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Stamp exist (Stamp exist)

  If a picture already exist in the catalogue, this requester will
  pop up and ask you what is to do with this pictures.
  Artstudio doesn`t manage pictures whom existing twice. That
  means if name and path of the picture is identical with the existing
  one in the catalogue file.

  The picture will be converted new and the data`s will be written in
  already existing place in the catalogue file. If you have two different
  pictures but they have the same name and path the old one will be
  overwritten, irrevocable. The requester will pop up each time if
  Artstudio found an equal picture in the catalogue.

   The same function like "Do it" but the different is, that the requester
   will pop up once more only. After your selection all older pictures will
   replace with the new ones.

  The picture won`t be converted. The requester will pop up on
  every existing picture.

  The picture won`t be converted. The requester will pop up once more only.
  After that all further picture won`t be converted.