Arcade - Tekken 3 - Faq Supplement author: BMW version: 0.98 last updated: 1/21/98 333333333 333333333333333 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT#####TTTTT #####K KKKKKK TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT#####TTTTT KK####3 KKKKKK TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KKK###33 KKKKKK TT TTTTTTTT TT KKK###33 KKKKKK T TTTTTTTT T KK####3 KKKKKK TTTTTTTT 3333#####K KKKKKK TTTTTTTT 3333###KKKKKKKKKK TTTTTTTT 3333#######KKKKKKK TTTTTTTT KK######KKKKKKK TTTTTTTT KKK###33 KKKKKKK TTTTTT##3333 KK####33 KKKKKKK TTTTTT##3333 K#####3 KKKKKKK TTTTTTT#33333 ###### KKKKKKK TTTTTTTT 33333333333####KK KKKKKKK 3333333333 TEKKEN 3 FAQ SUPPLEMENT (version 0.98) *last updated on 1/21/98* - by BMW - READ THIS: No part of this document may be reproduced and sold for profit. The information herein is intended for recreational use only and may only be redistributed in its entirety by electronic or printed format, or with the expressed written consent of BMW(Barry Wright Moretz >> New versions of this document may be found at: .................... Best viewed in monospace format(if the numbers 12345678901234567890 line up with the dots, you're viewing in mono) WHAT'S NEW: - replaced one of Ling Xiaoyu's juggles in the "Useful Juggles" portion of the "Specific Strategy" section - removed one of Yoshimitsu's juggles in the "Useful Juggles" portion of the "Specific Strategy" section - added a juggle starter and a follow-up juggle in Bryan's "Juggling" portion of the "Specific Strategy section - added to and edited Bryan's "Attacking" and "Defending" portions in the "Specific Strategy" section - corrected errors in the Pentagon Attack strings in Bryan's "Move-Strings" portion in the "Specific Strategy" section - altered Gun-Jack's "Useful Juggles" portion in the "Specific Strategy" section - added a "General" portion for the "Multi-throw Timing" section - added a monospace format test - edited the outline for the "Specific Strategy" section - added to Eddy's "VS." portion of the "Specific Strategy" section - added to Gun-Jack's "Attacking" portion of the "Specific Strategy" section - edited Heihachi's "Juggle Starters" portion of the "Specific Strategy" section - added to one of Yoshimitsu's juggles in the "Useful Juggles" portion of the "Specific Strategy" section - added "move buffering" to the "Important Terms" portion of the KEY - added to Julia's "Attacking" portion of the "Specific Strategy" section - added to "Counter" in the "Important Terms" portion of the KEY - added "custom strings" and "poking patterns" to the "Important Terms" portion of the KEY - added a thumbnail guide called "Poking Tactics" in the "Attacking" portion of the "General Strategy" section ******CONTENTS********************************************************** {Content Name} {Description} Tekken 3 Faq Title of this document(duh) i. Read This Tells you what I consider to be ethical usage of this document ii. What's New Summary of new additions/fixes for this FAQ iii. Contents Summary of the information within this document iv. Introduction An introduction to this document(its intended use and why you might need it) v. Key The abreviations I will be using in this document I. Timing Is Title for the section dealing with the proper Everything timing of moves A. The Basics on Covers timing for strings, counters, reversals, Timing and sidesteps B. Multi-throw Title for section dealing with multi- Timing throws(this portion discusses timing, buffering, and other things you may or may not know about multi-throws) 1. Introduction Discusses why you to need know how to time multi-throws 2. General Referral for the Ultimate Tackle multi-throw that any character may utilize Bryan Fury Bryan's multi-throw Gun-Jack Gun-Jack's multi-throws King King's multi-throws Forest Law Law's multi-throw Paul Paul's multi-throw Nina/Anna Nina Williams'/Anna Williams' multi-throws II. Strategy Title for section dealing with offensive and defensive strategy A. Introduction jibber-jabber B. General Strategy Deals with basic offensive and defensive strategy that any character may utilize C. Specific Discusses strategic methods for specific Strategy characters 1. Difficult Explains how to complete the more difficult Joystick motions in Tekken 3 Motions 2. Techable Throws Lists techable throws and describes the result of a tech 3-20. Characters Characters are in alphabetical order vi. Help Me I'm asking for help in completing this document(duh) vii. Thanks Thanking all the little helpers(duh) ******INTRODUCTION****************************************************** This document is a basic guide on how to play Tekken 3. It is not a move list(although I will include many move descriptions so you will know exactly what I am talking about), but rather a strategy guide. It is intended for use by intermediate-level players and it should bring those persons very close to a master/expert level of play. I don't consider myself to be an outstanding player, but I am very familiar with many of the techniques in Tekken, and I know a few things about how to use them. You will probably already know much of the information within this document(or maybe you do, but you simply haven't really thought about it). Hopefully, I will explain some of the moves that you haven't fully understood, or concepts that you haven't fully explored, therebye giving that extra edge we all need. This FAQ should be used in conjunction with a dedicated move list. I personally recommend Surfbard's Tekken 3 FAQ, which may be found at "Surfbard's Tekken 3 FAQ Headquarters": ******KEY*************************************************************** If you are reading this FAQ for the first time, or if this FAQ has been updated since you last read it, please review the following: Buttons: lp - left punch rp - right punch lk - left kick rk - right kick Controller: d - tap down u - tap up D - hold down U - hold up df - tap down-forward ub - tap up-back DF - hold down-forward UB - hold up-back f - tap forward b - tap back F - hold forward B - hold back uf - tap up-forward db - tap down-back UF - hold up-forward DB - hold down-back n - neutral(centered) position Move Notations: ss - side step(u or d) Q. - a question(duh) MTS - a multi-throw starter A. - an answer(duh) (duh) - You should have known that. WS - as you stand