## version $VER: OptyCDPlayer.catalog 2.0 (30.Mar.97) ## language fran ## codeset 0 ## chunk AUTH French catalog translation by St phane Barbaray (opty@club-internet.fr) ; OptyCDPlayer.catalog MSG_No_Memory Pas assez de m moire\n\ ;Not enough memory\n MSG_No_Port La cr ation du port a ;Failed to create port\n MSG_No_StdIO CreateStdIO a ;Failed to CreateStdIO\n MSG_Bad_Unit Mauvais p rique ou mauvaise unit ;Bad device or unit\n MSG_Saved %sko / %luko ;Saved %skb / %lukb MSG_Aborted Annul ;Aborted MSG_Unknown_CD1 \x1BiCD inconnu ;\eiUnknown CD MSG_Unknown_CD2 CD inconnu ;Unknown CD MSG_Unknown_Title1 \x1BiTitre inconnu ;\eiUnknown title MSG_Unknown_Title2 Titre inconnu ;Unknown title MSG_Prefs rences ;Prefs MSG_Repeat_All ter tout ;Repeat All MSG_Repeat_1 ter 1 ;Repeat 1 MSG_NoRepeat Ne pas rejouer ;No Repeat MSG_FileToSave Selectionnez un nom de fichier pour l'echantillon... ;Please select a file to save sample... MSG_Repeat_AB ter AB ;Repeat AB MSG_Randomize _Hasard ;_Random play MSG_Intro_Scan _Aper ;_Intro scan MSG_MUINeeded %s V%ld est n cessaire\n ;%s V%ld is needed\n MSG_Disk2DBReq Choisissez les disques ajouter la base de donn es... ;Choose the disks to add to database... MSG_DB2DiskReq Choisissez le r pertoire ou il faut ajouter les disks... ;Choose the directory to add disks... MSG_ABOUT A propos... ;About... MSG_At_Start marrage ;At start MSG_Source Source ;Source MSG_Destination Destination ;Destination MSG_Player Lecteur ;Player MSG_Editor Titres ;Titles MSG_PROGRAM Programmes ;Programs MSG_Sampler Echantilloneur ;Sampler MSG_Left Gauche ;Left MSG_Right Droite ;Right MSG_No_Prg Pas de Prg ;No Prg MSG_Start_Prg Prg de d ;Start Prg MSG_Track Piste ; Track MSG_Index Index ; Index MSG_Title_Time e du titre ; Title time MSG_Remain Restant ; Remain MSG_Total_Time Total jou ; Total time MSG_Disk_Time e du CD ; Disk time MSG_Artist Artiste ;Artist MSG_CD_Title Titre du CD ;CD Title MSG_Title Titre piste ;Track title MSG_Status Status ;Status MSG_Volume _Volume ;_Volume MSG_REPEAT ;Repeat MSG_Save _Sauver ;_Save MSG_Delete _Effacer ;_Delete MSG_Delete_All Effacer _tout ;Delete _all MSG_Start ;Start MSG_Duration ;Duration MSG_File Fichier ;File MSG_Drive_Type Type de lecteur ;Drive type ; (//) MSG_FORMAT Format ;Format MSG_Channel Canal ;Channel MSG_Freq Freq. ;Freq. MSG_Save_Play Sauver _et Jouer ;Save a_nd Play MSG_Ultimate L'outil CDDA ultime ;The ultimate CDDA tool MSG_Global Global ;Global MSG_App_Failed La cr ation de l'application MUI a ;Failed to create MUI application\n MSG_PLAY _Jouer ;_Play MSG_Abort _Annuler ;_Abort MSG_Preview A_per ;P_review MSG_SaveDisk Sauver _DiscID ;Save as _IDdisk MSG_SaveDB Sauver dans _BDD ;Save to _Database