## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_OK_GAD ; _Ok MSG_CANCEL_GAD ; _Cancel MSG_SINGULAR MSG_PLURAL MSG_SRCH_NOMOREFND_REPLACE ; No more occurrences of '%s' found.\n%ld occurrence%s replaced with '%s'. MSG_SRCH_NOMOREFND ; No more occurrences of '%s' found. MSG_SRCH_NOTFND ; '%s' not found. MSG_SRCH_NOMOREFND_REPLACEWW ; No more occurrences of '%s'\nas an entire word found.\n%ld occurrence%s replaced with '%s'. MSG_SRCH_NOMOREFNDWW ; No more occurrences of '%s'\nas an entire word found. MSG_SRCH_NOTFNDWW ; '%s' not found as an entire word. MSG_SRCH_IGNORECASE_GAD ; _Ignore case MSG_SRCH_WILDCARDS_GAD ; _Wildcards MSG_SRCH_FORWARDS_GAD ; _Forwards MSG_SRCH_ONLYWHOLEWORDS_GAD ; _Only whole words MSG_SRCH_REPLACETOO ; R_eplace mode MSG_SRCH_SEARCH_GAD ; _Search MSG_SRCH_CANCEL_GAD ; _Leave MSG_SRCH_LOCATE_GAD ; Loc_ate MSG_SRCH_REPLACE_GAD ; _Replace MSG_SRCH_SEARCHREPLACETITLE ; Enter search/replace text. MSG_SRCH_SEARCHING ; Searching... MSG_SRCH_PKHALT ; Press any key to halt. MSG_SRCH_YNGLOBTURBO ; (Y)es/(N)o/(L)ast/(G)lobal/(T)urbo/(Q)uit? MSG_SRCH_YNGLOB ; (Y)es/(N)o/(L)ast/(G)lobal/(Q)uit? MSG_SRCH_YES MSG_SRCH_NO MSG_SRCH_LAST MSG_SRCH_GLOBAL MSG_SRCH_TURBO MSG_SRCH_QUIT MSG_SRCH_NOTURBOMEM ; Not enough memory for 'turbo' replace. MSG_SRCH_NOWINDOW ; Could not open search window. MSG_SRCH_TURBOREPLACE ; Replaced %ld occurrence%s of '%s'\nwith '%s'. MSG_SRCH_MENU ; \0Search menu MSG_SRCH_SHORTCUT MSG_SRCH_IGNORECASE_MENU ; I\0Toggle ignore case MSG_SRCH_IGNORECASE_SHORTCUT MSG_SRCH_WILDCARDS_MENU ; W\0Toggle wildcards MSG_SRCH_WILDCARDS_SHORTCUT MSG_SRCH_FORWARDS_MENU ; F\0Toggle forwards MSG_SRCH_FORWARDS_SHORTCUT MSG_SRCH_ONLYWHOLEWORDS_MENU ; O\0Toggle only whole words MSG_SRCH_ONLYWHOLEWORDS_SHRTCT MSG_SRCH_REPLACETOO_MENU ; E\0Toggle replace mode MSG_SRCH_REPLACETOO_SHRTCT MSG_SRCH_SEARCH_MENU ; S\0Search MSG_SRCH_SEARCH_SHRTCT MSG_SRCH_LEAVE_MENU ; L\0Leave search MSG_SRCH_LEAVE_SHORTCUT MSG_SRCH_EDIT_MENU ; \0Edit MSG_SRCH_EDIT_SHORTCUT MSG_SRCH_EDIT_COPY_MENU ; C\0Copy MSG_SRCH_EDIT_COPY_SHORTCUT MSG_SRCH_EDIT_INSERT_MENU ; V\0Paste MSG_SRCH_EDIT_INSERT_SHORTCUT MSG_SRCH_EDIT_ERASE_MENU ; \0Erase MSG_SRCH_EDIT_ERASE_SHORTCUT MSG_NOMORE_UNDO ; Nothing more to undo. MSG_NOTHING_UNDO ; Nothing to undo. MSG_NOTHING_REDO ; Nothing to redo. MSG_MAXUNDOLEVELS_TITLE ; Max levels. MSG_MAXUNDOMEMORY_TITLE ; Max memory. MSG_NOT_AREXXFILE ; Sorry - '%s' is not a CygnusEd\nProfessional ARexx command file. MSG_LOADAREXX_TITLE ; Load DOS/ARexx commands... MSG_NO_CAN_READ_AREXX ; Could not read ARexx command file '%s'. MSG_NONULL MSG_GETFILE_FOR_REXX ; Get file for ARexx MSG_GETNUMBER_FOR_REXX ; Get number for ARexx MSG_GETTEXT_FOR_REXX ; Get text for ARexx MSG_NO_CAN_OPEN_CONWINDOW ; Error. Could not open output window. MSG_AREXX_RESULT ; ARexx returned result code %ld. MSG_EXECUTING_YOUR_DOS ; Executing your DOS command. MSG_REQUIRES_RUN MSG_SAVE_AREXX_TITLE ; Save DOS/ARexx commands... MSG_NO_COMMAND_HERE ; No command has been installed here. MSG_REXX_COMMNUM_TITLE ; Command number. MSG_REXXPROMPT ; Enter ARexx/DOS command. MSG_REPEAT_ABORTED ; Repeat aborted! MSG_MACRO_FULL ; Macro buffer is full. Macro has been stored. MSG_FINISH_MACRO_FIRST ; Finish defining