up H - high attack WC - as you crouch M - mid attack B - breakable L - low attack ~ - no pause U - unblockable attack P - *a pause (...) - button sequence(for a move) [...] - multi-throw escape sequence *this pause(during an opponent's string) is long enough for you to attack or sidestep before the next move in the string Important Terms: *The definitions for the following terms can be argued, but for the purposes of this FAQ, they will be defined as follows. *>General: axis shift - this is the long sought after control over the 3rd dimension(the ability to move a character towards his right or left side). In Tekken 3, you may complete an axis shift by performing a sidestep(which is basically a quick dash to the side). If you tap up on the controller, your character will move away from you; if you tap down, he will move towards you. buffering - aka. delaying: the ability to delay a move in a move-string. button buffering - a wonderful aspect of Tekken(God this game is COOL) game mechanics that allows you to enter in button sequences more efficiently. This is how it works: you want to enter in a sequence consisting of button one and then button one and button two together. Normally, you would have to tap button one, release it, and then tap button one and button two at the same time. Buffering is the ability to PRESS AND HOLD button one(this is the key), and then tap button two. In this way, you can get the same result as before while being much more accurate in the process. move buffering - the process of performing two moves with a modified input sequence(example: Yoshimitsu's f,f+rk or f,f+rp may be buffered into a forward dash by inputting f,f,f+rk or f,f,f+rp, respectively) combo/combination - a series of moves that are unblockable, given that the first move(in the series) connects. counterhit - aka "interrupt": an attack that connects while your opponent is attacking, thus negating his attack. counter or countermove - a move that negates some other move. custom strings - a series of individual moves, or portions of strings, used to create a move sequence that blends together so well it is as difficult to defend against as a ten-string which you have never experienced. juggling - aka "juggle", "juggle combo", "juggles": a juggle is a series of moves used to hit an airborne opponent. Attacks that are made upon an airborne opponent are effectively unblockable. multi-throw - a grappling move that may have an alternate outcome via input from user. poking pattern - a continuous, repeated series of fast attacks that forces your opponent into a defensive state. string or move-string - a set of moves that may be chained together to create a single move sequence(not to be confused with a "combo"). tech - aka "techable": a special type of counter that can only be used in special situations: a tech hit does not negate an attack, as a counter does, but instead it alters the outcome of the attack to the benefit of the person completing the tech. reversal - a special type of counterhit that attacks your opponent while he is attempting to attack you. A NOTE ON BUTTON BUFFERING: To complete any, and I do mean ANY, individual move that requires you to press more than one button, you may press and hold all but one of those buttons and then tap the last one when you are ready to complete the move. A NOTE ON JUGGLES: In juggle descriptions, I will use a comma(,) to separate button taps in moves. If you see a period(.), it means that the button taps before and after the period are not linked together(ie. the button sequences do not combine to create a move; they are themselves individual moves). *>Skill-levels: masher/scrub - someone who doesn't really know how to play Tekken 3. They get on the game, pick Eddie, and then they attempt to win by hitting the buttons and yanking on the joystick as fast as possible. novice/newbie - someone who is familiar with basic Tekken tactics, but simply lacks the knowledge to be proficient in it. intermediate - a WIDE range of players(basically anyone who doesn't fit into the other categories). expert - expert level players demand control of everything: their player, their opponent's player, EVERYTHING: they achieve control over their own character by practicing until they have him down to a science; and they achieve control over their opponent's character by forcing him into situations in which he has very limited choices, and then they make an assumption as to which choice their opponent will make. Note that an expert level player in one location may or may not be an expert level player in another locale because the skill levels of the two locations may be very different. *>Tactics: pit bull - aka "pit bull tactics": a "pit bull" is a player who gets right up in your face and attacks, and attacks, and attacks(basically a poker who doesn't ever let up). poking - aka "pokers", "poking tactics": the process of using very fast, usually low-damage attacks to knock an opponent out of his attack(very effective when used in conjunction with "turtle" tactics). In high- level play, poking becomes a series of fast moves that entices an opponent to make a mistake, therebye allowing for a high-damage counterattack(like df+rp, for example). turtle - aka "turtle tactics", "turtler": a strategy that involves waiting for the best time to attack by avoiding your opponent's attacks until he leaves himself open to your attack. ************************************************************************ TTTTT IIIII M M IIIII N N GGG IIIII SSSS T I MM MM I NN N G G I S T I M M M I N N N G I SSS T I M M I N NN G GG I S T IIIII M M IIIII N N GG G IIIII SSSS EEEEE V V EEEEE RRRR Y Y TTTTT H H IIIII N N GGG E V V E R R Y Y T H H I NN N G G EEE V V EEE RRRR Y T HHHHH I N N N G E V V E R R Y T H H I N NN G GG EEEEE V EEEEE R R Y T H H IIIII N N GG G ******THE BASICS ON TIMING IN TEKKEN 3********************************** In Tekken 3, timing really is everything. You might know the button sequence for every move in the game, but if you don't know when you should complete the sequence, then you don't really know how to complete the move. There's a big difference between knowing how to do King's Rolling Death Cradle and actually doing it every time you want to. That is what this section is all about: I'm simply trying to help you become better at