French 1/2, Spanish 1/2, German 1/2, Italian 1 -- Version 2.5 -- 4/11/92

                       by Cindy & Andrew Bartorillo

                              Distributed by
                           Micro Tutor Products
                           1819 Millstream Drive
                         Frederick, Md. 21702-3017

  Copyright (c) 1982,87,88,89,92 - A Sharware Educational Program Series

You can find the latest copies of The LANGUAGE TEACHER series on our Bulletin
Board, The BAUDLINE II, at 301-694-7108, 300-9600 N/8/1.

     LANGUAGE TEACHER is a series of menu-driven language tutorial programs
designed to be run on the IBM PC or any compatible clone. Each program in the
series contains hundreds of word combinations and verb conjugation forms. A
line printer can be used with LANGUAGE TEACHER to take advantage of its

     Also included is the capability to select language-to-English or
English-to-language combinations, choose multiple choice answers, be retested
on misses, print a multiple choice test, and to run a full quiz diagnostic
routine with line printer output. Of particular interest to non-English
students is the capability to select the direction of the combinations.

     All words, phrases, and verb conjugations are selected randomly by the
program; the user being unable to predict what the next selection will be. The
program package is not designed to teach conversational skills or
pronunciation but, instead, to provide practice drills in order to increase
your working vocabulary and to perfect your use of the conjugation forms.


     Minimum system configuration: LANGUAGE TEACHER is written in BASIC and
compiled with Borland International's Turbo BASIC compiler. The program
requires a minimum of 256K bytes of RAM, one disk drive (or a hard disk) and a
suitable high resolution monitor. Preferred monitors are the IBM Monochrome
Display attached to the IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter or a green
screen or "direct drive" RGB/EGA/etc. monitor attached to the appropriate
monitor adapter. In most cases, only a high quality color monitor or green
screen will provide the resolution necessary to display the special characters
used with LANGUAGE TEACHER. All other program functions will be suitable,
though, if a low quality color composite monitor is used.

     Optional equipment includes an 80 column printer.


     Evaluation versions of the Language Teacher Series have the following

     1. There are a limited number of data files supplied with the program. 
        See the table below for a listing of the data files that appear.

     2. Options to edit the data files, modify random selection timing
        defaults, and modify the type of printer are not active.

Of course, the registered versions of the Series contain a full set of data
files and have all applicable options active.


     The following files should appear in the applicable archive:


             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB6.DAT
           PHRASE1.DAT thru PHRASE6.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB6.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB6.DAT
           PHRASE1.DAT thru PHRASE2.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB6.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB6.DAT
           PHRASE1.DAT thru PHRASE4.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB6.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB6.DAT
           PHRASE1.DAT thru PHRASE2.DAT


             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB12.DAT
           PHRASE1.DAT thru PHRASE15.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB17.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB12.DAT
           PHRASE1.DAT thru  PHRASE8.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB13.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB16.DAT
           PHRASE1.DAT thru PHRASE10.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB16.DAT

             VERB1.DAT thru   VERB15.DAT
           PHRASE1.DAT thru  PHRASE5.DAT


     Each evaluation and registered Language Teacher program comes with its
own specific installation and running instructions. Refer to these
instructions when you receive your disk(s).

     NOTE for evaluation programs: If you downloaded this program from a
Bulletin Board, just unZIP the ZIP archive into a selected subdirectory and
run the program TEACHER for color systems or TEACHER /M for monochrome
systems. If you purchased your copy from a sharware distributor, refer to the
sharware distributor's loading and running instructions.


     LANGUAGE TEACHER utilizes the keyboard function keys to represent the
special characters used in the language. These keys are active only when a
non-multiple choice drill is selected, in which you must spell out the exact
answer. The 25th line of the screen will display which function key is
associated with which foreign character.

     HP LaserJet printer owners note that the printer's internal font 0 will
print all the special characters.

