6001 NAV sh}[h}x 4 6002 sh}[h}x 4 7001 Windows}%`(uphhx 7002 |}0xo|mK00V_Y00 Norton Utilities qyp|nL0eQc0f0D0~0Y0 7003 sh}[pp}gr 7004 NU }%`(uphhh}x %u 7005 }o0D0j0L00|}0V_Y00Kb0T0HhQW0~0Y0 7006 Rescue Recovery Wizard k0_ 7007 h}xtp0:eW0f0O_W0~0Y0 7008 Norton Disk Doctor k0_ 7009 Norton Disk Doctor k0_ 7010 JRdgr0V_Y00 Norton UnErase Wizard 7011 Norton Utilities k0_ 7012 0c0_0 %s 0r %s k0?ceQW0f0O0`0U0D0\n 7013 %s 0r %s k0?ceQW0f0O0`0U0D0\n 7014 \nfJT : ?ceQW0_0h}x Nn0Y0y0f0n0po0m1YW0~0Y0a\n 7015 h}xn0?ceQ 7016 xbW0_0ZSOk0o0Qen`1XL0eQc0f0D0~0Y0a\n}LY00h0mSU00~0Y0a\n\n- Qenh}x~on0\Ob0-NbkY00k0o0[-Nbk(A)]0xbW0~0Y0\n- oph}xk0OX[Y004XTk0o0puj00h}x0?ceQW0f0\n[QfL(R)]0xbW0~0Y0\n- }L(ZSO Nn0p0mS)Y00k0o0[!q(I)]0xbW0~0Y0a 7017 QenZSOL0fM00ybkg0Y0a\n\nfM00Sk0W0f0 [QfL(R)] 0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0a\n[wl~] 0xoxY00h0Qenh}x~on0\Ob0-NbkW0~0Y0a 7018 Zip rk0h}xL0eQc0f0D0j0D0K0eQc0f0D00h}xL0!qRg0Y0a\n\nOUL0zlW0f0 [QfL(R)] 0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0a\n[wl~] 0xoxY00h0Qenh}x~on0\Ob0-NbkW0~0Y0a 7019 rk0h}xL0eQc0f0D0~0[00a\n\nh}x0?ceQW0f0 [QfL(R)] 0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0a\n[wl~] 0xoxY00h0Qenh}x~on0\Ob0-NbkW0~0Y0a 7020 QenZSOk0qx~}g0M0~0[00a psjqn0OULL0SVK00W00~0[00a\n\nOUL0zlW0f0 [QfL(R)] 0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0a\n[wl~] 0xoxY00h0Qenh}x~on0\Ob0-NbkW0~0Y0a 7021 (%s) ZSOn0OUL 7022 ZSO ID n0i<-N 7023 k: %s\nk0o0 gRj0Qen`1XL0eQc0f0D0~0[00a\n\n- S0n0k0OF0k0o0 [OK] 0xbW0~0Y0a\n- Qenh}x~on0fe0-NbkY00k0o0 [wl~] 0xbW0~0Y0a 7024 !qRj0Qenk 7025 ZSO ID n0fM00-N 7026 Rescue o0k %s 0OH0~0[00a\npuj00k0Oc0f0eW0D0h}x~o0\ObW0f0O0`0U0D0 7027 !qRj0Qenk 7028 r%s n0Qenh}xo0%s g0o0B00~0[00a\n\n%s 0r%s k0?ceQW0f0[QfL(R)]0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0\n- [-Nbk(A)]0xbY00h0Qenh}x~on0fe0-NbkW0~0Y0\n- [!q(I)]0xbY00h0s(Wn0h}xL0%s k0j00~0Y0\n\nfJT: [!q(I)]0xbY00h0ZSOn0Q[o0JRdU00~0Y0 7029 r%s n0h}xo0%s g0o0B00~0[00a\n\n%s 0r%s k0?ceQW0f0[QfL(R)]0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0\n- [-Nbk(A)]0xbY00h0Qenh}x~on0fe0-NbkW0~0Y0\n- [!q(I)]0xbY00h0s(Wn0h}xL0%s k0j00~0Y0\n\nfJT : [!q(I)]0xbY00h0ZSOn0Q[o0JRdU00~0Y0a 7030 gr %s L0r %s k0d0K00~0[000\n\nrk0 %s 0?ceQW0f0 [QfL(R)] 0xbW0f0O0`0U0D0a\n[wl~] 0xbY00h0Qenh}x~on0fe0-NbkW0~0Y00 7031 Nckj0ZSO 7032 %s n0fe-N 7033 %s n0zp-N 7034 [N 7035 ZSOn0Q[0JRd-N 7036 r %s Nn0eX[n0grn0N萒0JRdg0M0~0[00a grL0O(u-Nn0S'`L0B00~0Y0a.