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Here you will know the basics of handling with the AMIGA computer
in order to work successful with ArtStudio.

Moreover it follows a "tour" through the ArtStudio program.

Before you start working...

We suppose that you know your AMIGA and also:

- you are at home in your workbench,
- you control all functions of your mouse (clicking, double clicking,
  pressing and pulling),
- you can move correctly on your screen / windows also by using the
- you can choose the functions from the menues / dialogue fields.

If you don't control these basic-functions you should read the documentation
of your AMIGA computer.

For advance working with ArtStudio we recommend fundamental knowings in
using "ARexx".

How you can help yourself

If you have any problems with ArtStudio please read this hand book first.
Think about the problem occured and the functions which don't want to work
as you have expected. Look into your hand book. The table of contents and
the index will support you in your intention. Was it not successful please
take care if any program works parallelly caused a misfunction (perhaps a
graphic program or other softwares).

If you are convinced of discovering a defect or a bug caused by ArtStudio 
please contact our technical service.

Please note that you must be registered first before you can use the
technical service.

A "tour" through ArtStudio
Now we are starting our "tour" through ArtStudio. Please note the
keyboard shortcuts because we mention only the buttons / menue points.
The using of the keyboard shortcuts saves a lot of time.

How to start ArtStudio

Before start working you must start ArtStudio, of course. You start
the program exactly like other AMIGA programs:

Open the drawer where ArtStudio is included and do a double click on
the ArtStudio symbol, the icon named "ArtStudio".

How to create a new catalogue

The catalogue is the file which includes all datas about your picture
collection to manage. Before beginning to put pictures into your data
base you must create another new catalogue. You open a window with the
menue point "Cataloge->New" and there you fix the default mode of the
new catalogue.

Stamp size

It indicates the size of the miniature pictures which are showed in the
picture window. Let the setted adjustment in this condition or choose a size
you like.


Here you specify the miniature picture are showed in colour or in
greyscales. If you are working with an AMIGA computer with ECS chip
set (every Computer but the AMIGA 1200/4000 models) and you have
not installed a graphic board it is only possible to work with 16
greyscales, 16 colours or in HAM6 mode. In the HAM6 mode the
screen must have a size at least 640 x 256 which functions only with

Base name

Here you state the name of the file. The name will be indicated in the
information part of the ArtStudio window.

After choosing of "Create New" you can enter the path and the name into
the following filerequester in which your new catalogue should be saved.
If you confirm your choose the catalogue will be created and you can start
with the loading of your pictures.

Loading pictures and directories

Before loading pictures and scanning directories you should state the loading
module on the preference window in order to recognize your pictures
correctly. The better way is to use the "Universal" loading module which
recognizes automatically the graphic format to load and starts the
belonging loading module.

Catalog a single picture

All preparations are finished and we can begin now to catalogue 
pictures. First we want to show you how to read separate pictures.

Click on the menue point "Cataloge->OPEN". It comes a filerequester
in which you enter the path where your pictures are. Is this case the
ArtStudio-CD in the directory "Images".

Now we are choosing the picture "Skyline.jpg" and confirming with the
"Load" button. ArtStudio is reading and converting the picture what
can take a little time depending on the power of your Amiga.

After successful working the picture "Skyline.jpg" should appear in
the picture window.

It's possible to search for pictures in the whole directory because that is
far too much trouble to read each picture separately.

Reading of one directory

The reading of whole directories saves a lot of time and efforts. The
computer can work alone and we can drink a cup of coffee comfortable.

Now we want to let searching for pictures in one directory without to take
into consideration further subdirectories (tree scans). Here it is important
that you turn off the button "Tree scan" in the preferences of ArtStudio
thus the searching for tree scans will be stopped.

Now we click the menue point "Catalogue->OPEN", in the filerequester we
choose the ArtStudio-CD and then the directory "Images/Summer". Please pay
attention that you have not chosen file names because then it will be
read only one picture again. After confirming with the "OK" button
the directory will be scanned shortly and the converting will be started.

If you do the things all right then it should appear now 2 pictures
more in the picture window provided that the picture window is big
enough for showing the pictures. If you have 5 pictures in your cata-
logue then you have not turned off the button "Tree scan" in the pre-

The reading of one directory incl. tree scans

It's the mostly used feature for reading pictures. If you would like to
search for pictures on the complete CD-Rom or harddisc then you must
turn on the button "tree scan" in the preferences of ArtStudio what makes
it possible the reading of tree scans. If you do so click on the menue
point "Catalogue->OPEN". If our path has not been chosen so we will do
it again by choosing the ArtStudio-CD.

Now we choose the directory "Images/Summer" and confirm the application with
the "OK" button again. You should pay attention that you have not chosen
a file name because one picture will be loaded again.

