This setting can change wallpaper of IE5's toolbar. The size of 40x40 or 80x80 pixel is good.
This setting can change animation logo on Internet Explorer. The bitmap arranged lengthwise frame of 26x26 pixel is suitable. The sample bitmap file is exist in installed directory.
The title of IE4.x or IE5.x is fixed on 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'. This setting can change this title.
Usually, when you enter 'find xxx' or '? xxx' on IE, IE will jump to Microsoft's Search page. This setting can change (e.g. Excite Site).
The standard setting is ieXXuser@. In case of FTP software, you will enter your E-mail address on AnonymousFTP. However, IE cannot change this password. This setting can change password of Anonymous with IE.
The title of Outlook Express is fixed on 'Outlook Express'. This setting can change this title.