aidata\README.TXT These files are all loaded into memory when the application starts up, and then made active based on the behavior of the active .fli or the player index. Structure: Personality | V Main{who} +------+--------------+--------+ | | | | V V V V I. II. III. IV. Init Begin{who} Diplomacy Endturn | V def_personality_who_{who} + | V def_personality_{behavior clusters} Starting fli files for each personality: personality.fli - unused template for personalities personalityDefault.fli - personalityBarbarians.fli - first fli called for this personality personalityCleric.fli - first fli called for this personality personalitySciFew.fli - first fli called for this personality personalitySciMany.fli - first fli called for this personality personalitySlaver.fli - first fli called for this personality personalityWarFew.fli - first fli called for this personality personalityWarMany.fli - first fli called for this personality Pointed to (one-for-one) by each personality fli: main.fli - unused template for personalities mainBarbarians.fli - first fli called for this personality mainCleric.fli - mainSciFew.fli - mainSciMany.fli - mainSlaver.fli - mainWarFew.fli - mainWarMany.fli - I. Initialization init.fli - used, but not relevant. Defines who I am, what my science should be and how I should settle. Also includes all of the shared inputs and all of the shared outputs. II.(a) Begin Turn (personality specific) beginturn.fli - unused template beginturnBarbarians.fli - beginturnCleric.fli - beginturnSciFew.fli - beginturnSciMany.fli - beginturnSlaver.fli - beginturnWarFew.fli - beginturnWarMany.fli - Define personality files allow us to share the rest of the files: def_personality_who_barbarian.fli - set flags to be the barbarian personality def_personality_who_cleric.fli - set flags to be a cleric personality def_personality_who_scientist.fli - set flags to be a scientist personality def_personality_who_slaver.fli - set flags to be a slaver personality def_personality_who_warrior.fli - set flags to be a warrior personality def_personality_science_fast.fli - set flags to build science slowly def_personality_science_slow.fli - set flags to build science slowly def_personality_settle_dense.fli - set flags to build cities close together def_personality_settle_loose.fli - set flags to build cities far apart personality II.(b) Begin Turn (common) Setup input and output variables: inputs.fli - specific shared variables for strategic system input_responses.fli - all of the memory variables for dip system input_deals.fli - all of the input variables for whether I have deals with opponent outputs.fli - output_aipnames.fli - Set the strategic variables, regarding the desireability to build mines or farms, amount of gold to spend, WGF, etc. set_budget.fli - set_food_or_prod.fli - set_food_or_prod_barbar.fli - set_food_or_prod_sci.fli - set_govern.fli - set_govern_sci.fli - set_govern_theocrat.fli - set_govern_war.fli - set_inst_priority.fli - set_military_readiness.fli - set_military_readiness_bar.fli - set_pw.fli - set_resource_desire.fli - set_resource_desire_barbar.fli - set_science_speed.fli - set_science_speed_high.fli - set_science_speed_slow.fli - set_settle_dense.fli - set_settle_loose.fli - set_settle_density.fli - set_wgf.fli - File for switching the aip files to produce the current aip state: aiploader.fli - III. Diplomacy Pointed to (one-for-one) by each personality fli: diplomacy.fli - template for personalities diplomacyBarbarians.fli - diplomacypeacebackstab.fli - call set_peace and set_backstab diplomacypeaceloyal.fli - diplomacywarbackstab.fli - diplomacywarloyal.fli - call set_loyal and set_war Called by personality specific fli's: diplomacy_set_average_trust.fli - I will keep my word most of the time (unused) diplomacy_set_backstab.fli - I will backstab you diplomacy_set_loyal.fli - I will keep my word even if I hate you diplomacy_set_opportunist.fli - opposite of backstab (unused) diplomacy_set_peace.fli - I am peaceful diplomacy_set_war.fli - I am warlike Systems of rules run once per opponent: diplomacy_begin.fli - do I like you or not diplomacy_pre_incoming.fli - reaction to messages sent to me diplomacy_pre_outgoing.fli - consideration of messages I want to send diplomacy_accepted.fli - reaction to my messages that were accepted diplomacy_rejected.fli - reaction to my messages that were rejected IV. Endturn endturn.fli - used, but not relevant. Miscellaneous files: Text4.txt - excerpt from fsdiplomacy inputs_dip_incoming_mess.txt - strategic_ai_config.txt - used to set threat map cell size (and other strategic map parameters) aipplan.txt - README.txt - this file