Tekken 3 by telling you when the machine expects the move input from you. *The following is a basic timing guide for a generalized set of some of the most popular moves: >Strings All standard move-strings, that is, any move that can be chained together with others, are fairly simple. You just complete the next move while your character is performing the move before it (example: You complete the Ultimate Tackle with your character and you want to punch your opponent three times and then do the armbreaker move. One possible button sequence is this: ,lp,rp,lp,lp+rp. You should hit lp as your opponent's back hits the ground during the tackle, then you hit rp while your character's left arm is coming down, lp again as the right arm comes down, and, finally, lp+rp as his left arm comes down for the second time). Ten-strings, as well as any other standard move-string, follow the above rule. >Reversals/Counters Reversals or move counters must be timed very accurately. If you've never noticed, performing one of these moves causes your character to do a quick shuffle(for lack of a better term). This "shuffle" is the precise amount of time during which your character may counter or reverse a move. Watch out, though: most reversals/counters will only work on certain types of attacks, so choose which one you use very carefully. Counters/Reversals that are performed to negate a multi-throw move should be completed at the same time your opponent is supposed to complete the move(example: perform the armbreaker and legbreaker counter/reversal as your back hits the ground or after the third punch(if your opponent chooses to complete the 3 Mounted Punches before the armbreaker or legbreaker)). >Sidesteps Sidestepping is a move that changes a characters position. It is very difficult to master sidestepping because the point at which you must complete the sidestep varies widely from situation to situation. To have a better chance of sidestepping an opponent, note the following mechanics of an axis shift: 1. You may keep facing your opponent only by actively trying to: you can "square off" with him by either completing some move or move sequence while he is sidestepping(the attack automatically tracks to your opponent's new position if your opponent is within 90 degrees of the direction your character is facing), by attempting a throw(this always causes you to face your opponent, whether you are close enough to grab them or not), by making your character walk, dash, or run( characters automatically face-off with their opponent while they are moving, but again they must be within 90 degrees for this to work), or by sidestepping in the same direction(example: your opponent sidesteps to his right side. If you sidestep to YOUR right, you will negate his axis shift.) 2. The slower the move, the better it tracks to your new position(generally speaking): it is much easier to sidestep fast moves. Also note that you may sidestep slow moves by sidestepping more than once: no move, other than sidestepping, changes a characters position (axis-wise) as fast as a series of sidesteps, so if you just keep sidestepping in the same direction while your opponent completes a string or move, you will eventually get out of the area of effect(given that you have enough time). Note that the motion for the sidestep will change(from u to d or from d to u, depending on which side you sidestep towards) as you circle your opponent. 3. Sweeps, or any other move that has a sweeping motion, will connect even if you sidestep(doesn't that make sense), unless you are out of the range of the sweeping move. A good example of this would be Paul's Falling Leaf Combo(d+rk,rp): if you sidestep this move while Paul is within sweeping range, the sweep will knock you down, but the elbow won't connect(as it would if the sweep had hit you while you were facing him); if you sidestep while you are just outside the range of the sweep, neither the sweep nor the elbow will connect. Also, some sweeps don't make a complete circle(they are only effective on one side of the character), so if you sidestep towards the side of your opponent which isn't affected by the sweep, you will avoid the attack. >Multi-throws Multiple throw moves require special attention(they are specific to individual characters). These moves, and exactly how to perform them, are the major topic of "Timing Is Everything". They have a high amount of damage, and many of them are difficult for your opponent to avoid(especially when they are used at the right time), so read carefully, monkey-boy. ************************************************************************ M M U U L TTTTT IIIII TTTTT H H RRRR OOO W W MM MM U U L T I T H H R R O O W W M M M U U L T I --- T HHHHH RRRR O O W W M M U U L T I T H H R R O O W W W M M UUU LLLLL T IIIII T H H R R OOO W W TTTTT IIIII M M IIIII N N GGG T I MM MM I NN N G G T I M M M I N N N G T I M M I N NN G GG T IIIII M M IIIII N N GG G >>INTRODUCTION<< Q. Why should I worry about knowing when I need to tap out multi-throw moves when 90% of those moves can be performed by simply tapping the button sequence again and again? A. Because your opponent needs to know what move you're performing to counter it. It is much easier for him to counter multi-throw moves if he sees or hears you typing in the button sequence. If that data isn't typed in until the last possible second, it will be much harder for him to counter it(if it's possible at all). By waiting, you force him to choose the throw he is going to counter, giving you a much greater chance to continue the multi. Also, some moves don't allow enough time for you to type them in more than once(King's Rolling Death Cradle and many of Nina's multis are examples): you simply HAVE to know precisely when to type those moves in. P.S. The following characters and their moves are in alphabetical order to make it easier to find the move you want to learn. I have done my best(sort of) to make this document as easy as possible to read. >>Outline<< {character name} >>>>>> {name of multi-throw starter} <<<<<< MTS-{multi-throw starter} 1a>>{1st possible choice(after MTS)} 2a>>{1st possible choice(after choice "1a")} 2b>>{2nd possible choice(after choice "1a")} ...and so on 1b>>{2nd possible choice(after MTS)} ...and so on <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a) {How to properly time the 1st choice(after the MTS)} ...and so on <><><><>Buffering<><><><>(if applicable) {Name of move}({how to complete the move}): {how to buffer the move} ...and so on <><><><>Note that...