From: Mechanime Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 09:41:46 EDT FIGHTING BUJUTSU FAQ/MOVE LIST v1.0 by Mech =INTRODUCTION= Specials moves may be linked in strings marked that way. Remember that Well, there was no real FAQ for this game, and it was requested on the list at GameFAQs, so I thought that I'd share what little I know. First of all, FB is Konami's new fighting game, which is the first to use the COBRA arcade board, which, according to Gaming Age News, can process up to 5 million polygons per second. For those of you who have never heard of the game, it is a semi-realistic fighter in the style of Virtua Fighter, but with no jumping, similar to the PlayStation game VS. The backgrounds and characters are displayed beautifully, and is said to be easier to play than Virtua Fighter. There are also Knockout moves, which can only be performed when the circular gauge next to the lifebar is filled. Keep in mind that I haven't had the chance to play this game yet, so I am only listing information found from various gaming mags and online sources until I get some help or someone takes this FAQ over. Now to the moves list.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =MOVES KEY= UB U UF O O O \ | / B O- O -O F / | \ O O O DB D DF P = Punch K = Kick G = Guard x,y = Press "x" then "y" a -b -c -d = After you press "a", you can press either "b" or "c". After "c", you can also press "d". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =MOVES LIST= ------- Description: Well-rounded fighter -COBRA- ------- Style: Muay-thai P -P -P,K -F,P -K -B,P,B,P,P -DF,P -B,B,P,P,K -B,P,B,P,P K,F,K,K B,P,P,P,P DB,K+G,F,P ------- Description: Powerful Grappler -HEIFU- ------- Style: Rakan-ken P -P -P,P,P+K -P+K -DF,P,P DF,P+K,P,D,P F,P+K,P,P,P -P,P+K -D,P,P B,B,P,P,P,F,P+K F,F,P,P,P -------- Description: Average Akira-type fighter -HIBIKI- -------- Style: Okinawan Karate P,P -P -P -B,F,P -F,P,B,P,P,K F,P,P F,F,P F,P+K,F+P+K,F+P+K B,DF,P+K F,K,K --------- Description: Good with Kicks -HUA-YUE- --------- Style: Kei-i-ken P,P,P,P P+K+G,P,P,P+K B,F,P+K+G (close) D,P,P DF,P+K,F,P F,P+K,P,P --------- Description: Speedy, weak fighter -RAN-FUN- --------- Style: Taikyokuken P,P -P -D,P -F,K -P+K -F,P,P,P -F,B,K P+K,P,P F,P,P,P,F,P,P U,P+K,K,K F,DF,D,DB,B+P+G ---------- Description: Average fighter with mostly punches -SCORPION- ---------- Style: Martial Arts (?) P+G B,P,K B,K+G DF,P+K F,P+K+G UF,K,K U,K F,DF,D,DB,B+P+K+G (close) --------- Description: Balanced, but with mostly punch combos -SETSUNA- --------- Style: Koppo Karate P+K,P,P,P,P K+G,K,P,P+K B,P,P,P,P,K F,P+K,P,P -P,K -K ---------- Description: Like Wang from Tekken -SHIN-KUE- ---------- Style: Taikyokuken F,P,P -P -P -K -F,K,K -B,F,P -DF,P -F,P,P,P -B,P,P F,P+K+G -P -K -------- Description: Similar to Lei from Tekken -SHO-FU- -------- Style: Rakan-ken P,P,P,P,P+K P,DF,P,P -P -D,P DF,P+K,P,D,P F,P+K,P,P,P,P,P+K F,F,P,P,P,F,P+K ----------- Description: Mostly punches, with some kicks -TETSUSHIN- ----------- Style: I-ken P -P -P,DF,P+K,P,UB,P,F,P -B,P,D,P -DF,P,P -F,P,P B,B,P,P DF,P,P,B,P,P F,P+K,P,P -P -D,K --------- Description: Quick with moderate power -TSUBAKI- --------- Style: Jyu-jyutsu P,P,P,P,B,F,P -P,P -P+K,P B,F,P -P,P -P+K,P+K DF,P+K,P,P F,P,B,F,P -P,P -P+K,P+K F,DF,D,DB,B+P+G ------ Description: Like Tekken's Baek -YOUN- ------ Style: Tae Kwon Do P -P,B,K,K -B+P,B+K,B+K K+G,K,D,K DB,K,K,F,K F,K,K,K B,DB,D,DF,F+P+K+G ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =TRICKS/SECRETS= -Each button you choose your character with on the select screen chooses a different outfit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =CREDITS= A special thanks goes to: Konami (For the game) EGM2 (For most of the moves in this list) If you'd like to contribute, e-mail me at: