Sep. 21 - Peter Mattsson from Sweden
Sep. 14 - Garruchet Regis from France
Sep. 7 - Rask Ingemann Lambertsen from Denmark
Aug. 31 - Sven Thoennissen, Germany
Aug. 24 - Per Dahlberg, Sweden
Aug. 17 - Troy Pladson, US
Aug. 10 - Wolfgang Lenger, Austria
Aug. 3 - Frank Assmus , Germany
As soon as MYST is available, a free copy could be delivered to YOUR door!
It's very simple - every Monday we hide a copy of this picture somewhere on clickBOOM
or PXL computers site -
1. Find it at any time during the week.
2. Below it you will see two fields ("your name" and "your e-mail").
Fill those out.
3. Click on the picture to process your submission.
4. Come back on Sunday and see if you are the lucky winner of
a free copy of Myst.
The following Monday we hide it somewhere else, and a new hunt begins.