMC1665IR Super I/O Only) AP5C201A.EXE Sep. 6, 1996

AP5CS AP5CS BIOS R1.50 AP5CS15.EXE Oct. 18, 1996

P5CS NSIDE Driver R1.40 for Win'95 NSIDE95.EXE Mar. 10, 1997

AP5CS E-IDE Driver R1.1 AP5CSR11.EXE May 10, 1995

LP5 LP5 BIOS R2.00 LP5R200.EXE Feb. 23, 1996

486 motherboard

486 motherboard Version File Name Date Note

AP4X AP4/AP41/AP43 BIOS R1.61.S (For Super IO SMC665GT Only) AP4161SS.EXE Mar. 12, 1996

AP4/AP41/AP43 BIOS R1.61 (For Super IO SMC1665IR Only) AP4161SA.EXE Mar. 12, 1996

AP41 SiS496/497 E-IDE Driver Version 3.7 (Self-extracting evaluation only) AP4EIDE.EXE Jun. 28, 1995

VI15GR23.EXE Jul. 20, 1995 Fixed parity check no function iss
