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In this section you can adjust changings at the ArtStudio program which
are not busy directly with the pictures.
Loader Error
When an error has occured while loading pictures, it's possible to
ignore this error report with this switch. For examble a picture CD
don't contains pictures only so it is better to ignore this error
report, also by memory shortage. It is also advantageous if you want
to read in a CD-Rom all night long without getting an error report at
picture no. 97 of 3000 next day and the time has been wasted.
Picture Warn
On: Shows when a picture format was not recognized. But it's like
the "Loader Error". When searching picture CD's it doesn't exist
pictures only but also programs and textes. A requester will be
opened which will show the error.
Off: When a format is unknown Artstudion continious working with the next file.
This is advantageous if you want to let work your computer lonely.
A requester won't be shown and Artstudio will be worked with the next
picture at once.
Fast Zoom
You should switch on "Fast zoom" if you don't set a high value on the
quality when enlarging pictures otherwise the enlarged picture will be
loaded and calculated new.
Is this option activated the program adjustments and the ARexx macro list will
be saved separately for each catalogue. So you have the possibility to
state several ARexx scripts for each base file or several screen sizes ...
Dia Format
On: Miniature pictures will show in a Dia-format. ArtStudio also
displays the picture name and number in the catalogue.
OFF: Miniature pictures will be shown side by side.
By using "Start-up" you choose an ArtStudio catalogue which will be
loaded at once when ArtStudio has been started. If you work mostly
with only one catalogue the procedure of loading will be omitted
after starting of the program.
This makes it possible to choose the directory used by ArtStudio for the
intermediate filing of files/calculations. When working with ADPro or
later versions of ArtStudio you need a lot of memory. If you have
enough memory you set "Temp" on "Ram" by that the picture manipulation
will be faster. If you have not enough memory you should put "Temp" on
the hard disc (for examble "Work:") where are minimal 8 MB disc memory free.
When the pictures are larger you should have more disc memory.
Each program in the multitasking system has a certain priority which
indicates the processing time for that program. When the priority is
high the program will get more processing time to work faster. The
disadvantage is that other programs will be neglected when the prio-
rity is too high and it will be impossible to work with them.
If you want to let work ArtStudio in the background you should use a
priority of -1 or -3. If ArtStudio will be used alone or it has to
work all night long you should use a priority of 3 or 5 by that Art-
Studio could be faster. How much faster please test it by yourself.
You have 2 chances to start ARexx scripts from ArtStudio. The first
chance is the synchron mode that means the ARexx script will be
worked and after finishing, it's possible again to work with ArtStudio.
The other chance is the asynchron mode that makes it possible to
start an ARexx script during working without waiting for the ending
of the ARexx script. In that case it will be renounced of any result.
Moreover in the asynchron mode you can control ArtStudio by Art-
Studio, for examble to change the preferences.