Subject: FF5 Blue Magic List Version 1.01 From: (Sean Daugherty) Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 15:17:01 GMT Reply-To: Newsgroups: FINAL FANTASY V BLUE MAGIC CHART By Sean Daugherty ( Version 1.01 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT: This little chart lists all the spells it is possible for a character equipped with the Blue Mage job, or the Blue Mage's "Learning" ability to obtain, what said spell does, and which enemies it is possible to learn them from. This is a work in progress, and any further help or information would be appreciated. If the Location field is blank, I have not yet been able to obtain the spell. HOW TO OBTAIN BLUE MAGIC SPELLS: If you've played FF6 (3 in the USA) or Final Fantasy 7, you most likely already know. Blue Magic spells operate just like Strago's Lores or the Enemy Skill Materia. You need to be hit by one of the enemy's special attacks, and you'll learn it. For some special, such as White Wind, it is neccessary to either Confuse or Control the enemy to get them to cast it on you (they won't automatically try to heal your party, of course ). Other spells enemies will not cast, no matter how long you wait, such as the Lamia's 1000 Needles spell, and they must be Controlled to be made to use the command. Note that not all enemies can be confused or controlled, and sometimes not all their possible commands can be cast via control (such as the Rock Brain's Dark Shock). In this case, you'll just have to wait for them to employ the command. It's usually a good idea to have more than one character equipped with the "Learning" ability to reduce damage done to your group. SPECIAL NOTE: Every single Blue Magic spell is also cast by "Apocalypse", the boss guarding the save point in the Cleft of Dimensions Castle, and can be learned from him. NAME DESCRIPTION LOCATION ???? Damage equals total HP minus Wild Nack, Gogo current HP 1000 Needles 1000 HP of damage to enemy Lamia * Aero Air attack on enemy (Flying enemies in Wind Shrine) Aero 2 Stronger air attack on enemy Djinn (flying muscle men in Karnak Castle), (Skull-rings in Flying Lonka Ruins), Enkidou Aero 3 Strongest air attack on enemy [Tree Boss], Magic Dragon, Elm Gigas Aqua Breath Water bubbles converge upon foes Chimera, Bahamut Black Shock Reduces target's level by half Rock Brain, Shadow, Nile Blood Suck Drain HP from enemy Steel Bat, Abductor, Bold Mani, Shadow, Enkido, Python, Mercury Bat Death Claw Reduce victim's HP to single Iron Claw, Torrent, digits Rock Brain, Gilgamesh, Death Claw Death Roulette Spinning pointer automatically Bella Donna, Doom Dealer kills whoever it lands on Death Sentence 30 second countdown to Doom Exdeath (Castle), Form Unknown 4 Fiery Emission Blast of fire burns enemy Fire Cannon, Machine Head, Triton Flash Blinds all enemies Crew Dust, Gilgamesh, Neon, Bella Donna Frog Song Changes enemies to frogs Elf Toad, ArcheoToad, Conago, Chamcubia Fusion A.K.A. Pep Up. Restores full Mithril Dragons, stats of one party member at Torrent, Dilure expense of the caster's life Guard Off Lower's target's defenses Shadow, Magic Dragon, Nile Ziggurat Goblin Punch Punch enemy. Enemies at your Goblin, BlackGoblin, level do extra damage Sahagin, Armon Level 2 Old Cast Old on enemies w/ levels Ixecrator multiple of 2 Level 3 Flare Cast Flare on enemies w/ levels Exdeath, Lunenta, multiple of 3 Ixecrator Level 4 Gravi Cast Demi on enemies w/ levels Tricker, Ixecrator multiple of 4 Level 5 Death Cast Doom on enemies w/ levels Page 64, Ixecrator, multiple of 5 Level Check Magic Hammer Halves target's MP Byblos, Drippy Mighty Guard Cast Safe, Shell, and Float on Sting Ray party Mind Blast ??? Unsure. Causes damage Stalker Missile Cuts target HP by 50% Bolt Cannon, Gilgamesh, Machine Head Moon's Promotion Beserk all allies Page 32, Garkimasra, Gloom Widow, Mukare Small Melody Casts Size on enemies and puts Gilgamesh, Mini Mage them to sleep Suicide Bomb Does massive damage on one enemy Bomb, Grenade at expense of caster's life Time Slip Puts foe to sleep, aging them Traveler, Gilgamesh rapidly White Wind Heal party equal to current HP (Skull-rings in Flying Lonka Ruins), Enkidou TRANSLATION CHART: Since the recent interest in FF5 has most likely be spurred by the release of RPGe's near-complete Final Fantasy V English ROM patch, I thought I would be rather remiss in not listing the changes made to the names of certain magic spells. In most cases, this change was made thanks to space concerns, but there are a few cases where the changes were made due to precedents set by Final Fantasy 3 US and Final Fantasy 7 (i.e. 1000 Needles became Blow Fish). The only spells listed are the ones I know have undergone a name change: If there is no mention of the spell, it either has not been significantly changed, or I haven't seen it first hand yet JAPANESE NAME RPGe's ENGLISH NAME 1000 Needles Blow Fish Black Shock Dark Shock Death Roulette Roulette Death Sentence Condemn Fiery Emission Emission Moon's Promotion Moon Flute Level 2 Old L2 Old Level 3 Flare L3 Flare Level 4 Gravi Ra L4 Gravity 2 Level 5 Death L5 Doom Mighty Guard Big Guard Small Melody Li'l Melody Suicide Bomb Exploder NOTICES: I would appreciate anyone able to supply me with the original Japanese names of the enemies listed above, if there is any difference, as I have not been able to find a list. Also, I would like to thank to following individuals for helping me further this little venture: Jason Li -- "RPG Emulation"'s Blue Magic Spell List Keeper Shadow, Barubary, SoM2Freak, et. al -- The minds behind RPGe's translation Alan Kwan -- Various information / leads ( Kain Aron Highwind -- Various information / leads ( Nick Zitzmann -- Various information / leads ( Nicholas Guttenberg -- Various information / leads ( ------ Sean Christian Daugherty ( "You should've seen me with the poker man I had a honey and I bet a grand Just in the nick of time I looked at his hand..." - Paul McCartney, "Junior's Farm" ______ %#@*?%#@*?%#@*?%#@*?%#@ |||__||| TWO THOUSAND POSTS TO \/ \/ ALT.GAMES.FINAL.FANTASY (2000) %#@*?%#@*?%#@*?%#@*?%#@ \__/