Before you logon (Ctrl+Alt+Del), you can display message box.
Usually, last logon user will display in logon dialog. If you validate this setting, last logon user will not display.
(Note) If you validate setting of automatic login, please invalidate.
If you wish to logon with same user every time, set this setting. If you set user administrator authority not have, you cannot logon by another user. Because WinBack Scratcher require administrator authority. In this case, please push 'Shift' button while logon, then you can see logon dialog box.
You can change wallpaper at logon screen.
You can change background color when you logon.
If you validate this setting, the files within temp folder will remove. Usually, in case of Windows95 or Windows98, this folder is c:\windows\temp, in case of WindowsNT, this folder is c:\temp.
If you validate this setting, history list will be remove when you logon. This history list is shortcut of files you used. These shortcut store within c:\windows\recent or c:\windows\profiles\(user)\recent.
This setting can remove history of string of find condition.
This setting can remove history of string of 'Run ...'.