---------------------------------------------------------------- TAR32.DLL Documantaion Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp) I'm sorry,English Documentation is poor/simple/easy. If you want more information or you can't understand , please contact me. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Primary Distribute Place: NIFTYSERVE FORUM "FWINNT" Library#11 <> The Secondary Distribute Place: http://www.csdinc.co.jp/archiver/ =========================================================================== [Program ] TAR32.DLL Ver0.xx [FileName ] TAR32???.EXE [Key Words ] 1:TAR32 2:Pack\Unpack 3:$WIN32 4:#PACK 5:#DLL [Developer ] Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp) and so on. (Original kmtar:kmori kmtar mentenance:AssistantIO Power Up kit: tantan nkf: Ichikawa Itaru compress: Donald J.Gloistein gzip: Jean-loup Gailly Response File: Saitou Yasushi Windows DLL: Yoshioka Tsuneo) [Transplantor] Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp) (To WindowsDLL) [Environment ] Windows95,WindowsNT [Language ] VISUAL C++ Ver5.0 [Date ] See TAR32.TXT [CopyRight ] Free Software(GNU Public Lisence(GPL)) [Support ] NIFTYSERVE FWINDC MES#3 E-MAIL TO Me(Yoshioka Tsuneo)(QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp) =========================================================================== [Introduction] Thank you for download this software. TAR32.DLL is a program that pack,unpack archiver. Supported Archiver Type is TAR/TAR.GZ(TGZ)/TAR.Z(TAZ)/GZIP(GZ)/Compress(Z). This Program is DLL(Dynamic Link Library). So You need other program that use TAR32.DLL. [Install ] Please copy the file "TAR32.DLL" to WINDOWS SYSTEM folder.(ex: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM). [Upgrade Programs](You need *not* install these programs.) +NKF32.DLL You need not use this program. If there is NKF32.DLL, You can convert Japanese-KANJI-code(EUC,JIS.SJIS) of filename. http://www.csdinc.co.jp/archiver/ +KMTARSEF.EXE You need not use this program. If there is KMTARSEF.TGZ and Software is support, You can make Self-Extracting Archiver. [File List ] tar32_e.txt: this Introduction file. tar32.dll: Program. licence\*: Distribute Condition.GPL. src\: DLL source file. sdk\: Documatation for Developper. The First,see tar3sdke.txt. ===========================================================================