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ARexx Macros

Here you can set a ARexx-script which you use very often on the keys
F1 to F10. Therefore you can start or change comfortable and very quick
Artstudio`s functions or external programs.
In all, you can set 40 functions on the F-Keys, this is possible if you use
the F-keys in combination with the keys SHIFT and CONTROL.
ARexx Macros

  F1 to F10
  If you click the "GetFile" button you can select a ARexx-script
  via a filerequester. Alternatively, you can type in the path and
 name of the ARexx-script direct if you use the string gadgets on the
 right hand of the Getfile-buttons. Just as well you can type in all
 the needed parameters.

 also see section "Handing-over parameters"

  Cycle Gadget

  With this you can change the respective combination. You can select:
  functionkey only, Shift with functionkey, CONTROL with functionkey
  and a combination Control + SHIFT + functionkey.

  Saves the keydeclaration of the F1 to F10 keys into the preferences
  directory. The window will be closed after this.

  Artstudio uses the data which you have typed in but the setting
  won`t saved.

  The new settings will ignore and the previous settings will be retained.