*************************************************************************** ZIP32J.DLL SDK(Sotware Developers Kit) Developer's document(simple) *************************************************************************** *Files in this folder api_zip.txt: ZIP32J.DLL API DESCRIPTION zip32j.h: ZIP32J.DLL API HEADER cmd_zip.txt: ZIP32J COMMAND DESCRIPTION [First] This library have COMMON ARCHIVER Interface. You need ZIP32.DLL or IZIP32J.DLL too. ZIP32.DLL is Info-ZIP's ZIP library. IZIP32J.DLL is Japanese localization (and little change) of ZIP32.DLL. This libarary can only pack(not unpack).for unpack please use UNZIP32.DLL. If you use out of Japanese Windows. You may need to compile perhaps. [API] API is written in api_zip.txt usage is the same as unlha32.dll. [Command] Command is written in cmd_zip.txt. usage is nearly the same as zip.exe's command/option.