L ack of software kills the Amiga. Piracy, in all its forms, is equally fatal, especially shareware piracy, because this causes the authors of Amiga programs to migrate (hoping for larger revenues) to the PC or Mac. We have too many examples of good programs killed by piracy - OctaMED, DeliTracker, Spot, too many good authors like Nico Francois or Teijo Kinnunen migrate each day to the PC. | IIt's time to do something about it. In Poland the main reason given as explanation of use of illegal keys, generators or cracks, is the fact that registering a program in our country is often very difficult or even impossible. We decided to resolve that problem and eliminate that argument. That is why AIRI was created - the Amiga Integrated Regsite Initiative. |
The reason of why AIRI exists is one, |
AIRI was created by the initiative of the author of this page. It is now still in development. Our goal is to form a network of registration sites covering the whole of Poland. All people who already run registration sites or want to open such a site (if they for example have a family abroad, which makes payments to the authors easier and minimizes the costs) are asked to contact AIRI using the following address: Attention: AIRI is a non-profit and so far non-official organization. |