MSG_Disk2DB DiscID -> BDD ;IDdisk -> Database MSG_DB2Disk BDD -> DiscID ;Database -> IDdisk MSG_AUDIO Audio ;Audio output MSG_Play16NotExe Ne peut executer Play16! ;Can't execute Play16! MSG_Known_Discs disques dans la base de donn ;discs in Database MSG_DBMerge _Fusionner BDDs ;_Merge Databases MSG_DBView _Voir BDD ;_View Database MSG_DBMergeReq Choisissez le r pertoire de la BDD source ;Choose the directory of the source database MSG_Device Device ;Device MSG_Unit ;Unit MSG_MemType Type mem. ;Mem type MSG_Disks Discs ;Disks MSG_Gadgets Gadgets ;Gadgets MSG_IntroTime Temps intro ;Intro Time MSG_VolType Type vol. ;Vol type MSG_AsyncBuffer Tampon async. ;Async Buffer MSG_Filenote Note de fichier ;Filenote MSG_InvertTime Inverser Temps ;Invert Time MSG_Keys Touches ;Keys MSG_Validate Va_lider ;Va_lidate MSG_Cancel _Annuler ;_Cancel MSG_Previous Prec. MSG_Rewind MSG_Play Jouer ;Play MSG_Stop Stopper ;Stop MSG_Forward Avant MSG_Next Suiv. MSG_Eject Ejecter ;Eject MSG_NotCDDrive Pas un lecteur CD ;Not a CD drive MSG_DBViewer Afficheur BDD ;Database Viewer MSG_DBV_Content \033bContenu ;\ebContent MSG_DBV_Artist \033bArtiste ;\ebArtist MSG_DBV_Title \033bTitre ;\ebTitle MSG_Error Erreur! ;Error! MSG_DBV_Duration \033bTemps ;\ebTime MSG_Search _Chercher ;_Search MSG_Open _Ouvrir ;_Open MSG_Close _Fermer ;_Close MSG_VolumeBoost Boost volume ;Volume Boost MSG_MENU_Project Projet ;Project MSG_MENU_About ?,A propos... ;?,About... MSG_MENU_AboutMUI _,A propos de MUI ;_,About MUI MSG_MENU_Quit Q,Quitter ;Q,Quit MSG_MENU_Prefs rences ;Preferences MSG_MENU_Save S,Sauver ;S,Save MSG_MENU_EditMode _,Mode d' dition ;_,Edit mode MSG_Rezero Stop=RezeroUnit ;Stop=RezeroUnit MSG_CDDevice mode cd.device ;cd.device mode MSG_Prg1 Prg 1 ;Prg 1 MSG_Prg2 Prg 2 ;Prg 2 MSG_Prg3 Prg 3 ;Prg 3 MSG_Prg4 Prg 4 ;Prg 4 MSG_Prg5 Prg 5 ;Prg 5 MSG_Prg6 Prg 6 ;Prg 6 MSG_Prg7 Prg 7 ;Prg 7 MSG_Prg8 Prg 8 ;Prg 8 MSG_AHIReqTitle lectionnez a mode audio... ;Select an audio mode... MSG_8SVXMono 8SVX Mono ;8SVX Mono MSG_AIFFMono AIFF Mono ;AIFF Mono MSG_AIFFStereo AIFF St ;AIFF Stereo MSG_AIFCMono AIFC Mono ;AIFC Mono MSG_AIFCStereo AIFC St ;AIFC Stereo MSG_PCM8Mono PCM8 Mono ;PCM8 Mono MSG_PCM16Mono PCM16 Mono ;PCM16 Mono MSG_PCM16Stereo PCM16 St ;PCM16 Stereo MSG_ADP4Mono AIFF ADPCM4 Mono ;AIFF ADPCM4 Mono MSG_ADP4Stereo AIFF ADPCM4 St ;AIFF ADPCM4 Stereo MSG_MPEG2IIMono MPEG2 II Mono ;MPEG2-II Mono MSG_MPEG2IIStereo MPEG2 II St ;MPEG2-II Stereo MSG_From ;From MSG_During pendant ;During MSG_Replace Remplace ;Replace MSG_AutoShow Auto-Montrer ;AutoShow MSG_AutoPlay Auto-Jouer ;AutoPlay MSG_Tolerant ;Tolerant MSG_Alarm Alarme ;Alarm MSG_AHIUnit ;AHI unit MSG_LTrkNb MSG_LTitle Titre ;Title MSG_LLen Taille