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The latest winner of free copy of MYST is Peter Mattsson from Sweden.
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New games on PXL's distribution list - Flyin' high and Trapped 2. Check them out at
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The latest winner of free copy of MYST is Garruchet Regis from France.
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Set of 16 MYST screens from "screen of the day" available for download
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After adding CU Amiga readers' votes, the final wishlist standings are here
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Winner of a free copy of Myst is Rask Ingemann Lambertsen from Denmark.
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Making of Myst updated with pictures of the design process.
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Are you creating killing 3D graphics? Check Project Assassins
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Capital Punishment e-mail offer has expired.
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Winner of a free copy of Myst is Sven Thoennissen from Germany.
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MYST beta testers chosen!
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New clickBOOM banner
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Special offers at PXL's shopping mall
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Finally! Capital Punishment level cheat allows you to choose
among 6 levels when playing in any non-Epic mode