Work on Foundation is progressing at an astonishing rate. The game is now getting near to being 80% complete. Due to the massive amount of new ideas however, the release date is now looking more like it will be in Novemeber.
Currently the author is trying to implement Graphic Card support, this is taking quite a long time though due to the lack of support CyberGfx allows for 2D playfields. It is also planned that there will be Picasso support in there too.
New screenshots of the game can be seen around this page, both of these are of the new high-res mode that is going to be implemented. This mode looks excellent and can not really be appreciated by looking at these scaled down images. If you want the original images then either asked them to be emailed or ask me on IRC (Nick being Davey or Enigma, depending on what channel your are on :).
On another note the mug-shots idea, in which you can get a picture of yourself in Foundation is going very well. Currently they have over 200 pictures ready to put in the game, some of which, I am told are very unusual. Hopefully this nummber will continue expanding, if you haven't already entered your photo then go do it right away, instructions on how to do so can be found here.
Remember to stay tuned for all the latest Foundation news...