

by Chris Murdock

Version 1.1


Soukaigi is copyright 1998 Square/Yuke's.  All rights reserved.


This is a FAQ for the new Squaresoft adventure game Soukaigi.  

Hopefully this FAQ will help anyone with this very cool game.  I don't 

mind if this FAQ is used for your own use, however, please credit the 

author and the source when using this FAQ.

This FAQ is by no means done.  I am still working on the game.  I am 

currently on Disk 2, and I will add more, as I learn more about the 



WARNING: This game contains a fair amount of Japanese.  I would highly 

suggest that you learn some very basic Japanese characters, and some 

basic Kanji before getting serious in the game.  Trust me, It DOES 


This game is for one player, and uses one block on a memory card.

It is also THREE disks, however, don't let that intimidate you.  There 

is a lot of movie footage, so it takes up a lot of space on each CD.



1. Story

2. Object

3. Menu Translations

4. Characters

5. Controls

6. Gameplay

7. Basic Strategy

8. Simple Walkthrough

STORY: A dark act has caused Mt. Fuji to split in half bringing forth 

the Koran.  The Koran are creatures whose soul mission is to take over 

the Earth.  The Koran's power is contained in red, yellow, and blue 

crystals.  There are also large Koran scattered throughout Japan, and 

they must be destroyed in order to save the Earth from the invasion of 

the Koran.  Brave souls, with the powers of fire, water, wind, earth, 

and gold will try and stop the spread of the Koran.

OBJECT: On each level there are Koran stones.  You mission is to 

destroy all the stones in the level.  There may be some stones that you 

cannot reach yet, but you can get back to them later when you have the 

techniques necessary to destroy them.  As you destroy stones you will 

receive more power and the monsters in the area will become a little 

weaker.  As you destroy monsters, you will sometimes receive small 

green spheres called Materia (YES, THAT IS RIGHT, it is called 

"MATERIA").  The Materia are important because at the start of a new 

level, you have the option to distribute the Materia among your various 

skills (Check "Gameplay" for more info).  There are also colored points 

on the ground where you can heal, get your status back, etc.. (Check 

"Gameplay" for more info).



On the TITLE SCREEN (from left to right):

	CONTINUE GAME: Continue a saved game.

	NEW GAME: Start a new game.

	OPTIONS: Configure the buttons.

On the CONTINUE GAME screen, you have three different save slots that 

you can use.  They give you the area name and your location.  Choose 

(from RIGHT to LEFT), File #1, #2 or #3.  Press CIRCLE or START to 

confirm.  The cool thing about this (and I wish they could incorporate 

this feature in a RPG), is they give you a summary of the events that 

have just happened prior to the level you are going to play.  Of 

course, none of this helps if you can't read Japanese.  Press CIRCLE to 

speed up the TEXT.

ON the OPTIONS screen, you can configure your buttons.  I would suggest 

leaving them the way they are.  Pressing LEFT or RIGHT will change 

whether the game is in STEREO or MONAURAL.  Press START to exit.

On the STAGE SCREEN (with the map of Japan):

	(from LEFT TO RIGHT):

	MEMORY CARD: Save or Load a game.

	BEGIN STAGE: Begin and play the latest level.

	SELECT STAGE: Choose a stage to start on.


	On the LEFT: Retry.

	Top CENTER: Continue.

	On the RIGHT: Restart: Go back to the main screen.



I am using the instruction book as a reference point.  Start at page 27 

for the introduction of the characters.


Naoya Mabui  (Page 27)

	Male, Age 18

	HP: 400

This is the character you start out with.  He is average in speed 

and power.

Mizuho Mikanagi  (Page 31)

	Female, Age 18

	HP: 300

This character you get after the second stage, but prior to the 

second stage boss.  She is slightly faster than other characters, 

and she has a double jump (the second jump automatically turns 

her around).

Daiki Yashima  (Page 35)

	Male, Age 32

	HP: 680

	This is the character you get after stage one.  He is slower in 

speed, but he is one of the more powerful characters.  His attacks also 

do added damage when they connect.

Hifumi Sudou  (Page 39)

	Female, Age 25

	HP: ???

	You won't get this character until Disk 2.

Azusa Kotohira  (Page 43)

	Female, Age 11

You will get this young girl at the start of stage four.  She has 

one of the longest reach of any weapon (seeing how it is a bow 

and arrow), but she has no close up attack.  She also cannot 


Kaname Gabu  (Page 47)

	Male, Age 20

You get him after you beat him at the end of stage three.  He has 

no dash, but has powerful up-close attacks.


Genseitenson Kahaku  (Page 51)

	Male, 12,000 years old

Bukyuutenson Yanron  (Page 52)

	Male, 12,000 years old

Reihoutenson Infu  (Page 52)

	Female, 12,000 years old

Princess Nami  (Page 53)


Yato Saegami  (Page 54)

	Male, Age 23

Kongou  (Page 54)

	Male, Age 29

Shuuzou Azuma  (Page 55)

	Male, Age 40

Minami  (Page 55)

	Male, Age 10

Hisagi Shiosato  (Page 56)

	Female, Age 20

Sae Tateshina  (Page 56)

	Female, Age 29



(under default settings)


UP: walk forward

LEFT: walk to the left

RIGHT: walk to the right

DOWN: block

Double Tap Left or Right: sidestep left or right

Double Tap Down: quick jump back

SQUARE: Attack

X: Dashing



L1: turn left 180 degrees

R1: turn right 180 degrees

L2: move camera up

R2: move camera down

START: Pause

SELECT: Movie Skip



All characters have a set amount of max hit points.  On the ground, 

there are colored dots.  For each character, each color does something 

different.  Each character has an elemental power, i.e., water, fire, 

earth, etc..  Depending on the color of the characters element, 

(water=blue, fire=red, etc..), you can heal yourself from poison, 

refill your hit points, etc..

There is a bar on the far right of the screen, and it shows the Koran 

power for that level.  By destroying the stones, you can make the 

overall level of the Koran weaker, and your power greater.  As the 

meter goes up, it will go from red to yellow, to blue.  Ideally, you 

want to get it to blue.

Casting Magic:

Don't know yet.  Any Ideas?




Stage 1: Small Village

	Boss: Kahaku

Stage 2: Desert Base

	Boss: Fire Demon

Stage 3: Blue Island

	Boss: Kaname

	Boss: Floating Cyclops Creature

Stage 4: Desert

	Boss: Golden Helmet

	Boss: Infu


Stage 5: Evacuated City

	Boss: Floating Monolith




Well, what do you think?  Yeah, I know it needs work.  It will be more 

complete as I get further in the game.  E-Mail me at 

murdockl@hotmail.com if you have any comments or questions.