     Due to the inability of some line printers to be able to recognize these
special characters, there is a main menu option that allows you to toggle the
conversion of these special characters to their "normal" letters before being
output to the line printer. Once you have obtained your printout, insert the
special marks by hand. The default condition is to recognize an IBM compatible


     If a multiple choice type quiz has been selected, you will only be given
15 seconds (25 seconds for verb conjugation) to input your answer. If the time
expires before you make your choice, you will be credited with an incorrect
answer. NOTE that these are the default values for the program. These default
values can be changed at any time via a main menu option.

     If you have not chosen a multiple choice type of quiz, you will have to
type in the exact answer. In the case of being quizzed with a noun, you must
also type in the definite article ("the") that proceeds the noun.

     If your original option was the verb conjugation drill, no retesting can
be performed. Also, the diagnostic display will let you know how many of each
person and tense you missed. If you missed more than 3 of any person/tense, an
"*" is displayed beside the applicable person/tense, indicating you need more


     All users who register their program(s) will receive a copy of a Hard
Disk menu system that will enable you to run multiple Language Teacher
programs from a DOS menu written in Turbo Pascal and compiled with Borland
International's Turbo Pascal Compiler. This program will allow you to switch
between any of the Language Teacher programs (up to 7) at the touch of a key.
The menu program will be customized to your specific Language Teacher

NOTE: This program is only available to registered users and is the only
      way to run registered versions of the programs.

NOTE: The hard disk menu system will NOT work with DOS versions below 3.0. If
      you do not have access to DOS 3.0 or above, notify us so that an
      alternative method of running your Language Teacher program can be


     With version 2.x of the Language Series, you have the capability of
editing the vocabulary and phrase files. The editing functions are selectable
from the main menu. With this feature, you can create your own word lists. You
cannot create any additional lists, but you can modify the existing data to
add new items. Note that, due to the complexity of the verb conjugation files,
they cannot be edited.


     With version 2.3, an option has been added to allow you to use your
Language Teacher program like an English/Language dictionary. When choosing
this option, you will be prompted for English-to-Language or
Language-to-English. NOTE that if you enter a foreign language word, the
definite article must also be supplied. This is in keeping with the importance
of the definite article in most foreign languages.

     If you have a registered version of the program and are using the
Language Teacher hard disk menu system with both Language 1 and Language 2,
both Language subdirectory data bases will be searched for a vocabulary match.


     The extent of the vocabulary of each program is given below. Since the
program randomly selects from its contents in each option, you truly have a
thorough drill in each language!

 SPANISH I: 750 Spanish/English word combinations, 1488 verb
            conjugations and 150 Spanish/English phrase combinations.

 SPANISH II: 800 Spanish/English word combinations and 2108 verb
             conjugation forms.

 FRENCH I: 784 French/English word combinations, 1600 verb
           conjugations and 196 French/English phrase combinations.

 FRENCH II: 864 French/English word combinations and 1600 verb
            conjugation forms.

 GERMAN I: 800 German/English word combinations, 1860 verb
           conjugations and 160 German/English phrase combinations.

 GERMAN II: 800 German/English word combinations and 2015 verb
            conjugation forms.

 ITALIAN I: 816 Italian/English word combinations, 1500 verb
            conjugations and 114 Italian/English phrase combinations.


     Many shareware distributors are presently selling evaluation copies of
The Language Teacher series. Buyers should beware of these distributors.
Disks are often sold with missing files, missing or incorrect instructions,
bad disks, etc. We continue to receive an endless stream of complaints from
purchasers of shareware disks. We wish to emphasive that we are NOT affiliated
in ANY way with ANY shareware distributor and, as such, do not receive any
proceeds from the sales of these shareware disks.


1.x - Original version(s) of the Language Teacher series.

2.0 - Series made compatible with and compiled with Borland International's
Basic compiler. Now supplying two versions of the programs: one for use with
non-color systems, and one for use with color systems. Incorporated fixes to
all known bugs. Incorporated all sensible suggestions. Also added a Hard Disk
menu system for registered users. Added the capability of editing the
vocabulary and phrase files.