<><><><>(if applicable) ...{important things to note about the aforementioned move(s)} GGG EEEEE N N EEEEE RRRR AAA L G G E NN N E R R A A L G EEE N N N EEE RRRR AAAAA L G GG E N NN E R R A A L GG G EEEEE N N EEEEE R R A A LLLLL >>>>>>Ultimate Tackle<<<<<< MTS- Ultimate Tackle(press nothing while running...refer to King's "Ultimate Tackle" for specifics) 1>>3 Mounted Punches(lp,rp,lp or rp,lp,rp)[rp or lp] 2>>2 more Mounted Punches(lp,rp or rp,lp)[rp or lp] <><><><>Note that...<><><><> may counter either of the last two punches BBBB RRRR IIIII AAA N N FFFFF U U RRRR Y Y B B R R I A A NN N F U U R R Y Y BBBB RRRR I AAAAA N N N FFF U U RRRR Y B B R R I A A N NN F U U R R Y BBBB R R IIIII A A N N F UUU R R Y >>>>>>GUTPUNCH<<<<<< MTS- Gutpunch(d,df,f+rp or (SU)~rp) 1>> Double Punishment(b+rp) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1) Complete the Double Punishment immediately after the Gutpunch connects. <><><><>Note that...<><><><> ...this is a juggling multi that should be followed with the Spinning Punches >> Spinkick(b+rp,lp,rk) GGG U U N N JJJJJ AAA CCC K K G G U U NN N J A A C C K K G U U N N N --- J AAAAA C KKK G GG U U N NN J J A A C C K K GG G UUU N N J A A CCC K K >>>>>>HELL PRESS<<<<<< MTS- Hell Press(df+lp+lk) 1>> Super Hammer Strike(lp+rp) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1) Complete the Super Hammer Strike immediately after Jack flattens his opponent. >>>>>>LIFTING CHOKE AND TOSS >> MEGATON PUNCH<<<<<< MTS- Lifting Choke and Toss(uf+lp+rp)[lp+rp] 1>> Megaton Punch(b,db,d,DF+rp) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1) Complete the Megaton Punch immediately after Jack's opponent stops ascending. K K IIIII N N GGG K K I NN N G G KKK I N N N G K K I N NN G GG K K IIIII N N GG G >>>>>>IRISH WHIP<<<<<< MTS- Irish Whip(b+lp+rp) 1a>> Quick Slam(rp+rk)[rp] 1b>> Spin and Let Go(lp+rp)[lp] 1c>> Spinning Ground Smash(lk+rk)[lk+rk] 1d>> Turn Around and Let Go(lp+lk)[lp+rp] <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a,1b,1c, & 1d) Complete these moves just after King grabs his opponent. <><><><>Note that...<><><><> can achieve two and three ground grabs(db+rp+rk or db+lp+lk) after the Quick Slam and the Spinning Ground Smash. You have to be fast, but it is possible because the ground grabs that these moves set you up for stun your opponent, giving you just enough time for another grab. After the SGS, walk forward ever so slightly before you go for the grab or you will be out of range. Do a second grab to flip your opponent over for the third(you'll have to move forward a bit just as before to get the third grab). It is harder to get the ground grab after the QS: you have to run towards your opponent as soon as you complete the QS, and then you must stop at the right place to complete the first ground grab(difficult, but not impossible). The second grab should be completed right after King stands up beside your opponent. If you are fighting an opponent who is slow to get on his feet, these moves will be a breeze; if he gets up very quickly, these moves will be extremely difficult(duh). As an alternate, you may complete complete the Elbow Drop(d+lp+rp) instead of the last throw for a guaranteed hit. >>>>>>JAGUAR DRIVER<<<<<< MTS- Jaguar Driver(d,df,f+lp) 1a>> Boston Crab(lp+rp,lk,rk,lp+rp) 1b>> Flying Press(lp+rp) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a) Complete the Boston Crab after the apex of the Jaguar Driver. (1b) Press and hold lp+rp right after the Jaguar Driver connects to complete the Flying Press. >>>>>>REVERSE ARM CLUTCH & REVERSE FULL NELSON<<<<<< MTS- Reverse Arm Clutch(F,df+lp+lk or F,df+rp+rk)[lp/rp] 1>> Backdrop(rp,lp,lp+rp) 2a>> Cannonball(rp,rp,lp+rp) 3a>> Manhattan Drop(lk+rk,lp+rp,lp+rp+rk)[rp+rk] 4>> Super Freak(lp,rp,lk+rk,lp+rp) 5a>> Giant Swing(rp,lp,lk,rk)[lp] 5b>> Split Powerbomb(lk,lp,rp,lk+rk, lp+rp+lk+rk)[rp] 3b>> Powerbomb(lp,rp,lk+rk)[lp+lk] 6a>> Giant Swing[rp] 6b>> Split Powerbomb[lp] 2b>> German Suplex(lk+rk,lp+rp)[lk/lp] 7>> Powerbomb 6a>> Giant Swing[rp/lp] 6b>> Split Powerbomb[rp] MTS- Reverse Full Nelson(ss+rp+rk(B to negate the grab) or F,df+lp+rp or df,df+rp+rk(while opponent is crouching)) 8>> Cannonball >> (same as the 2a Cannonball above) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1) Complete the Backdrop immediately after King grabs his opponent. (2a & 2b) Complete the Cannonball or the German Suplex as King brings his opponent to a semi-standing position (3a & 3b) Complete the Manhattan Drop or the Powerbomb immediately after King's feet hit the ground during the Cannonball. (4) Complete the Super Freak as King moves his hands from his victim's shoulders to their waist(after pushing them into an upright position) during the Manhattan Drop. (5a & 5b) Complete the Giant Swing or the Split Powerbomb as King wraps his arms around his opponent's waist. (6a & 6b) Complete the Giant Swing or the Split Powerbomb immediately after King picks his opponent up. (7) Complete the Powerbomb immediately after King picks up his opponent. (8) Complete the Powerbomb after King turns face down, but before he picks his opponent up. <><><><>Buffering<><><><> Backdrop(lp,rp,lp+rp): Tap lp, press and hold rp, tap lp Cannonball(rp,rp,lp+rp): Tap rp, press and hold rp, tap lp Manhattan Drop(lk+rk,lp+rp,lp+rp+rk): Tap lk+rk, press and hold lp+rp, tap rk Split Powerbomb(lk,lp,rp,lk+rk,lp+rp+lk+rk): Tap lk, tap lp, tap rp, press and hold lk+rk, tap lp+rp <><><><>Note that...