I am planning to start producing a Space Station Management
Simulation, here is a brief list of what I hope to include:
First of alll you would select your race, and status:
-Military Status : Works for military, little freedom but you get lots
of supplies/crew/fighters supplied to you. You also get defensive
-Corperate Status : Employee of large corperation, bit more freedom
than military, attracts pirates, start with lots of ���. Well supplied
but weak ships/defenses.
-Freelance : Start with large ship and limited capital, total freedom,
no defense, nothing supplied to you.
You would start by selecting a star system. Earth, etc. has a
lot of competion so it would be harder. An isolated system/unxplored
has little competition. You can either use a large ship as a basis
for your station, or have one specially built. A purpose built one is
expensive, but flexably, whereas a ship is limited.. You decide its
location and which planet... You have a limited amount of funds and
you have to make the space station a sucess...
You can help design the station or you can choose between several
basic structures depending on your race. After 6 months the space
staion/ground base is completed and you begin.....
Decide a name for your station. You would have options to rent out
areas to shops, businesses etc.
You have control over docking fees and room prices. Once you declare
the station operational the fun begins.......
You will be able to :
- - Check on the competiton, ie. fees, facilities etc.
- - Declare independance from governent/ Defect to opposing side
- - Sell advertising space on the interior, exterior and on your
- - Get involved with illegal trading, ie. purchase small
station on the rim and use it as a front for illeagal doings......
- - Own many stations
- - Expand space and ground based staions
- - Arm station and build a fleet to defend the station
- - Meet with alien ambassadors (and blow them up)
- - Sabotage other stations, by blockadeing, bombing or sabotageing
facilities/docking bays
- - manage air traffic
- - be affected by wars, pirates, blockades, attacks...
Any suggestions are welcome.
What I need is several people willing to help me, especially
programming (I have a full 14 days experience in C!!), music and
graphics. Anyone who is interested please email me using the subject
Thank you for reading this message.
�Everything mentioned in this document is Copyright of Chris Korhonen,
Sounds pretty good doesn't it? As it says above the programmer is looking for
people to help, if anyone reading this is interested then don't hesitate to mail
the author at the above address.
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