====================================================================== Title : One Final Stand Author : Tex Murphy E-mail : jman@abelink.com Web Page : http://www.abelink.com/personal/rjcook Description : Welcome to the end of the world! You have proven yourself to be worthy of salvation. Your world has died. The government dropped a bomb ten-thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb on Iraq, in futile attempts to end the war. But something went wrong; the radition entered the atmosphere and blocked out the sun. The world now sits, cold and lifeless, in the middle of a nuclear winter. But, hope remains: a mysterious entity known as The End has decided to have pity upon the world. Five people, strong and brave, have been chosen. They passed the original tests leading here. Now, they will fight, not for themselves, but for humanity. The winner will be granted anything his heart desires, but chose wisely, for gold, power, and health are meaningless, if all of humanity dies. Hints/Tips : The blimb holds a LOT of ammo and weapons. But it can only be openned by shooting the B with an RPG. There IS one RPG on the level, and only five shots. Use it wisely! Additional Credits to : None ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes (2-5 ONLY; anymore will cause Duke to crash!) Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None known. If you find any, email them to me. * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: http://www.abelink.com/personal/rjcook/final.zip ===========================================================================