<><><><> the ss,rp+rk version of the Reverse Full Nelson will result in the Cannonball if the grab connects to your opponent's back: simply complete the Powerbomb or the Manhattan Drop immediately after the grab connects if this occurs. >>>>>>SINGLE ARM HYPEREXTENSION<<<<<< MTS- Single Arm Hyperextension(f,n,d,df+lp+rk)[lp] 1a>> Chicken Wing Face Lock(rp,lp,lp+rp+lk)[lp+rp] 2a>> Dragon Sleeper(rp,lp,lk,lp+rp+rk,lp+rp+rk)[lp] 2b>> Rolling Death Cradle (lp+lk,lk+rk,rp+rk,lp+rp,lp+rp+lk) 1b>> Russian Leg Sweep(lp+rp,rk,rp+rk)[rp] ^[rp]^ 3>> Arm Crucifixion(lk,rk,lk,lk+rk,lp+rp) 1c>> Double Arm Hyperextension(lp+rp)[lp] <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a,1b, &1c) Complete these throws immediately after King grabs his opponent. (2a & 2b)) Complete these throws immediately after King wraps his right arm around his opponent's head. (3) Complete the Arm Crucifixion after King places his right arm across his opponent. <><><><>Buffering<><><><> Arm Crucifixion(lk,rk,lk,lk+rk,lp+rp): Tap lk, tap rk, press and hold lk, press and hold rk, release lk+rk(must be released at the same time), tap lp+rp Rolling Death Cradle(lp+lk,lk+rk,rp+rk,lp+rp,lp+rp+lk): This is a difficult move because it must be done very quickly. Tap lp+lk, tap lk+rk, tap rp+rk, press and hold lp+rp, tap lk Russian Leg Sweep(lp+rp,rk,rp+rk): Tap lp+rp, press and hold rk, tap rp >>>>>>STANDING ACHILLES HOLD<<<<<< MTS- Standing Achilles Hold(f,n,d,df+rp+lk)[rp] 1a>> Indian Death Lock(lp+rp,lp,lk,lp+rp)[lp+rp] 2>> Romero's Special(lp,lk,rk,lp+rp,lk+rk) 1b>> Scorpion Death Lock(lp+rp,lk,lp,lp+lk)[rp] 1c>> STF(lp,rp,lk,lp+rp)[lp] <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a,1b, & 1c) Complete these throws after Kings opponent falls onto his back. (2) Complete the Romero's Special after King reaches down with his left hand to complete the leglock. <><><><>Buffering<><><><> Scorpion Death Lock(lp+rp,lk,lp,lp+lk): Tap lp+rp, tap lk, press and hold lp, tap lk Indian Death Lock(lp+rp,lp,lk,lp+rp+rk): Press and hold lp+rp, release rp, release lp, tap lk, tap lp+rp+rk >>>>>>ULTIMATE TACKLE<<<<<< MTS- Ultimate Tackle(f,df,D+lp+rp, D+lp+rp, or press nothing while running towards opponent)[lp+rp] 1a>> 3 Mounted Punches(lp,rp,lp or rp,lp,rp)[rp or lp] 2a>> 2 more Mounted Punches(lp,rp or rp,lp)[rp,lp or lp,rp] 2b>> Arm Breaker(lp+rp)[lp+rp,rp,rp,rp...] 3a>> Double Arm Breaker(lp+rp) 3b>> Leg Breaker(unknown)[assuming lp+rp,lp,lp,lp...] 4>> Ultimate Bonesplitter(lp+rp,lp+rp) 2c>> Leg Breaker(lk+rk)[lp+rp,lp,lp,lp,lp...] 5>> Ultimate Bonesplitter 1b>>Arm Breaker(same as 2b) 1c>>Leg Breaker(same as 2c) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (Mounted Punches) Complete these punches as you would if you were performing a move-string(as explained in "The Basics on Timing in Tekken 3". (1a,1b, & 1c) Complete the first punch, the Armbreaker, or the Legbreaker as King tackles his opponent(after he has grabbed their legs, but just before they have hit the ground). (2a,2b, & 2c) Complete these moves as King brings the fist he first punched his opponent with down for the second time (3a or 3b) Complete the Double Arm Breaker or the Leg breaker as King moves to the side of his victim for the Arm Breaker. (4 or 5) The first lp+rp tap should be completed as King's right hand touches his left hand(King is bringing his hands together behind his opponent's leg in preparation for the leg breaker). The second tap should be completed just after the snapping noise that the leg makes as it is broken. This move is EXTREMELY difficult to time properly, but once you have the timing down, you'll be able to do it every time you want to. PS. Telling you the timing for this move makes me feel almost like a hypocrite: I perform this move by holding lp with my forefinger and then I force my middle finger into spasms atop rp. I know how to time the move, and I know that, with practice, I will be able to get the move to work every single time by performing it properly, but until that time(hopefully soon: I keep encouraging the mashers every time I complete the move), I am more likely to get the move off by spassing out on the buttons. <><><><>Buffering<><><><> Ultimate Tackle >> Arm Breaker(UT,lp+rp): Press and hold lp+rp, release one of the buttons, tap the button you released Mounted Punches >> Arm Breaker(lp,rp,lp... or rp,lp,rp... ,lp+rp) tap lp/rp, tap rp/lp, press and hold lp/rp, tap rp/lp Arm Breaker >> Double Arm Breaker(lp+rp,lp+rp) press and hold lp+rp, release one button, tap the button you released <><><><>Note that...<><><><> ...some of the moves that King can complete after the Ultimate Tackle may be performed by other characters. These moves are(refer to the MTS chart) UT, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b. The move sequences, timing, and buffering are exactly the same, and the following characters can perform the noted moves: {move} {who can do it} -UT(press nothing while any character running) -Mounted Punches(1a or 2a) any character -Arm Breaker(1b or 2b) Nina, Paul, Jin -Leg Breaker(1c or 2c) Nina ...any character may counter the Mounted Punches(either the first punch in the 1a series, or either punch in the 2a series), the Arm Breaker, or the Leg Breaker. The aforementioned characters who can actually complete the Arm or Leg Breaker may reverse those moves. FFFFF OOO RRRR EEEEE SSSS TTTTT L AAA W W F O O R R E S T L A A W W FFF O O RRRR EEE SSS T L AAAAA W W F O O R R E S T L A A W W W F OOO R R EEEEE SSSS T LLLLL A A W W >>>>>>Chastisement Punch >> Bulldog<<<<<< MTS- Chastisement Punch(df+lp+rp) 1a>> Bulldog(lp,rp,lp+rp) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a) Complete the Bulldog immediately after the Chastisement punch connects. <><><><>Buffering<><><><> Bulldog(lp,rp,lp+rp) tap lp, press and hold rp, tap lp <><><><>Note that...<><><><> ...pressing nothing after the initial grab(df+lp+rp) will result in the Chastisement Punch. PPPP AAA U U L P P A A U U L PPPP AAAAA U U L P A A U U L P A A UUU LLLLL PPPP H H OOO EEEEE N N IIIII X X P P H H O O E NN N I X X PPPP HHHHH O O EEE N N N I X P H H O O E N NN I X X P H H OOO EEEEE N N IIIII X X >>>>>>Ultimate Tackle >> Ultimate Punishment <<<<<< MTS- Ultimate Tackle(DB+lp+rp or (while running) press nothing)[lp+rp] 1a>> One Mounted Punch + Two Left Hooks(D+rp,lp,lp)[lp] 2a>> Ultimate Punishment(n,rk~lp~lp+rp) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a) Hold D(during the following), tap rp as King brings his opponent to the ground, tap lp as King's right arm comes down, tap lp as King's left arm comes down for the first time. (2a) Release d(controller must be in the n position to complete the following) Complete the Ultimate Punishment as Paul's left arm comes down for the second time(you have less than one second to complete this move). <><><><>Buffering<><><><> Ultimate Tackle(rk~lp~lp+rp) tap rk, press and hold lp, tap rp N N IIIII N N AAA / AAA N N N N AAA NN N I NN N A A / A A NN N NN N A A N N N I N N N AAAAA / AAAAA N N N N N N AAAAA N NN I