1) Step 1 -- personality beginturn_sci_big.fli -- Settle wide plus higher buildings and defense -- 10-20% PW -- 5 Turn to Adv beginturn_sci_many.fli -- Settle near plus higher buildings and defense -- 5 Turn to Adv beginturn_mil_big.fli -- Settle wide plus military units, no walls -- 10-20% PW -- 8 Turn to Adv beginturn_mil_many.fli -- Settle near plus military units, no walls -- 8 Turns to Adv personality_sci_big.fli -- loads proper aips, flis personality_sci_many.fli -- loads proper aips, flis personality_mil_big.fli -- loads proper aips, flis personality_mil_many.fli -- loads proper aips, flis 1a) Step 1a -- avoid duplicate code Each fli now consists of a number of included fli files. This avoids any code dupication. The files are: input.fli -- all input data for beginturn output.fli -- all output data for beginturn selectpop.fli -- place workers based on how many resources are incoming food_or_prod.fli -- rules to divide workers between food and production tiles based on city size. budget.fli -- rules to set Wages aiploader.fli -- rules to load aips for war, peace, islands 2) Step 2 -- AIPs early_science.AIP -- rush to University, ratio attack:defense 1:5 units early_mil.aip -- rush to Knight, ratio attack:defense 2:1 units 3) Step 3 -- Profile Change the profile to support the four personalities.