XTR LapTimes
All the tracks have been split over two pages to ease the viewing of them,
pleae select appropirate page.
Includes tracks:- Forbidden Castle 1+2, Grasslands 1+2, Road Circuit 1,2,3 + 1B,
Tropical Islands 1+2
Includes tracks:- Floating City 1+2, Toxic Refinary 1+2, Volcanic Badlands 1+2,
Christmas demo 1+2, CU Land 1+2B
Includes tracks:- Space Port 1,2B + 3, Gothic City 1,2 + 3, Lurve Land 1,2 + 3,
Hell Below 1+2, Road Circuit 4, Grasslands 3, Duplo Bricks 1+2
NOTE:- The data disk tracks will not be used for scoring purposes until all Hall of Fame members have access to the tracks.