N NN A A / A A N NN N NN A A N N IIIII N N A A / A A N N N N A A W W IIIII L L IIIII AAA M M SSSS W W I L L I A A MM MM S W W I L L I AAAAA M M M SSS W W W I L L I A A M M S W W IIIII LLLLL LLLLL IIIII A A M M SSSS >>>>>>CHIN BASH & SHIN SMASH<<<<<< MTS- Chin Bash(d,df,f+lp+rp)[rp] 1a>> Neck Cutter + Arm Bar(lk,rk,lk,lp+rp) 1b>> Knee Bash + Neck Snap(rp,lk,rk,rp,rp)[rp] 2a>> Falling Neck Snap(lp,lk+rk,lp,rp,lp+rp)[lp] 2b>> Octopus Special(lp,rp,rk,lk,lp+rp+lk)[lp+rp] 1c>> Standing Reverse Arm Lock(lp,lk,rp,lp)[lp] 3a>> Falling Reverse Arm Lock(rp,lp,lk,rk,lp+rp)[lp] 3b>> Rear Gatelatch Falconwing Squeeze(lk,lp,rk,lp+rp,lp+rp) ^[lp+rp]^ MTS- Shin Smash(d,db,b+lp+rk) 4a>> Standing Reverse Arm Lock[lp] >> (same as 1c above) 4b>> Twisting Shoulder Break(rp,lp,lp+rp,lp+rp+lk)[rp] 5a>> Falling Neck Snap[lp] 5b>> Octopus Special[lp+rp] <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a,1b & 1c) Complete these throws after Nina has started to duck/move forward in the Chin Bash(start the motion before Nina has grabbed her opponent). (2a & 2b) Complete the Falling Neck Snap or the Octopus Special immediately after Nina starts the Knee Bash + Neck Snap. (3a & 3b) Complete the Falling Reverse Arm Lock or the Rear Gatelatch Falconwing Squeeze as Nina turns so that she is facing away from her opponent. (4a & 4b) Complete the Standing Reverse Arm Lock or the Twisting Shoulder Break just after Nina starts the Shin Smash(just like you do after the Chin Bash). (5a & 5b) Complete the Falling Neck Snap or the Octopus Special as Nina pulls her opponent into the kneeling position. <><><><>Buffering<><><><> Falling Neck Snap(lp,lk+rk,lp,rp,lp+rp): Tap lp, tap lk+rk, tap lp, press and hold rp, tap lp Octopus Special(lp,rp,rk,lk,lp+rp+lk): Tap lp, tap rp, tap rk, press and hold lk, tap lp+rp Twisting Shoulder Break(rp,lp,lp+rp,lp+rp+lk): Tap rp, press and hold lp, press and hold rp, tap lk(not sure if this buffering sequence is possible) >>>>>>CRAB CLAW<<<<<< MTS- Crab Claw(d,df,f+lk+rk)[lp] 1a>> Achilles Tendon Lock(lk+rk,lk+rk,rk,rp,lp+rp)[rp] 2a>> Knee Cross Lock(lk,lp,rk,rp+rk)[lp] 2b>> Rolling Achilles Tendon Lock(lp,lk,rp+rk,lk+rk,lp+rp) 1b>> Rolling Arm Bar(lk+rk,lk,rk,lp+rp)[lp+rp] ^[lp+rp] MTS- Achilles Tendon Lock(f,f,F+lk(it's a jumpkick that only connects for the grab on counterhit))[rp] >>(same as 1a above) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1a & 1b) Complete the ATL or the RAB immediately after Nina grabs her opponent(you have to do them FAST). (2a & 2b) Start these moves as Nina and her opponent are falling to the ground. <><><><>Buffering<><><><> Achilles Tendon Lock(lk+rk,lk+rk,rk,rp,lp+rp): Tap lk+rk, tap lk+rk, tap rk, press and hold rp, tap lp Knee Cross Lock(lk,lp,rk,rp+rk): Tap lk, tap lp, press and hold rk, tap rp >>>>>>LIFTING TOSS<<<<<< MTS- Lifting Toss(rp+rk)[rp] 1>> Falling Elbow(lp,rp,lp) 2>> Arm Lock(rp,lp,lk) <><><><>Timing<><><><> (1) Complete the Falling Elbow immediately doing the Lifting toss (don't wait to see if it connects unless your fingers have a "turbo" option). (2) Complete the Arm Lock immediately after the Falling Elbow. ************************************************************************ SSSS TTTTT RRRR AAA TTTTT EEEEE GGG Y Y S T R R A A T E G G Y Y SSS T RRRR AAAAA T EEE G Y S T R R A A T E G GG Y SSSS T R R A A T EEEEE GG G Y ******INTRODUCTION****************************************************** Tekken 3 opens the door for new ways to attack and defend. The sidestep and the general amount of control you have over your character are outstanding additions to a game that was good to begin with, and the defending characteristics are the most complex I have ever known. However, because the game is still relatively new, many of the greatest additions have been overlooked by most players. ******GENERAL STRATEGY************************************************** >>Attacking<< Now that there are so many ways to attack another player, it is easier for you confuse your opponent. The standard grabs and punches are numerous and intricate in and of themselves, but now there are moves that can be completed with a sidestep, and so you have an even larger arsenal at your disposal. Be sure to use every attack method you can, and be absolutely sure to use them in conjunction with each other. After all, confusing your opponent is best, fastest, and easiest way to win. >When you should attack The best times to attack are (1)while your opponent is attacking, (2)while your opponent is recovering from one of his attacks, (3)when your opponent isn't sure about how you are going to attack, (4)while your opponent is attempting to get up after you have knocked him down with a previous attack, (5)while your opponent's back is turned, or (6)while your opponent is stunned. (1)While your opponent is attacking... If you are attacking while your opponent is attacking, you should sidestep before your attack in almost all cases. In this situation, the other player's character has the added difficulty of having to track his attack towards your new position. An exception to this rule would be when you are attacking your opponent while he is performing a fast move that tracks very well. In this case, attacking faster is more important than taking the time to sidestep before you attack. Note that one of the best ways to get your opponent to leave himself open for an attack is to knowingly allow him to get behind you. He will usually think that you made a mistake and he will try to attack you before you can react. If he goes for a grab, first duck his grab and then stand up to grab him, just as you would if you were face-to-face. If he goes for a punch/kick attack or if he is running up to hit you, you can just kick him or you can sidestep his attack and then attack him(it's riskier but more rewarding(damage-wise) to sidestep his attack). Some characters even have special moves that can only be used while their back is turned(these moves and their applications are discussed in "Specific Strategy"), so be sure to use them to your full advantage. Many characters may also reverse or counter various attacks(also discussed in "Specific Strategy"). (2)While your opponent is recovering... If you are attacking while your opponent is recovering, the absolute worst thing you can do is misjudge your opponent's recovery time. If you attack