the current macro first. MSG_MACROS_CLEARED ; All macro definitions cleared. MSG_LOADMACROS_TITLE ; Load macro definitions... MSG_NO_CAN_READ_MACROS ; Could not read macro file '%s'. MSG_MACRO_MORE_KEYS ; Want to use more keystrokes to invoke this macro? MSG_MACRO_NEXT_KEY ; Choose the next key to execute this macro. MSG_MACRO_STOREREQUESTER ; Would you like the contents of this\nrequester stored in the macro? MSG_MACRO_CANTCLEAR ; You cannot clear macros from inside of a macro. MSG_MACRO_NONETOSAVE ; No macros to save. MSG_NOT_MACROFILE ; Sorry - '%s' is not a CygnusEd\nProfessional macro file. MSG_SAVINGMAC ; Saving macros... MSG_READINGMAC ; Reading macros... MSG_SAVEMAC ; Save macro definitions... MSG_CHOOSEKEY ; Choose key to assign macro to. MSG_MACCANCEL ; Macro definition cancelled. MSG_ENTERFUNC ; Put in macro definition. MSG_NOMACSTR ; No predefined macros stored on this key. MSG_STATUS_CHANGES ; #of lines %-6ldchanges %-6ldsize %-6ld \0 MSG_STATUS_PAGES ; #of pages %-6ldpage %-6ldline %-6ld \0 MSG_STATUS_LINECOLUMN ; %s %c line %-6ldcol %-4d MSG_VIEWTXT ; View #%d \0 MSG_FILETXT ; File: \0 MSG_NEWTXT ; New: \0 MSG_OK_TO_CLEAR ; Ok to clear it? MSG_OK_TO_OVERLOAD ; Ok to load another file over top of it? MSG_LOADFILE_TITLE MSG_LOADFILES_TITLE ; Open file(s)... MSG_SAVEFILEAS_TITLE ; Save file as... MSG_OK_TO_OVERSAVE ; File '%s' already exists.\nSave over top of it? MSG_DIRNAME_TITLE ; Enter directory name. MSG_NO_DIRECTORY ; Could not find directory '%s'. MSG_ALREADY_LOADED_LOAD ; '%s' is already loaded.\nDo you want to load another copy? MSG_ALREADY_LOADED_SAVE ; Multiple copies of '%s' are loaded.\nContinue saving? MSG_SAVE_ERROR ; Error while saving. File not saved. MSG_NO_CAN_RENAME ; Could not rename old file to backup location.\nDeleting old file. MSG_NO_CAN_RENAME_TEMP ; Cannot rename temporary file. MSG_FILE_SAVED_AS ; File has been saved as\n'%s'. MSG_AUTOSAVE_TIME MSG_WHILEREADING ; while reading file MSG_WHILEWRITING ; while writing file MSG_CANTOPEN ; Cannot open file. MSG_SAVECLP ; Save clip as... MSG_SAVINGBLK ; Saving clip... MSG_NOFILCLR ; The file could not be opened.\nClear the current file anyway? MSG_READFIL ; Reading file... MSG_SAVEFIL ; Saving file... MSG_CHOOSINC ; Include file... MSG_WHCRICON ; while creating icon MSG_CONFIRM_THISFILE ; this file MSG_CONFIRM_WILLBELOST ; %ld %s been made to %s.\n%s will be lost.\n%s MSG_CONFIRM_CHANGEHAS_SINGULAR ; change has MSG_CONFIRM_CHANGEHAS_PLURAL ; changes have MSG_CONFIRM_IT_SINGULAR MSG_CONFIRM_IT_PLURAL ; They MSG_CONFIRM_QUIT ; Ok to quit? MSG_NEEDSREQ MSG_NEEDSDISKFONT ; Requires diskfont.library. MSG_NEEDS_ICONLIB ; Could not open icon.library. MSG_EXIT_WAIT_FOR_PRINT ; Can not exit before finished printing. MSG_PRINT_TAB_PROCESSING ; _Tab processing: MSG_PRINTMODE0_GAD ; Tabs to spaces MSG_PRINTMODE1_GAD ; Leave tabs alone MSG_PRINTMODE2_GAD ; Spaces to tabs MSG_PRINT_GAD ; _Print MSG_PRINT_CANCEL_GAD ; _Cancel MSG_PRINT_INDENT_GAD ; _Indent amount MSG_PRINT_TITLE ; Print \0 MSG_PRINT_FILE_TITLE ; file '%s'. MSG_PRINT_NEW_TITLE ; new file. MSG_PRINT_BLOCK_TITLE ; clip. MSG_NO_CAN_OPEN_PRINT_WINDOW ; Could not open print parameters window. MSG_PRINTJOB_STARTED ; Print job started. MSG_CHOOSEFONT_TITLE ; Select a font. MSG_NO_CAN_OPEN_FONT ; Could not open font. MSG_PROPFONTS_ONLY ; Sorry, this is a proportional font and CygnusEd\nonly works with mono-spaced fonts (being a text\neditor rather than a desktop publishing program). MSG_FONTTOOBIG ; The font is too big for this window. MSG_USEPREFS MSG_NOCOLORS ; Colours can only be changed\nwhen on CygnusEd's screen. MSG_DORMANTFOUND ; There is at least one dormant copy of CygnusEd\nalready in memory.