warning:I'm sorry,this English Document is very simple... The First Distribution place:NIFTYSERVER(http://www.niftyserve.or.jp/) LIB#11 The Second Distribution place: http://www.csdinc.co.jp/archiver/) Support Meeting Room: NIFTYSERVE FWINDC MES#3 ( or email to Me) =========================================================================== [Software Name] ZIP32J.DLL (ZIP library having Common Archiver Project's Interface (by Wrapping Info-ZIP's library)) [Filename] ZIP3J???.EXE [Keyword] 1:ZIP32J 2:PACK/UNPACK 3:$WIN32 4:#PACK 5:#DLL [Copyright] By Yoshioka Tsuneo(QWF00133@niftyserve.or.jp) [OS] Windows95/NT [Development Language] Visual C++ Ver5.0 Japanese version. [Need DLL] ZIP32J.DLL or IZIP32J.DLL [Software Kind] Free Software. FREE for Copy,Edit,Re-distribute,and so on.(liks PDS) [Support] NIFTYSERVE FWINDC MES#3 or E-MAIL to me. =========================================================================== [Introduction] This library is ZIP library. You must install ZIP32J.DLL or IZIP32J.DLL(Japanese). [Install] Please copy DLL to Windows SYSTEM folder. [Reference] InfoZip http://www.csdom.com/pub/infozip/ Common Archiver Homepage http://www.csdinc.co.jp/archiver/ ----- If you are developer please look at sdk folder.(zip3js_e.txt) and... welcome e-mail. ===========================================================================