too late, you will yourself be open to attack while YOU recover. One of the best ways to attack a recovering player is with a juggling uppercut(df+rp) or (if the character has it) a juggling hopkick(uf+rk). The moves are fast, effective, they set you up for a juggle, and every character in the game can do one of the two. (3)While your opponent isn't sure about how you are going to attack... The best way to confuse your opponent is to attack him with a series of strings that look identical, but hit at different levels (Nina's strings are a good example). If possible, use one string a few times, and then follow that with a similar-looking string that hits at different positions and juggles when it connects. (4)While your opponent is attempting to get up... Attacking your opponent while he is attempting to get up is known as Okizeme. When used in good taste, these moves can take a fair amount of damage without leaving you open for reprisal; when used in excess, these moves take small amounts of damage while leaving you wide open for attack(I will discuss this in full under "Defending"). Many characters have moves that are specifically for grounded opponents, and you can usually complete these at least one time before your opponent has a chance to get up(especially after throws or juggles). But after that initial ground attack, you are reduced to hitting a grounded character with petty, d+lk or d+rk moves(the d+rk will only work on players who are actually trying to get up). These moves are effective against newbies who aren't familiar with Tekken 3 game mechanics, but an experienced player will simply lay on the ground, allowing you to do one move before getting up: he knows that any move that isn't specifically for grounded opponents only pushes the grounded character further away from the attacker. In short, do one ground attack move and then try following that with one other move, and then stay away from him, 'cause after that, he can hurt you, and he can hurt you bad. (5)While your opponent's back is turned... When attacking your opponent while his back is turned, you can grab, juggle him, or(my favorite) start up a ten-string. Watch out for counterattacks because he still has plenty of them, and, if you use a ten-string, make sure it's fast and that there are as many mid-level and low-level attacks as possible, or your opponent will duck and punch or kick you. (6)While your opponent is stunned... If your opponent is stunned, you can basically do anything. Juggle combos are almost always the best way to go because no character can stop a juggle after it has started(with the exception of Ogre II). However, many stun moves can be negated(discussed in section (6) of "Defending"), so be sure that the juggle starter you use is very fast. A NOTE ON UNBLOCKABLE MOVES: Unblockable attacks leave you wide open to attack before, during, and after the unblockable move. The ONLY time I would suggest you use an unblockable is when your opponent tries to use his unblockable. Get out of his unblockables' range and then start yours. Be sure to time your unblockable so that it will hit him while he is still recovering from his. >Poking Tactics< Poking involves a series of fast attacks(usually standing jabs, crouching jabs, and WS moves) used to force your opponent into a completely defensive state. This frustrates your opponent, therebye making him more likely to make a mistake(ie whiff an interrupt, or missblock an attack), therebye increasing your chances for a high-damage counter(like df+rp). To poke, you must know your character very must know which moves draw you into your opponent, and which push you away, so that you may use a combination of the two to continue the poke. You must also be very adept at substituting alternative moves within the attack to mix up your poking pattern, or your opponent will likely find "holes", or points at which he may negate your pattern. I personally recommend keeping your poking patterns very short(no more than five or six seperate attacks within the entire poke) because it is very risky to continue any poke against a good player: he'll find and exploit any holes in your poke very quickly, always to your detriment. However, when used wisely a poke or custom string(I prefer the custom string to a poking pattern) can be very effective. A simple but effective custom string with Paul Phoenix is df+lp,lp,(d+rk,rp or df+rp). This basically gives your opponent a choice between a juggling uppercut or a Falling Leaf Combo(not surprisingly, most choose the Falling Leaf). Unless your opponent is reading your(in which case you are going to lose that round very badly), you should connect with one of the two. You may also drop either the df+lp or the standing jab, just to keep your opponent guessing. There are many other examples of poke patterns/custom strings (easily hundreds), but this should give you an idea of the basic point of a poking pattern or custom string: you're setting your opponent up to eat an attack. >>Defending<< In Tekken 3, there are many ways to defend yourself. You can block, reverse, counter or break moves or strings, escape or reverse throws, and you can also sidestep almost any move in the game. Exactly how you defend yourself is directly related to how you play the game: if you ALWAYS block, then you are either new to Tekken, or you simply haven't taken the time to learn other methods of defense. On the other hand, if you are utilizing all of the above, then you're already pretty good at the game. However, unless you have a LOT of competition at your arcade, you probably don't know the best ways to defend yourself against every single character. There are plenty of moves and move-strings I rarely see or never see at all, and these moves are the ones that my opponent has a much greater chance of connecting with(duh). You should at least familiarize yourself with all of the moves in the game. Also, always remember that attacks come in three basic levels: high, medium, and low. High attacks can be blocked or ducked, medium attacks can be blocked(but not ducked), and low attacks can be blocked or hopped over(although hopping over a low attack is a very risky maneuver). There is also a special type of attack that has similar characteristics of both mid and low level attacks. You may not duck this attack, but