\n\nYou can use [Right Alt]+[Right Shift]+[Return] to revive\nit or use [Ctrl]+[Right Alt]+[Right Shift]+[Return]\nto kill it and remove it from memory.\n\nWould you like to run the new copy anyway? MSG_PRIORITY_TITLE ; Priority. MSG_SAVE_DELAY ; Time between saves. MSG_USINGCUSTOM ; Now using custom blitter programming for\nfaster scrolling. May conflict with some\nterminal programs when CygnusEd is scrolling. MSG_USINGSYSTEM ; Now using system routines for scrolling.\nScrolling may be slightly slower. MSG_STILLPUBLIC ; Screen must stay public, there are still\nvisitor windows open on it. MSG_NOWPUBLIC ; Public screen windows can now be opened\non CygnusEd's screen. Screen update and\nscrolling may be slowed. Screen name is\n%s. MSG_NOWPSEUDOPUBLIC MSG_NONE_ON_WBENCH ; These settings only work on CygnusEd's\nscreen. MSG_LOADDEFAULTS_TITLE ; Load environment... MSG_NO_CAN_READ_DEFAULTS ; Could not read default file '%s'. MSG_SAVEDEFAULTS_TITLE ; Save environment... MSG_NOT_DEFAULTS ; Sorry - '%s' is not a CygnusEd\nProfessional default file. MSG_RIGHTBORDER ; Right border: \0 MSG_MAXSCROLL ; Max scroll. MSG_ENTERASCII_TITLE ; Enter ASCII value. MSG_ENTERREPEAT_TITLE ; Enter repeat count. MSG_NOBLOCK_MARKED ; No area marked. MSG_NOAREA_SELECTED ; No area selected. MSG_TYPE_ZERO_ALIAS_TITLE ; Type chr. MSG_LINENUM_TITLE ; Line # MSG_BYTENUM_TITLE ; Byte # MSG_NO_CAN_STRIPCR_VBLOCK ; Cannot change columnar area. MSG_NO_CAN_SAVE_WRITEDISABLED ; Cannot save file. It is write disabled.\nUse the 'protect' command to write enable it. MSG_NO_CAN_SAVE_TEMPFILE ; Could not save temporary file.\nWould you like to save directly\nover the original file? MSG_DOSERR202 MSG_DOSERR203 MSG_DOSERR205 MSG_DOSERR210 MSG_DOSERR212 MSG_DOSERR216 MSG_DOSERR222 MSG_DOSERR223 MSG_DOSERR224 MSG_DOSERR286 MSG_DOSERRUNKNOWN MSG_DOSERR_MESSAGE ; Dos error# %ld - %s.\n%s MSG_FORCEPRIVATE ; CygnusEd is attempting to close its screen.\nPlease close all visitor windows. MSG_TABS_TITLE ; << Use the left mousebutton to toggle tabs, type any key to exit. >> \0 MSG_TABS_PLACE ; Place tab at: \0 MSG_TABS_CLEAR ; Clear tab at: \0 MSG_SETSCROLL_RIGHT ; right \0 MSG_SETSCROLL_LEFT ; left \0 MSG_SETSCROLL_BOTTOM ; btm \0 MSG_SETSCROLL_TOP ; top \0 MSG_SETSCROLL_USE ; Use new scroll borders? MSG_SETRIGHTBORDER_USE ; Use new border? MSG_SETRIGHTBORDER_LARGER ; Would you like to specify a larger number? MSG_BRACKETMATCH_NOMATCH ; I could not find a '%c' to match the '%c' under the cursor. MSG_BRACKETMATCH_NODOUBLE ; I could not find a '%c%c' to match the '%c%c' under the cursor. MSG_BRACKETMATCH_NOBRACKET ; The cursor must be over a '[', '(', '{', '<', '/*',\n']', ')', '>', '}', or a '*/' to use this function. MSG_NOOPWIND ; Could not open window. MSG_WINTOOSMALL ; Window is too small to split. MSG_WINDOW_TOO_SMALL ; Window is too small. MSG_MAXWINREACHED ; Maximum number of windows already reached. MSG_NOMEMCLIP ; Not enough memory to copy area to clipboard.