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With the cursorkeys you can move the stamps in the specified direction.
Herewith you have the possiblity to jump to every point of the catalogue
Cursor down:
The stampwindow scrolls upwards and the next stamprow will
be shown.
Cursor up:
The stampswindow scrolls downwards and the previous stamprow
will be shown.
Cursor right:
The stampswindow scrolls to the right side and you will see the
next catalogue-page.
Cursor left:
The stampswindow scrolls to the left side and you will see the
previous catalogue page.
SHIFT + Cursor down:
With this keycombination you can reach the catalogue end or the end
of the category.
SHIFT + Cursor up:
With this keycombination you reach the start von the catalogue or
of the category.
SHIFT + Cursor right
Artstudio jumps to the next marked picture.
SHIFT + Cursor left:
Artstudio jumps to the previous marked picture.