= = = = S A M U R A I S H O D O W N 6 4 = = = = C O M P L E T E M O V E L I S T A N D F A Q = = = = = = FAQ VERSION : 1.01 = = = = = = Made by Rurouni Sephiroth © Created on : 17/3/1998 Copyright c Rurouni Sephiroth 1998 < sephiroth@pacific.net.sg > Updated on : 17/5/1998 Note : This movelist/faq/combos faq is copyright Rurouni Sephiroth 1998 . All the information in this movelist/faq/ combos is absolutely free but please do not use it in any profitable ways or distributing it without my permission . You are not allowed to edit this movelist/faq/combos without my permission . All credits should be given where it is due . = = = = S A M U R A I S H O D O W N 6 4 = = = = C O M P L E T E M O V E L I S T A N D F A Q = = = = = = FAQ VERSION : 1.01 = = = = = = ================= C o n t e n t s ================= S e c t i o n ( 1 ) - Story - S e c t i o n ( 2 ) - Moves Legend - S e c t i o n ( 3 ) - Game Systems - S e c t i o n ( 4 ) - Movelists - S e c t i o n ( 5 ) - Codes - S e c t i o n ( 6 ) - Special Thanks - =============================== S e c t i o n ( 1 ) - STORY - =============================== It was autumn , 1789 . Amakusa and Mizuki were destroyed . However , there were many cases of the disappearance of unborn babies in various places , and a rumour of a mysterious puppeteer has been going around . The swordsmen have a feeling that an extrodinary event never experienced before would take place . Yes , at last the worst in the world of the devils has started working ! Story From Gunsmith's FAQ ======================================== S e c t i on ( 2 ) - MOVES LEGEND - ======================================== ========== NOTATION ========== ub u uf Up Back : ub Up : u Up Forward : uf \ | / b -- N -- f Back : b Neutral : N Forward : f / | \ db d df Down Back : db Down : d Down Forward : df A , B , C , D Button A - - - - A , B , C , | | | | D | | | | | Button D | | Button C | | Button C | Button B | Button B Button D Button A [ This are the usual Buttons layout in most arcades ] Button A : Light Punch Button B : Light Kick Button C : Heavy Punch Button D : Heavy Kick Button A : Punch Button B : Kick Button C : Slam Button D : Axis Shift / Run Button AB : Heavy Attack ( Press A and B together ) Button CD : Combo Attack ( Press C and D together ) ===================== CONTROLLER NOTATION ===================== bk = back db = diagonal back / down back dn = down df = down forward fw = forward uf = up forward u = up ub = up back N = neutral qcf = quarter circle forward ( d,df,f ) dcb = quarter circle back ( d,db,b ) hcf = half circle forward ( b,db,d,df,f ) hcb = half circle back ( f,df,d,db,b ) dp = dragon punch ( f,d,df ) rdp = reverse dragon punch ( b,d,db ) s = stor for 2-3 seconds ( hold back ) * = Desperate Move ! = Can Counter ======================================== S e c t i o n ( 3 ) - Game Systems - ======================================== - - Bust and Slash - - There are two types modes for a player to choose in the game . One is called Slash and the other is called Bust . Each mode has it own sets of moves . There are no such thing as which mode is better it just depends on which sets of moves you like best or you are better of with . - - Rage Gauge Bar - - This is a gauge just below your life meter . Whenever you do a special move or get hit it will increase your rage bar by a bit and when your gauge is fully charged you will be able to perform a power up version of your special move or do your DM ( desperate move ) . Beside doing those things , you will also be able to do the " Final Blow " by pressing the buttons BCD or ABC together and once upon hitting your opponent it will do mega damage depending on how much life you have left , the lesser your life meter is the more damage the " Final Blow " will be . - - Stamina Bar - - This is a bar at the corner of the screen , the more you jump or attack your opponent your stamina bar will decrease . Once all the the stamina has been used up your Character will become tired or stun . So attack wisely . - - Ultimate Combo - - The ultimate combo are activated by pressing the buttons CD together , you will be able to do a cotinuous combo attack on your opponent by pressing A 5 times and then press B all way until your character does the finishing move or you can press A all the way . The same thing goes to the B button . You can either press B 5 times then A all the way till you character does the finishing move or B all the way . However , the CD attack must hit your opponent . The ultimate combo can be halted but under what circumstances it can be stopped i am not very sure . One more thing if you use the Ultimate Combo , it will also deduct your stamina bar . =================================== S e c t i o n ( 4 ) - Movelists - =================================== H a o h m a r u ================ Standard Moves ================ A B AB bk + A fw + B crouch + AB df + A df + B db + B df , df + B crouch + A crouch + B dn , N ,A crouch + BC jump + A jump + B jump , dn + A ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , B A , B jump + AB , fw + B df , df + B , B ======= SLASH ======= Cresent Slash (!) : dp + B Cyclone Slash : qcf + B Exploding Slash : rdp + A or B Uchiotoshi : bk + BC Crosswind : qcf +AB ( Max ) Demon Sealer (*) : bk , fw , df , dn +AB ====== BUST ====== Cresent Slash (!) : dp + B Power Burst : dp + A Tsunami Slice : qcf + A Liquor Bottle Attack : qcb + A - Renkangouha : qcb + A , qcb + B , fw + AB note : This can only be performed after you hit your opponent with the liquor bottle attack . - Seikouzan : rdp + AB note : After finishing Renkangouha do Seikouzan immediately . ( Max ) Demon Sealer (*) : bk , fw , df , dn + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== N a k o r u r u ================ Standard Moves ================ A B AB fw + A fw + B BC df + A df + B ub + B fw , fw + B df + AB crouch + A crouch + B crouch + AB crouch + BC jump + A jump + B jump + BC ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , B , bk +B A , B ======= Slash ======= Kamui Rimuse (!) : rdp + A Rera O Chikiri : dp + C Annu Mutsupe : bk , db , dn + A Lela Mutsupe : bk , db , dn + B Shichikapu Itou : qcf + A Shichikapu Amu : qcf + B Mamahaha Nitsugamaru : qcb + D Kamui Mutsupe : while in Mamahaha Nitsugamaru press AB ( Max ) Irusuka Yatoro Rimuse (*) : qcf + AB ====== Bust ====== Kamui Rimuse (!) : rdp + A Rera O Chikiri : dp + C Annu Mutsupe : bk , db , dn + A Lela Mutsupe : bk , db , dn + B Running Chest Jab : qcf + C Enbusoushou : B + C , A Enbugokyaku : B + C , B Shikuruu O Naderu : dn , dn + AB Kamui Shikite : qcf + A ( Max ) Irusuka Kamui Shikite (*) : qcf + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== R i m u r u r u ================ Standard Moves ================ A B AB BC fw + A fw + B bk + B df + A df + B ub + B fw , fw + A dn , N + AB crouch + AB crouch + BC crouch + A crouch + B jump + A jump + B jump + BC ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , B AB , B bk + B , B ======= Slash ======= Teruke Pon Onkamikuru : dn + C Rupushi Kuare (!) : qcf + A ( + A ) Konru Nonno : dp + B Rupushi Teku Numu : hcb + C Upon Opu : qcf + B Konru Shiraru : jump then dn , dn + A ( Max ) Rupushi Kamui Imushi (*) : qcf + AB ====== Bust ====== Teruke Pon Onkamikuru : dn + C Rupushi Kuare (!) : qcf + A Konru Memu : qcb + A Kamui Shitouki : qcf + B Konru Shiraru : jump then dn , dn + A Rupushi Toumu : dn , dn + AB ( Max ) Rupushi Kamui Imushi (*) : qcf + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== K a z u k i K a z a m a ================ Standard Moves ================ A B bk + A ub + B AB fw + AB crouch + A crouch + B dn + B df + A df + B fw + A fw + B bk + B BC df + AB df , df + A df , df + B fw , fw + A fw , fw + B bk , fw + A bk , fw + B crouch + AB jump + A jump + B jump + AB ================= Standard Combos ================= A , B A , A , dn + B , B A , A , B A , A , A , B , fw + B df + A , B crouch AB , AB fw + A , bk + B df + AB , B BC , B bk , fw + B , B , A bk , fw + B , B , B bk , fw + B , B , dp + C bk , fw + A , fw + AB , fw , fw + AB ======= Slash ======= Fire Ball (!) : qcf + A or B Big Explosion : dp + A or B Fire Swipe : after getting hit press AB Flaming Blast : rdp + B Flames Of Disaster (!) : rdp + A Shyunetsujigoku Neimon : ( close ) dp + C Shyunetsujigoku Bouboku : ( close )dp + C , dp + B ( Max ) Daienshou (*) : hcb + AB ====== Bust ====== Fire Ball (!) : qcf + A or B Enmetsu : qcb + A or B Flaming Blast : rdp + B Rikudouretsuka : ( normal circumstances ) dp + A or B , B , dp + B ( Max ) dp + A , B , B , dp + B , dp + AB , dn , dn + AB Enjyakakusei : dn , dn + AB Koruikakusei : ( during Enjyakakusei ) dn , dn , dn + AB Koruikakusei Kieji : ( during Koruikakusei ) A Koruikakusei Haeru : ( during Koruikakusei ) B Shunetsujigoku Neimon : ( close ) dp + C Shunetsujigoku Bouboku : ( close ) dp + C , dp + B ( Max ) Daienshou (*) : hcb + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== S o g e t s u K a z a m a ================ Standard Moves ================ A B fw + B bk + B AB BC BD df + A df + B uf + B crouch + A crouch + B crouch + AB dn , N + A db + B dn , N + AB dn , N + BD jump + A jump + B jump + AB ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , A , B A , B A , A , B fw + A , df + B fw + A , dn + B BC , B BC , df + B BC , dn + B df + B , B dn , N + A , A , B dn , N + A , B AB , dn + AB ======= Slash ======= Rising Moon : qcf + A or B Moonlight : dp + A ot B Hidden Moon : qcb + A or B or C New Moon : while in air qcb + C Elf Summons (!) : rdp + A Mikasaki : after getting hit press AB ( Max ) Batsushou Suichouha (*) : hcb + AB ====== Bust ====== Lunar Ring Swing : qcf + A or B note : This move can be performed in the air . Water Cyclone Dance : ( normal circumstances ) dp + A , B , dp + B ( Max ) dp + A , B , B , B , B , dp + AB New Moon : while in air qcb + C Suijyakakusei : dn , dn + AB ( Max ) Batsushou Suichouha (*) : hcb + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== G a l f o r d ================ Standard Moves ================ A B AB fw , fw + A bk + B crouch + A crouch + B crouch + AB dn , N + A dn , N + AB df + A df + B fw + B ub + B fw , fw + B fw + AB BC df , df + B ( Bust Only ) jump + A jump + B jump + AB ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , A A , A , fw + A A , B df + B , B bk + B , dn + AB fw , fw + B , bk + B , fw + AB fw , fw + B , dn + B , bk , fw + AB , dp + BC ======= Slash ======= Replica Attack : hcb + A or B Shado Kopi : fw , hcf + A or B Rush Dog (!) : qcf + A Machine Gun Dog : qcf + B Replica Dog : qcb + A O Ba Hetsudokuratsushu : qcb + B ( Max ) Mega Sutoraiku Dotsugu (*) : qcf + AB ====== Bust ====== Replica Attack : hcb + A or B Shado Kopi : fw , hcf + A or B Plasma Blade : qcf + A Plasma Supagu : while in Plasma Blade press AB Plasma Break (!) : dp + B Puruzuma Fuakuto : dn , dn +BC Sutoraikuhetsuzu : ( close ) dp + C Raitoningusuratsushu : qcf + B ( Max ) Raitoningusutoraiku Suri (*) : qcf + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== U k y o T a c h i b a n a ================ Standard Moves ================ A fw + A B fw , fw + B fw + B bk + B AB crouch + B crouch / db / dn + A db / df + AB df , df + B df + A df + B crouch + A crouch + AB jump + A jump + B jump + AB uf + B ================= Standard Combos ================= fw + A , B , B fw + A , dn + B fw + B , B A , A df + B , B ======= Slash ======= Hiken Sasameyuki (!) : qcb + A Hiken Sasameyuki : qcb + D Sabre Swallow Swipe : while in air qcf + B Faint Slash : qcf + B Hiken Tensou No Gamau : hcb + C Hiken Amat Su Kaze : hcb + A Hiken Shimo Kaze : hcb + B ( Max ) Hientoujin (*) : bk , fw , df , dn + AB ====== Bust ====== Hiken Sasameyuki (!) : qcb + A Hiken Sasameyuki : qcb + D Sabre Swallo Swipe : while in air qcf + B Hibari : qcb + B Makigumo KounoKata : bk + BC Makigumo HeinoKata : dn + BC Vaccum Slash : rdp + A ( Max ) Heintoujin (*) : bk , fw , df , dn + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== H a n z o H a t o r i ================ Standard Moves ================ A B df + A df + B fw + B uf + B AB fw + AB crouch + A crouch + B crouch + AB dn , N + A dn , N + B BC jump + A jump + B jump + AB ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , A , A A , A , B A , A , C dn , N + A , A , B dn , N + B , B df + B , dn + AB ======= Slash ======= Ninja Shurikens : qcf + A note : This move can be performed in the air Ninbou Kababunshin : fw , hcf + A or B Ninbou BakuenRyuu (!) : qcb + A Ninbou Utsusemi Tenbu : hcb + A Ninbou Utsusemi Jizan : hcb + B Ninbou Bakuenmijingaku : dp + B Ninbou Bakenjin : qcb + C Ninbou Kagemai : dn , dn + BC ( Max ) Midareretsubuushuriken (*) : qcf + AB ====== Bust ====== Ninja Shurikens (!) : qcf + A note : This move can be performed in the air Ninbou Kababunshin : fw , hcf + A or B Ninbou Shizune : dn , dn + A Ninbou Kirumai : rdp + A or B or C or D Ninbou Kumobashi : df , df Ninbou Bakuin : after getting hit press BC Shrike Drop : ( close ) dp + C Upper Counter : bk + BC Middle Counter : db + BC Low Counter : dn + BC Kai : while in Low Counter BC , A , D Sen : while in Kai ABC , B , BCD , C Final Blow : while in Sen A , C , B , D , AB , CD , ABCD Batsu : ( close ) hcf + C Obaro : while in Batsu B , C , BC Kai : while in Obaro A , C , B , D , BC Rin : while opponent is crouching dn + C or while in Batsu A , B , C , D Gan : while in Rin AD , BC , ABCD Rai : ( close ) hcb + C Mei : while opponent is lying down df + C or while in Rai D , C , B , A Gou : while in Mei ABCD , CD , AB Goku : while opponent is lying down db + C or while in Rai AB , CD , BC Sai : ( close ) bk + C Kasumi : uf + C ( Max ) Shin Mozuotoshi (*) : ( close ) dp + AB note : all the moves above are multipart of low counter , a special slam can be done after you counter you opponent with the upper counter or middle counter eg , hcf + C or dp + C . =============================================================================== =============================================================================== H a n m a Y a g y u ================ Standard Moves ================ A B bk , fw + B AB fw + B df + AB bk + A bk + AB bk , fw + AB dn , N + A crouch + A crouch + B crouch + AB df + A df + B bk + B db + B fw + AB jump + A jump + B jump + AB dn , N + B dn , dn , dn + AB ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , B A , A , fw + B , A , B A , A , bk + B , A , B AB , B fw + AB , fw + AB dn , N + A , A , A dn , N + A , A , B dn , N + A , B , B bk + B , fw + B , AB bk + A , B , A , B bk + A , fw + AB df + A , fw + AB dn , N + B , B , B ======= Slash ======= Tetsusaigan (!) : qcf + A Tamagome : qcf + A Urayagyuuryuu Tsutsutou : bk + BC Picking Up : ( close ) dp + C Pick Up And Walk : hold on to C then walk Houriage : df , df + C Oosotogari : ( close ) fw + C Tomoenage : ( close ) db + C Yamaarashi : hcf + C Urayagyuuryuu Tousasu Shishihakaigata : while in Houriage hcf + C Urayagyuuryuu Tousasu Funsaidairasuka : while in Houriage hcb + C Urayagyuuryuu Wadaenshinnage : fw , fw + C Urayagyuuryuu Zugairakusai : while opponent is crouching df + C ( Max ) Tetsusairengougan (*) : qcf + AB ====== Bust ====== Tetsusaigan (!) : qcf + A Tamagome : qcf + A Urayagyuuryuu Tsutsutou : bk + BC Picking Up : ( close ) dp + C Pick Up And Walk : hold on to C then walk Urayagyuuryuu Shingaku : fw , fw + B Urayagyuuryuu Manjiashiba : hcf + B Urayagyuuryuu Sakataki : df , df + B ( Max ) Fuirinkazan (*) : qcb + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== S h i k i ================ Standard Moves ================ A B fw + A fw + B AB df + AB db + AB df + A df + B fw , fw + B bk + B df , df + B fw , fw + A db + B ub + B dn , N + B crouch + A crouch + B crouch + AB back towards enemy AB back towards enemy BC back towards enemy CD BC jump A jump B jump AB ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , B A , A , fw + B A , B , u + B A , A , df + B fw , fw + A , B , ub + B fw , fw + A , B , df + B db + AB , B db + AB , df + B db + AB , dn , N + B db + AB , uf + A dn , N + B , fw + B crouch AB , fw + B ======= Slash ======= Dew Flash : qcf + A note : press C to stop , press A to stop the slice attack . Heavenly Blast . Yang (!) : dp + B Heavenly Blast . Ying : while in Heavenly Blast . Ying bk + B Kubikatana : bk + C Yomiotoshi : ( close ) dp + C Narakuotoshi : while in Yomiotoshi bk , fw + B Kageyomi : while in Narakuotoshi AB Lotus Dance : qcf + C Kuuge A : uf + A Kuuge Un : ub + A ( Max ) Tenmahajyun (*) : dp + AB ====== Bust ====== Sara (!) : dp + B Souju : while in Sara bk + B Setsuna : qcb + A or B or C or D or AC or BC or AD or BD Muyuuka : rdp + C Mumyo : dp + C Harai : when you have very little blood dp + C Fortune's Wheel : qcf + A Shikishiyu : qcf + C Kuuge A : uf + A Kuuge Un : ub + A Mujyou : rdp + A ( Max ) Nehan (*) : dp + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== G e n j u r o K i b a g a m i ================ Standard Moves ================ A B AB bk + A bk + B fw + B fw , fw + B df + A df + B db + A db + B fw + AB df , df + B crouch + A crouch + B crouch + AB jump + A jump + B jump + AB ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A A , B bk + A , B , B bk + B , B fw + B , B fw + B , dn , N + B fw , fw + B , B fw + AB , A , B ======= Slash ======= Kouyokujin (!) : dp + B Oikazan : qcb + A Sanrensatsu : qcf + B note : this move can be done 3 times continuously Death Drop : dp + C ( Max ) Gokouzan (*) : bk , fw , df , dn + AB ====== Bust ====== 100 Demons Kill (!) : d , db , bk , fw + B Purple Sunset : rdp + A Draggin Around : qcf + C Upper Counter : bk + BC Middle Counter : db + BC Gashintotsu : bk , fw + AB ( Max ) Gokouzan (*) : bk , fw , df , dn + AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== K u r o k o ================ Standard Moves ================ A B bk + A ub + A AB fw + AB crouch + A crouch + B dn , N + A dn , N + B dn , N + AB df + A df + B df + AB fw + A fw + B bk + B db + A db + B df , df + A df , df + B fw , fw + A fw , fw + B bk , fw + B crouch + AB crouch + BC crouch , df + A uf + A uf + B ub + B BC jump + A jump + B jump + AB jump + BC ================= Standard Combos ================= A , A , dn , N + B , B A , A , B A , A , A , b , fw + B crouch AB , AB fw + A , bk + B bk , fw + B , B , A bk , fw + B , B , B bk , fw + B , B , dn , N + B , B df + B , B ========== No Modes ========== Batsu : ( close ) hcf + C Rai : ( close ) hcb + C Sai : ( close ) ub + C Rin : ( close ) dn + C Nyau : df , df + C Kasumi : uf + C Upper Counter : bk + BC Middle Counter : db + BC Middle Counter Raku : after Middle Counter press A Middle Counter Batsu : after Middle Counter press B Middle Counter Rai : after Middle Counter press C Kumobashi : qcf + D ( Max ) Kurokoryuu Mozuotoshi : AB =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================== S e c t i o n ( 5 ) - Codes - =============================== ==================== E a s y M o d e ==================== When you are chosing the Bust an Slash mode before the battle , hold start before selecting them with A or B . ======================== K u r o k o C o d e ======================== While selecting your favourite character , hold CD then press A , when the screen for selecting the Bust and Slash mode appears , hold C then press A or B . note : this code only works in VS not against the CPU . ================================== S h a d o w l e s s T h r o w ================================== This move only works for Hanzo Hatori , this is actually a bug in the game . When Hanzo's power bar is full do the shuriken throw move and make sure it hits your opponent . Then immediately do hcf + C if you see him doing the mutlipart then you have suceeded and you can finish doing the whole set of mutlipart . ======================================== S e c t i o n ( 6 ) - Special Thanks - ======================================== Some of the English move names are taken from Gunsmith's SS64 FAQ . The rest of it are done by me . Rurouni Sephiroth ( sephiroth@pacific.net.sg ) Special Thanks goes to SNK for making this way cool game . For more game codes and news , Please visit The Dengeki Extremists © . http://home.pacific.net.sg/~sephiroth This is strictly a Dengeki Extremists Production 1998 , all copyright goes to me and Neo Geo , SNK inc . http://home.pacific.net.sg/~sephiroth sephiroth@pacific.net.sg Made In Singapore All Rights Reserved © . ======================================================================================== T h i s I s A D e n g e k i E x t r e m i s t s P r o d u c t i o n ========================================================================================