\nDelete area anyway? MSG_NOARSEL ; No area selected. MSG_DELANYWAY ; Delete area anyway? MSG_NOTOINS ; Nothing to insert. MSG_CLIPEMP ; Nothing in the clipboard right now. MSG_NOROOMINS ; No room for insertion. MSG_LINETOOLONG ; Sorry - this line is too long. MSG_NOCURSOR_PAST_MAX ; Cursor not allowed past maximum length. MSG_VIEWONLY ; This file is view only. Toggle the 'Editable file?' option\nin the 'File Settings' menu to make it editable. MSG_INSUFMEM ; Insufficient memory! MSG_ERRPRTDEST ; Error opening print destination! MSG_PRTBUSY ; Printer is busy. Would you like to cancel\nthe current print job? MSG_CHOOSFPRT ; Choose file, or printer. MSG_ERRPRTJOB ; Error creating print job! MSG_RESUME_GAD ; _Continue MSG_TEXTREQ_TITLE ; CygnusEd MSG_SCREENNAME Public screen name: %s\n MSG_NOCANOPENVISINFO ; Cannot get VisualInfo. MSG_CHOOSECLIPNUM ; Enter clip num. MSG_CLIPBOARDCOPYFAILED ; Copy to clipboard failed. MSG_REQUIRESIFFPARSE ; Requires iffparse.library V37. MSG_REQUIRESGADTOOLS ; Requires gadtools.library V37. MSG_REQUIRESASL ; Requires asl.library V37. MSG_REQUIRESLAYERS ; Requires layers.library. MSG_NOCANSETUPHANDLER ; Could not set up handler. MSG_NOCANOPENTEMPFILE ; Could not create temporary file name. MSG_EXECUTEERROR ; Error executing command. MSG_ENTERTOOLNAME ; Enter the icon tool name: MSG_SETSCREENSIZE ; Set screen size. MSG_CED_TITLE ; CygnusEd Professional V%d.%d MSG_RED_SLIDER MSG_GREEN_SLIDER MSG_BLUE_SLIDER MSG_PALETTE_TITLE ; Palette MSG_CHOOSEPUBSCREEN_TITLE ; Choose public screen. MSG_GETCON_TITLE ; Enter DOS/ARexx output file. MSG_FOUNDAUTOSAVEFILE ; An auto-saved version of '%s' is on the disk.\nIt is probably the most recent version of the file,\nleft after your Amiga rebooted without you saving the\nfile. Would you like to load from the auto-saved\nversion of this file? MSG_AREXXPORTNAME ARexx port name: MSG_SERIALNUMBERNAME MSG_CONSOLEOPENFAILURE ; Could not open console device. MSG_CYGNUSEDSERIALIZED MSG_CYGNUSEDBADSERIALIZED MSG_CYGNUSEDNOTSERIALIZED MSG_ENTERSERIALIZED MSG_COULDNTWRITESER MSG_INVALIDSERIAL MSG_STACKTOOSMALL ; Error - stack must be at least 8000 bytes. MSG_UNNAMED ; Unnamed MSG_GETDIR_FOR_REXX ; Get drawer for ARexx MSG_PROJECT_MENU ; \0Project MSG_ENVIRONMENT_MENU ; \0Environment MSG_SPECIAL_MENU ; \0Special MSG_CUTPASTE_MENU ; \0Cut/Paste MSG_SEARCHREPLACE_MENU ; \0Search/Replace MSG_MOVE_MENU ; \0Move MSG_PROJECT_ABOUT ; \0About... MSG_PROJECT_CLEAR ; \0Clear MSG_PROJECT_OPENNEW ; ?\0Open new MSG_PROJECT_OPEN ; o\0Open... MSG_PROJECT_INCLUDE ; O\0Include file... MSG_PROJECT_SAVEBLOCK ; n\0Save clip as... MSG_PROJECT_SAVE ; w\0Save MSG_PROJECT_SAVEAS ; W\0Save as... MSG_PROJECT_SAVEALL ; \0Save all changes MSG_PROJECT_CURDIR ; \0Change current directory... MSG_PROJECT_SPAWNCED ; [Ctrl]+Esc\0Spawn new CED MSG_PROJECT_NEXTCED ; [Ctrl]+N\0Activate next CED MSG_PROJECT_PRINTBLOCK ; p\0Print clip... MSG_PROJECT_PRINTFILE ; P\0Print file... MSG_PROJECT_QUIT ; q\0Quit MSG_PROJECT_SAVEQUIT ; Q\0Save & quit MSG_PROJECT_QUITDIE ; \0Quit & die MSG_GLOBALS_TITLE ; \0Global MSG_GLOBALS_ONWBENCH ; \0Open on public screen... MSG_GLOBALS_SPECIFYSIZE ; \0Set screen type and size... MSG_GLOBALS_DUPWBENCH ; \0Duplicate Workbench size MSG_GLOBALS_MACRO ; \0Macro definitions MSG_GLOBALS_MACRO_BGNSHORT ; m\0Begin short invocation macro MSG_GLOBALS_MACRO_BGNLONG ; M\0Begin long invocation macro MSG_GLOBALS_MACRO_STARTUP ; \0Define startup macro MSG_GLOBALS_MACRO_QUOTE ; \0Quote key MSG_GLOBALS_MACRO_CLEAR ; \0Clear definitions MSG_GLOBALS_MACRO_LOAD ; ;\0Load definitions... MSG_GLOBALS_MACRO_SAVE ; '\0Save definitions... MSG_GLOBALS_PRIORITY ; \0Priority MSG_GLOBALS_PRIORITY_INHERIT ; \0Inherit? MSG_GLOBALS_PRIORITY_USEPRI ; \0Priority xx? MSG_GLOBALS_PRIORITY_SETPRI ; \0Set priority... MSG_GLOBALS_AUTOSAVE ; \0Autosave MSG_GLOBALS_AUTOSAVE_ENABLE ; \0xx min? MSG_GLOBALS_AUTOSAVE_DELAY ; \0Set timer... MSG_GLOBALS_ICONTOOL ; \0Set icon tool name... MSG_GLOBALS_COLOURS ; \0Colours MSG_GLOBALS_COLOURS_CYCLE ; $\0Cycle colours MSG_GLOBALS_COLOURS_ADJUST ; \0Adjust colours... MSG_GLOBALS_COLOURS_WBENCH ; \0Use WBench colours MSG_GLOBALS_SAVEKIND ; \0File save method MSG_GLOBALS_SAVEKIND_SIMPLE ; \0Simple saves MSG_GLOBALS_SAVEKIND_SAFE ; \0Safe saves MSG_GLOBALS_SAVEKIND_BACKUP ; \0Backup to *.bak MSG_GLOBALS_MAKEICONS ; \0Icon creation? MSG_GLOBALS_HOTSTART ; \0Hot-Start enabled? MSG_GLOBALS_AUTOEXPAND ; [\0Auto-expand views? MSG_GLOBALS_KPMOVEMENT ; 8\0Keypad = movement? MSG_GLOBALS_FONT ; \0Select font MSG_GLOBALS_FONT_DISK ; \0Select disk font... MSG_GLOBALS_FONT_TOPAZ80 ; \0Topaz 80 column MSG_GLOBALS_FONT_TOPAZ60 ; \0Topaz 60 column MSG_GLOBALS_RENDER ; \0Rendering choices MSG_GLOBALS_RENDER_CUSTOM ; \0Use custom scrolling routines? MSG_GLOBALS_RENDER_SYSSCRL ; \0Use system scrolling routines? MSG_GLOBALS_RENDER_PUBLIC ; \0Make screen public? MSG_GLOBALS_LOADENV ; \0Load environment MSG_GLOBALS_LOADENV_DEF ; e\0Default MSG_GLOBALS_LOADENV_SPECIFY ; \0Specify... MSG_GLOBALS_SAVEENV ; E\0Save environment... MSG_FILE_TITLE ; \0File MSG_FILE_TABSIZE ; \0Tab size MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_1 ; \0 1 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_2 ; \0 2 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_3 ; \0 3 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_4 ; \0 4 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_5 ; \0 5 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_6 ; \0 6 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_7 ; \0 7 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_8 ; \0 8 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_9 ; \0 9 MSG_FILE_TABSIZE_10 ; \0 MSG_FILE_CUSTOMTABS ; t\0Customize tabs... MSG_FILE_RIGHTBORDER ; ^\0Set right border... MSG_FILE_SCROLLJUMP ; \0Set scroll jump MSG_FILE_SCROLLJUMP_1 ; \0 1 pixel MSG_FILE_SCROLLJUMP_2 ; \0 2 pixels MSG_FILE_SCROLLJUMP_4 ; \0 4 pixels MSG_FILE_SCROLLJUMP_8 ; \0 8 pixels MSG_FILE_SCROLLJUMP_MAXSCRL ; \0Max scroll (xxxx)... MSG_FILE_LAYOUT ; 5\0Layout? MSG_FILE_WORDWRAP ; 6\0Word wrap? MSG_FILE_INSERT ; 7\0Insert mode? MSG_FILE_TABSEQUALSPACES ; 0\0Tabs = spaces? MSG_FILE_EDITABLE ; \0Editable file? MSG_VIEW_TITLE ; \0View MSG_VIEW_STATUS ; \0Status line MSG_VIEW_STATUS_ONOFF ; 9\0On/off? MSG_VIEW_STATUS_CHANGES ; \0Changes MSG_VIEW_STATUS_PAGES ; \0Pages MSG_VIEW_STATUS_ASCII ; \0Show ASCII values MSG_VIEW_WHITESPACE ; \0White spaces MSG_VIEW_WHITESPACE_TABS ; &\0Tabs visible? MSG_VIEW_WHITESPACE_SPACES ; *\0Spaces visible? MSG_VIEW_WHITESPACE_EOLS ; (\0EOLs visible? MSG_VIEW_WHITESPACE_ESC ; )\0Esc codes visible? MSG_VIEW_SCROLLBAR ; \0Scroll bar MSG_VIEW_SCROLLBAR_LEFT ; \0Scroll bar on left MSG_VIEW_SCROLLBAR_RIGHT ; \0Scroll bar on right MSG_VIEW_SCROLLBAR_NONE ; \0No scroll bar MSG_VIEW_SCROLLBORDERS ; \0Set scroll borders... MSG_SPECIAL_VIEWS ; \0View operations MSG_SPECIAL_VIEWS_PREVIOUS ; ,\0Previous view MSG_SPECIAL_VIEWS_NEXT ; .\0Next view MSG_SPECIAL_VIEWS_SPLIT ; d\0Split view MSG_SPECIAL_VIEWS_EXPAND ; ]\0Expand view MSG_SPECIAL_VIEWS_GROW ; [Ctrl]+[Alt]+Up\0Grow view MSG_SPECIAL_VIEWS_SHRINK ; [Ctrl]+[Alt]+Down\0Shrink view MSG_SPECIAL_FORMAT ; \0Format MSG_SPECIAL_FORMAT_FILL ; f\0With fill MSG_SPECIAL_FORMAT_NOFILL ; F\0Without fill MSG_SPECIAL_AREXX ; \0DOS/ARexx interface MSG_SPECIAL_AREXX_SEND ; \0Send DOS/ARexx command... MSG_SPECIAL_AREXX_INSTALL ; \0Install DOS/ARexx command... MSG_SPECIAL_AREXX_LOAD ; \0Load DOS/ARexx commands... MSG_SPECIAL_AREXX_SAVE ; \0Save DOS/ARexx commands... MSG_SPECIAL_AREXX_TONULL ; \0Send DOS/ARexx output to... MSG_SPECIAL_AREXX_TOCON MSG_SPECIAL_AREXX_COM1 ; \0F%d: \0 MSG_SPECIAL_ENTERASCII ; -\0Enter ASCII... MSG_SPECIAL_CENTERCURSOR ; =\0Center cursor MSG_SPECIAL_CENTERLINE ; \x5C\0Center line MSG_SPECIAL_REPEAT ; \"\0Repeat key/menu... MSG_SPECIAL_MATCHBRACKET ; h\0Find matching bracket MSG_SPECIAL_MARKLOC1 ; !\0Mark location 1 MSG_SPECIAL_MARKLOC2 ; @\0Mark location 2 MSG_SPECIAL_MARKLOC3 ; #\0Mark location 3 MSG_SPECIAL_JUMPLOC1 ; 1\0Jump to mark 1 MSG_SPECIAL_JUMPLOC2 ; 2\0Jump to mark 2 MSG_SPECIAL_JUMPLOC3 ; 3\0Jump to mark 3 MSG_CUT_MARK ; b\0Mark MSG_CUT_MARKCOLUMN ; B\0Mark columnar MSG_CUT_CUT ; x\0Cut MSG_CUT_COPY ; c\0Copy MSG_CUT_INSERT ; v\0Paste MSG_CUT_SETCLIPNUM ; \0Set clipboard unit... MSG_CUT_ROT ; \0Rot marked MSG_CUT_STRIPCR ; \0Strip CR marked MSG_CUT_CHANGECASE ; \0Change case marked MSG_CUT_DELETEWORD ; [Ctrl]+Del\0Delete word MSG_CUT_UNDELETEWORD ; [Ctrl]+[Alt]+Del\0Undelete word MSG_CUT_BCKSPCWORD ; [Ctrl]+BckSpc\0Bck Spc word MSG_CUT_UNBCKSPCWORD ; [Ctrl]+[Alt]+BckSpc\0UnBck Spc word MSG_CUT_DELETELINE ; k\0Delete line MSG_CUT_DELETETOEOL ; y\0Delete to EOL MSG_CUT_UNDELETELINE ; l\0Undelete line MSG_SEARCH_SEARCHBACKWARDS ; a\0Repeat search backwards MSG_SEARCH_SEARCHFORWARDS ; s\0Repeat search forwards MSG_SEARCH_SEARCHFOR ; S\0Search for... MSG_SEARCH_REPEATREPLACE ; r\0Repeat replace MSG_SEARCH_REPLACE ; R\0Replace... MSG_SEARCH_BLOCKTOSEARCH ; \0Clip to search buffer MSG_SEARCH_ZEROALIAS ; \0Set ASCII zero alias for search... MSG_SEARCH_CHANGECASELETTER ; g\0Change case letter MSG_SEARCH_CHANGECASEWORD ; G\0Change case word MSG_SEARCH_UPPERCASEWORD ; \0Upper case word MSG_SEARCH_LOWERCASEWORD ; \0Lower case word MSG_SEARCH_UNDO ; u\0Undo MSG_SEARCH_REDO ; U\0Redo MSG_SEARCH_MAXUNDOLEVELS ; \0Max undo levels (xxxx)... MSG_SEARCH_MAXUNDOMEMORY ; \0Max undo memory (xxxxxx)... MSG_MOVE_TOLINE ; j\0Jump to line... MSG_MOVE_TOAUTOMARK ; 4\0Jump to auto-mark