\nQenh}x~on0\Ob0}Q004XTk0o0\Ob_k0}W0f0O0`0U0D0a\n\nQenh}x~on0\Ob0}Q0~0Y0K0? 7037 r %s Nn0eX[n0gr0JRdg0M0~0[00a\nrk0 gRj0h}xL0eQc0f0D00S0h00xW0f0O0`0U0D0a\n\nRescue 0}Lg0M0~0[00a 7038 gr0JRdg0M0~0[00 7039 QenDOSphhx 7040 xo|mL0wM0_04XTk0|}0V_Y00n0k0y_zd0 DOS phhx 7041 NU }%`(uphhh}x %u 7042 r0kpoW0~0Y0a S0n0xo0Na͑k0Oc0f0O0`0U0D0 7043 uphx|}n0gr0 1 d0n0rK00%Rn0rk0zpW0~0Y0 7044 ph}xn0ph|nxg0Y0a Na͑k0Oc0f0O0`0U0D0 7045 grn0^\'`0OckW0~0Y0 7046 Software\Symantec\Norton Rescue 7047 Norton AntiVirus 7048 Norton AntiVirus uppr 7049 Norton AntiVirus ogr 7050 Norton Antivirus n0-[ 7051 Norton Antivirus x 7052 |}0sh}}wlY00x 7053 Norton Antivirus xh}x 7054 sh}[h}x 1 7055 sh}[`1XL0eQc0f0D0~0Y0 7056 NAV sh}[h}x 1 7057 sh}agn0V_k0Y00yr%Rj0 7058 sh}[n04X@bgr 7059 Norton Antivirus sh}[ 7060 sh}[h}x 2 7061 NAV sh}[h}x 2 7062 NAV sh}[h}x 3 7063 sh}[h}x 3 7064 Norton Utilities Qenxr 7065 Norton Antivirus Qenxr 7066 NAV Qenxrt| 7067 Norton Antivirus x 7068 sh}}wlk0_j0gr 7069 Norton Antivirus xr 7070 !command: Norton AntiVirus \n!dos-cmd: NAVDX.EXE %c: /l /doallfiles /zips /repair /cfg:a \n!Disk_Name: Norton AntiVirus xh}x \n^BNorton AntiVirus \n^Bh}x: ^NNorton AntiVirus xh}x \n|}0sh}}wlW0~0Y0a \n \n^BN,vj0u|n \n/l pvrn000}wla \n/doallfiles Y0y0f0n0gr0}wla \n/zips 'W.~grn0-Nn0gr0}wla \n/repair aggr0O_a \n/cfg:a Norton AntiVirus n0k \n 0c[a \n \n}wlY00vL0YD0h0BfL0K0K00~0Y0a \n}wl0-NbkY00k0o0 Ctrl+Break 0bW0~0Y0a 7071 !command: Disk Doctor \n!dos-cmd: NDD.EXE \n!Disk_Name: NU Emergency Utilities Disk 1 \n^BNorton Disk Doctor \n \n^BDisk: ^NNU Emergency Utilities Disk 1 \n \nAutomatically detects and corrects \nphysical and logical disk errors. \n \n^BCommonly Used Options \n/QUICK Test system area only \n/COMPLETE Test system and data areas \n/R:file Write a report to 'file' \n/RA:file Append a report to 'file' \n/X:drive Exclude 'drive' from testing 7072 !command: Norton UnErase \n!dos-cmd: UNERASE \n!Disk_Name: NU Emergency Utilities Disk 1 \n^BNorton UnErase \n \n^BDisk: ^NNU Emergency Utilities Disk 1 \n \nAutomatically recovers intact files. \nYou can also recover data from files \nthat have been partially overwritten \nor are fragmented. \n