ADATA UFO tracking facility# date: 6th june 2009@ location: Kenya, Africa@ objective: protection of ADATA installation# protect ADATA installation at all costs# After massive UFO interference with earth space programs, nasa diverted their funding into the construction of a UFO detection system. the anomaly detection and tracking array (ADATA) was almost operational when the aliens launched their first raid...# We have just received word that earth's defence forces have successfully repelled an alien assault on the ADATA UFO tracking facility. Within moments of going on-line the facility made its first important discovery - an alien base in the arctic. The president has entered a maximum security briefing at the Pentagon; an assault on the arctic is expected to be imminent.# News is just coming in of a massive alien assault at the ADATA UFO tracking facility in Africa. The damage to the facility is beyond repair and the casualties are reported to be in the hundreds. With no UFO detection system it can only be a matter of days before the aliens crush Earth's remaining forces.#