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Information Text

In such window you can enter further information textes, for examble a
description of the picture or the origin of it.

  Here is mentioned the written text. You can copy the required text into
  the enter line by double-clicking. You can mark the required line by a
  simply clicking on the mouse.

String gadget
  Here you can change or write the textes new. Moreover the chosed text
  will be shown also here.

  The entered text will be added under the marked text. Wasn't marked
  any text the entered text will be added to the end of the list.

  It's possible to change the text by copying and changing the text from
  the list into the string gadget with a double-click on the mouse.

  The text will be deleted from the list.

  The entered text will be saved.

  The old text will be shown again.

  The window will be closed but the text won't be saved. You should save
  the text at first because the entered text will be lost for ever.