2.1 - Color and monochrome versions combined into one program, with the
default being the color version. The monochrome version is selected by adding
the command line parameter /M when loading the program. Fixed a bug in which
special characters (entered by using the Alt key and the keypad) could not be
entered. This was actually a bug in the version 1.0 of the Borland Basic
compiler, and not a program bug. Version 1.1 of the Borland BASIC compiler was
used to compile version 2.1 of the Series. Fixed a bug in which editing a
phrase containing a comma (,) would cause the system to crash. Fixed a problem
in which the System Clock was used to time the Multiple Choice option. This
caused the System Clock to be incorrect upon exiting from the program.
Internal program timing now solves this problem. In conjunction with solving
the previous problem, a new option has been added to the Main Menu to allow
the user to manually set the amount of time allowed to make a multiple choice
entry. Added a new main menu option to be able to select between an IBM
compatible printer that can display the IBM extended character set and one
that can't.

2.2 - Version produced for registered owners only. Version incorporates better
"handshaking" with new version 2.2 of registered owner hard disk menu system.
No technical or cosmetic changes made to main program coding.

2.2 - Minor fix to correct problem in which program did not recognize the IBM
compatible printer condition.

2.3 - Added new menu option in which you can use the program like a
dictionary. Vocabulary words can be entered and an equivalent match will be
searched for.

2.4 - 09/25/89 - corrected a bug in French 2 in which French to English
non-multiple choice entries could not be made. Also added a tagline on the
bottom of the word editing screen, displaying the keys associated with the
special French letters.

2.4 - 02/25/92 - corrected a bug in French 1 in which the evaluation copy
would freeze the computer when choosing the phrase translation drill.

2.5 - 04/11/92 - Due to reports of screen clearing problems, recompiled the
entire series, removing special high-speed screen clearing assembly
programming. It appears that this code was causing some problems with certain
BIOSs, especially with "true blue" AT models. Initiated plans to distribute
evaluation versions of the series.

We hope that you have many enjoyable and educational hours working with your

             і            Micro Tutor Products              і               
             і            1819 Millstream Drive             і               
             і          Frederick, MD 21702-3017            і

        Name _____________________________________________________

        Street ___________________________________________________

        City ____________________  State ____________ Zip ________

  і                                                                       і
  і                                             Evaluation      Full      і
  і                                                 Copy        Copy      і
  і    ЪДДї                                                               і
  і    і  і  Spanish I  . . . . . . . . . . . .     1.50       10.00      і
  і    АДДЩ                                                               і
  і    ЪДДї                                                               і
  і    і  і  Spanish II  . . . . . . . . . . . .    1.50       10.00      і
  і    АДДЩ                                                               і
  і    ЪДДї                                                               і
  і    і  і  French I  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1.50       10.00      і
  і    АДДЩ                                                               і
  і    ЪДДї                                                               і
  і    і  і  French II  . . . . . . . . . . . .     1.50       10.00      і
  і    АДДЩ                                                               і
  і    ЪДДї                                                               і
  і    і  і  German I  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1.50       10.00      і
  і    АДДЩ                                                               і
  і    ЪДДї                                                               і
  і    і  і  German II  . . . . . . . . . . . .     1.50       10.00      і
  і    АДДЩ                                                               і
  і    ЪДДї                                                               і
  і    і  і  Italian I  . . . . . . . . . . . .     1.50       10.00      і
  і    АДДЩ                                                               і
  і    ЪДДї                                                               і
  і    і  і  Complete Series (all 7)  . . . . .     9.00       60.00      і
  і    АДДЩ                                                               і
  і                                                                       і
  і                  SHIPPING & HANDLING  . . . . . . .   5.00            і
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  і                                                                       і
  і                  TOTAL (merchandise & shipping)    ________           і
  і                                                                       і
  і                                                                       і
  і          DOS version you are using ____________                       і
  і                                                                       і
  і                                                                       і
  і  Distribution Disk:                                                   і
  і                                                                       і
  і           5.25" - low density (360K) _____ high density (1.2M) _____  і
  і                                                                       і
  і           3.5"  - low density (720K) _____ high density (1.4M) _____  і
  і                                                                       і
  і         NOTE: Foreign orders must be payable in U.S. Dollars.         і
  і               Checks must be drawn on a U.S. Bank.                    і
  і                                                                       і