MSG_MOVE_TOBYTE ; J\0Jump to byte... MSG_MOVE_SHIFTLABEL ; [Shift]+Cursor keys MSG_MOVE_BEGOFSCREEN ; [Shift]+Up\0Beg of screen MSG_MOVE_ENDOFSCREEN ; [Shift]+Down\0End of screen MSG_MOVE_BEGOFLINE ; [Shift]+Left\0Beg of line MSG_MOVE_ENDOFLINE ; [Shift]+Right\0End of line MSG_MOVE_ALTLABEL ; [Alt]+Cursor keys MSG_MOVE_UP12 ; [Alt]+Up\0Up 12 lines MSG_MOVE_DOWN12 ; [Alt]+Down\0Down 12 lines MSG_MOVE_LEFT12 ; [Alt]+Left\0Left 12 chars MSG_MOVE_RIGHT12 ; [Alt]+Right\0Right 12 chars MSG_MOVE_CTRLLABEL ; [Ctrl]+Cursor keys MSG_MOVE_BEGOFFILE ; [Ctrl]+Up\0Beg of file MSG_MOVE_ENDOFFILE ; [Ctrl]+Down\0End of file MSG_MOVE_PREVWORD ; [Ctrl]+Left\0Prev word MSG_MOVE_NEXTWORD ; [Ctrl]+Right\0Next word MSG_SPECIAL_FORMAT_NUMSPCS ; \0Post period spaces... MSG_NUMSPACES ; Number of spaces. MSG_METAMAC_OKTOCLEAR ; Ok to clear macros? MSG_METAMAC_OKTOOVERLOAD ; Ok to load over top? MSG_METAMAC_LOADFILETITLE ; Load new macro file. MSG_METAMAC_NONETOSAVE ; No macros to save. MSG_METAMAC_ABOUT MetaMac V%d.%d\n The macro editor for use with CygnusEd Professional\n\n Copyright 1991-1998 CygnusSoft Software\n Written by Bruce Dawson, updated by Olaf Barthel\n\n Published by\n Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe\n (www.schatztruhe.de) MSG_METAMAC_ABORT ; User abort requested. MSG_METAMAC_DELETEMACRO_GAD ; Delete Macro MSG_METAMAC_NOCANLOCKSCREEN ; Could not lock screen. MSG_METAMAC_NOCANGETVI ; Could not get visual info. MSG_METAMAC_NOCANOPENWIN ; Could not open up the macro editor window. MSG_METAMAC_NOCANSETUPHNDLR ; Could not set up handler. MSG_METAMAC_SHIFT ; Shift- MSG_METAMAC_CAPS ; Caps- MSG_METAMAC_CTRL ; Ctrl- MSG_METAMAC_ALT ; Alt- MSG_METAMAC_KEYPAD ; Keypad- MSG_METAMAC_AMIGA ; Amiga- MSG_METAMAC_BACKSPACE ; Backspace MSG_METAMAC_TAB ; Tab MSG_METAMAC_ESC ; Esc MSG_METAMAC_DELETE ; Delete MSG_METAMAC_UPARROW ; Up arrow MSG_METAMAC_DOWNARROW ; Down arrow MSG_METAMAC_RIGHTARROW ; Right arrow MSG_METAMAC_LEFTARROW ; Left arrow MSG_METAMAC_HELP ; Help MSG_METAMAC_RETURN ; Return MSG_METAMAC_ENTER ; Enter MSG_METAMAC_FKEYNAME ; F%d MSG_METAMAC_STARTUPMACRO ; Startup macro. MSG_METAMAC_MENUNOTHING ; Menu: Nothing selected. MSG_METAMAC_MENU ; Menu: \0 MSG_METAMAC_SPEC_FILENAME ; Filename data MSG_METAMAC_SPEC_TEXT ; Text data MSG_METAMAC_SPEC_SRCHREPLACE ; Search and replace data MSG_METAMAC_SPEC_NUMERIC ; Numeric data MSG_METAMAC_SPEC_FONT ; Font data MSG_METAMAC_SPECIAL_TITLE ; Select special data type. MSG_METAMAC_NOROOM ; No room to add this to the macro. MSG_METAMAC_NOSELECT_NOCHANGE ; No macro selected to undo changes on. MSG_METAMAC_NOMACROSELECTED ; No macro selected. MSG_METAMAC_NOTFINAL_KEY ; Not a final keystroke. MSG_METAMAC_SELECTED_EMPTY ; Selected macro is empty. MSG_METAMAC_POSITION ; Entry %d of %d. \0 MSG_METAMAC_FILENAME_TITLE ; Adjust filename data. MSG_METAMAC_TEXT_TITLE ; Adjust text data. MSG_METAMAC_NUMERIC_TITLE ; Adjust numeric data. MSG_METAMAC_FONT_TITLE ; Adjust font data. MSG_METAMAC_INSUFMEM_TOADD ; Insufficient memory to add the new macro. MSG_METAMAC_CHOOSEKEY ; Choose key to assign macro to. MSG_METAMAC_DUPMACRONAME ; macro with that name MSG_METAMAC_ALREADYUSED ; There is a macro assigned to this key sequence. If\nyou want to create a longer