The requester ask you what is to do with the existing picture because
you have read now 2 of the 4 pictures. You can choose between the buttons
"Do It", "Do All", "Skip All", "Skip".

We click on the button "Skip All" by that the existing pictures will not
converted again. Further informations about the requester you will find
in the GUI description.

Now you should have 5 pictures in your catalogue. If you cannot see all
pictures please extend the picture window or use the cursor key in order
to watch the non-visible pictures.

Watching pictures

You know how to read pictures so we want to show you how you can view
the pictures.

If you choose the menue point "Images->Zoom" you can see the same
picture 2times extended by a simply mouse click. You can decide
according to preferences if you want more quality or more speed. Please
read also  "GUI description".

All users with graphic boards who working with CyberGFX have the
possibility to vary the size of the zoomwindow. Of course in 24 bit,

For lots of people the zoom function is not enough so we have made it
possible to watch the pictures in full size and great colours.

Before we come to this point we should choose the needed viewermodule in
the preferences first. You will decide for one of the offered viewermodules
according to the configuration of your computer. If you have an AMIGA
with ECS chip set but without graphic board then you should decide for
"ECS_HAM" (colour) or "ECS_GREY" (greyscales). If you have a graphic board
which controls the AGA emulation you can also use the viewermodules
"AGA_HAM" or "AGA_GREY" which bring about a considerable increase of quality
of the showed pictures. Drivers are available for special boards. Please
use the viewermodule which meets the name of the graphic board.

Now we come to the showing of the pictures. Please choose the menu point
"Images->VIEW" first that points to the program that by choosing of one
of the miniature pictures in the window the belonging picture will be

If it not so then an error has occured. Was the switch in the preferences
turned on "Loader Error" and "Pic Warn" then appears an error
information which shows us the mistake. The most frequently mistakes are:
   - Not enough free memory,
   - You have chose the wrong loading module,
   - You have chose the wrong viewer module.

Everyone who don't like the ArtStudio-viewer has 2 further possibilities
to let show the pictures. First you can use external viewers or second
you have the script language "ARexx" which offers you a lot of possibilities.
Hereby we guarantee that later graphic boards and/or viewer programs can be
supported. If you don't know much about "ARexx" please apply to MotionStudios
(provided that you are registered) and we will try to meet your wishes.

Now we want to describe briefly how you can put your own external viewers
into the program:

- Click on the menue point "ArtStudio->Preferences->EXTERNAL VIEWERS".
- Please choose which graphic format should get an external viewer.
- Please choose your needed viewer by clicking on the "Get File"
  button (left by the string gadget).
- You can state certainly adjustments to your viewer if you would like to do this.
- You type the initials "%s" (standing for the path and the name of the
  picture) at this place where the viewer expects the file name.
  Please see also "handing-over parameters".
- Now you must still switch the button left by the string gadgets. 
- Moreover you must switch on the main switch which counts for every external


ArtStudio offers you the possibility to sort your catalogue into 8 several
categories because the readed pictures will not laying in assorted form. In
order to sort a catalogue we click on the menue point "Images->Sort".
According to your choice the catalogue will be sorted into the following

- Name
    Names of the pictures.
- Path
    Path of the pictures on the data medium.
- Picture depth
    Picture depth or known as number of the colours.
- Resolution
    The size of the picture which will be sorted first to the width and
    then to the height.
- Date
    Creation-date of the original picture.
- Stamp date
    Creation-date of the miniature picture.
- Graphic format
    Sorting to several graphic formats.
- Length
    Length of the original picture on the data medium.

Now you can sort your catalogue as you like by simply clicking on one of
the 8 menue points. We want to sort by names of the pictures and use the
"Name" menue point. The catalogue will be sorted and new saved in order to
find the file sorted again when we start once more. Please read also the
point "Sorting windows" in chapter "Worktop description".

Cover the function keys with ARexx scripts

It's very interesting to cover the function keys with ARexx programs
by that you can export pictures into other programs quickly and simply
or you can configure the complete preferences of ArtStudio as you like
or you can drive external viewers etc.

At first we want to lay an ARexx script on the function key "F10". Please
open the ARexx macro window by clicking on the menue point "ArtStudio-ARexx
Macros". Where "F10" is mentioned you enter the path and the name of the
ARexx script or you click on the "Get File" button which opens a filerequester
with this we can search for the wanted ARexx script. In this case we are
looking for the path "ArtStudio:Rexx/" and the name "About.asrx". Click on
"OK" and now in your "ARexx Macro Keys" window appears as follows:


At this program we need not to surrender any parameters. Please save by
clicking on the "Save" button and now we are able to test our first function
key by pressing the "F10" key. The "About ..." window should open in what
you can read address of MotionStudios and their serial number.