macro invocation sequence\nalong this tree, you must first delete this macro. MSG_METAMAC_TITLE ; MetaMac MSG_METAMAC_DELETEENTRY_GAD ; Delete entry MSG_METAMAC_INSERTSPECIAL_GAD ; Insert special... MSG_METAMAC_NOCAN_OPENWIN2 ; Could not open macro listing window. MSG_METAMAC_NOCAN_OPENCON ; Could not open console. MSG_METAMAC_TITLE2 ; Macro listing. MSG_MMAC_PROJECT_MENU ; \0Project MSG_MMAC_PROJECT_NEW ; \0New MSG_MMAC_PROJECT_OPEN ; o\0Open... MSG_MMAC_PROJECT_SAVE ; w\0Save MSG_MMAC_PROJECT_SAVEAS ; W\0Save as... MSG_MMAC_PROJECT_UNDO ; u\0Undo MSG_MMAC_PROJECT_ABOUT ; ?\0About... MSG_MMAC_PROJECT_QUIT ; q\0Quit MSG_MMAC_ADDM_MENU ; m\0Add Macros MSG_MMAC_ADDM_FINDSHORT ; M\0Find/Add short invocation macro MSG_MMAC_ADDM_FINDLONG ; \0Find/Add long invocation macro MSG_MMAC_ADDM_STARTUP ; \0Find/Add startup macro MSG_METAMAC_NOFILEFOUND ; No file '%s' found. MSG_METAMAC_INSUFMEM_TOLOAD ; Insufficient memory to load the macro file. MSG_METAMAC_NOUNDOAFTERMOVE ; Sorry - cannot undo changes after you have\nmoved to another macro. MSG_METAMAC_CHANGESUNDONE ; %ld change%s undone in the current macro. MSG_METAMAC_INSUFFORMACRO ; Insufficient memory for this macro. Sorry. MSG_SEARCH_BLOCKTOREPLACE ; \0Clip to replace buffer MSG_CUT_SHIFT_IN ; \0Shift in marked MSG_CUT_SHIFT_OUT ; \0Shift out marked MSG_MOVE_TO_LAST_CHANGE ; \0Jump to last change MSG_REPLACE_GAD ; R_eplace MSG_REPLACE_ALL_GAD ; Re_place all MSG_SEARCH_WRAP_GAD ; Wrap arou_nd MSG_SEARCH_FROM_TOP_GAD ; Begin at _top MSG_SEARCH_SHOW_SUMMARY_GAD ; Show s_ummary MSG_EXPAND_ESCAPE_CODES_GAD ; Expan_d escape codes MSG_REPLACE_MENU ; E\0Replace MSG_REPLACEALL_MENU ; P\0Replace all MSG_WRAP_MENU ; N\0Wrap around MSG_BEGIN_AT_TOP_MENU ; T\0Begin at top MSG_SHOW_SUMMARY_MENU ; U\0Show summary MSG_EXPAND_ESCAPE_MENU ; D\0Expand escape codes MSG_ERASE_BLOCK_MENU ; \0Erase MSG_MARK_WORD_MENU ; \0Mark word MSG_OPEN_WITH_CED_MENU ; Open with CygnusEd MSG_INTRO_TXT CygnusEd Professional V%d.%d\n Copyright 1987-1998 CygnusSoft Software\n Written by Bruce Dawson, updated by Olaf Barthel\n\n Published by\n Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe\n (www.schatztruhe.de)\n\n%s %s\n%s\n This is not a public domain or shareware program. This is a commercial product\n and possession of it by anyone who is not a registered user is both illegal\n and immoral. CygnusEd can be purchased from computer stores everywhere or from:\n\n Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe\n Veronikastra e 33\n D-45131 Essen Germany MSG_REQUIRES_UTILITY_LIB ; Requires utility.library V37. MSG_REQUIRES_KEYMAP_LIB ; Requires keymap.library V36. MSG_CUT_LOWERCASE ; \0Change marked to lower case MSG_CUT_UPPERCASE ; \0Change marked to upper case MSG_CUT_SPACES_TO_TABS ; \0Change marked spaces to tabs MSG_CUT_TABS_TO_SPACES ; \0Change marked tabs to spaces MSG_PLEASE_LOCATE_MANUAL ; Please locate the online manual MSG_COULD_NOT_OPEN_AMIGAGUIDE ; Could not open amigaguide.library V34. MSG_SRCH_SEARCH_AND_REPLACE_TITLE ; Enter search and replace text. MSG_SRCH_SEARCH_TITLE ; Enter search text. MSG_METAMAC_PRINT_MACROS ; P\0Print macro list... MSG_BACKGROUND_PRINTING_TXT ; Background printing in progress... MSG_STOP_BACKGROUND_PRINTING_TXT ; Stop