you may block it while standing or while crouching. Examples of these attacks are Eddy Gordo's Handstand Position's rk(it's a flurry of spinning kicks) or any characters crouching jab. >How to defend against attacks that are difficult to defend against The hardest attacks to defend yourself against are (1)attacks that are made while you are attacking, (2)Okizeme attacks, (3)attacks coming while you are stunned, (4)attacks coming from behind you, (5)running attacks, (6)unblockable attacks, and move-strings(move- string blocking patterns are specific to each character, and are covered under "Specific Strategy"). (1)Attacks that are made while you are attacking... The best way to avoid these attacks is to not leave yourself open to them. Never start up a string that an opponent may back away from to get out of your range or to sidestep around your attack. Never be the first person to do an unblockable(as explained under "Attacking"), and always mix up your attacks so that your opponent won't be expecting any given attack. (2)Okizeme attacks... Okizeme attacks can be dealt with in many ways. If it's possible, my favorite way to stop Okizeme tactics is get into the grounded position where your character is face-down with his feet towards his opponent. Then I just tap lk if my opponent tries to attack(this will ONLY work against an opponent who is foolish enough to press on with his Okizeme attack after the first few hits). This sweep juggles on counterhit, and any character can do it(Note: you must use a low attack to continue the juggle after the initial sweep). There are other good ways to stop Okizeme(like using the Ankle Kick(d+rk), any other standard kick, or simply by rolling away from the attack), but the only other really good way to negate it is to just stand up without attacking(preferably while your opponent is recovering from a missed attack, such as d+rk). If you know where your opponent is going to try to hit you while you are standing up(usually a low attack), block that attack WHILE you are getting up. It won't hit you. I promise. If your opponent is running towards you while you are grounded, the best thing to do is roll(d+lp) out of the way(wait until he is only a few strides away from you before you roll or the stomp or slide will track and hit you anyways). After you've tried to roll out of the way of the slide a few times, you'll notice something: it's hard to do. You can Heel Kick(d+rk) an opponent who is attempting a slide, if your timing is right. This situation is actually one of the best times to use the HK because your opponent has no opportunity to kick you back(d+rk) immediately after it, as he does in most other cases. Of course, you really have to be expecting the Slide for this to work. Note that... ...the sweep(face down, feet towards, lk) will also juggle after you have rolled towards your opponent from the aforementioned position. (3)Attacks coming while you are stunned... You may recover from a stunning attack much more speedily by holding F and then going back to the blocking level. Example: You are attacking King when he starts up with his Ali Kicks. The first kick connects on counterhit, and so he should be able get four more kicks after the first, right? Wrong. If you hold F immediately after the first kick, you should be able to block the second after bringing the controller back to the DB position at the last possible second. This works with most of the stunning moves in the game. (4)Attacks coming from behind you... Even with your back turned, you still have a wide range of moves to choose from. You can still sidestep(although you don't sidestep as far as you would if you were facing your opponent), you can still punch and kick, and you can still throw. If you end up with your back turned, do not panic. Just do the same things I discussed in section (1) of "Attacking". (5)Running attacks... Running attacks are best negated by sidestepping because they are fast, they hit at different levels of attack, two of them cannot be blocked(the Shoulder Ram and the Ultimate Tackle), and it's difficult to hit a running opponent before he hits you. Be sure to wait until your opponent is within a few strides of you before you sidestep or the move will track. Also, if your opponent does the Flying Side Kick (a favorite among scrubs) and you sidestep around it, you can grab or hit him from behind. If your character has a backflip(uf~u~ub), then you may also use this to escape running attacks. In fact, in some situations this move is actually better than the ss(it is much easier to avoid a Sliding Sweep((while running)rk) with a backflip because the SS tracks quite well). Heihachi's backwards run(b,b,n,lk+rk) is an effective alternative to the backflip. (6)Unblockable attacks... Unblockables cannot be blocked(thus the name), they are difficult to sidestep, and(if your opponent is using them intelligently) they usually catch you off-guard. When sidestepping an unblockable, you should sidestep at least two times(try your best to get completely behind your opponent) because unblockable moves tend to track very well. If you are caught off-guard, your reaction time is going to be very slow, and so you should use a fast attack such as a jab or a quick kick to knock your opponent out of the unblockable(I prefer a crouched punch because many characters crouch down during their unblockable moves, making them immune to high attacks). It all really depends on how far away you are from your opponent, how long the range for their unblockable is, and, most importantly, how long it takes them to do their unblockable. ************************************************************************ SSSS PPPP EEEEE CCC IIIII FFFFF IIIII CCC S P P E C C I F I C C SSS PPPP EEE C I FFF I C S P E C C I F I C C SSSS P EEEEE CCC IIIII F IIIII CCC SSSS TTTTT RRRR AAA TTTTT EEEEE GGG Y Y S T R R A A T E G G Y Y SSS T RRRR AAAAA T EEE G Y S T R R A A T E G GG Y SSSS T R R A A T EEEEE GG G Y ************************************************************************ >>>>>>Difficult Joystick Motions<<<<<< {Motion} - {moves it is used in} - {an explanation of how to complete the motion} D,df/D,db - used in numerous moves - hold D, roll to df and tap button(s) simultaneously(refer to "D,df,d,df/D,db,d,db" for more information on how to do this properly. D,df,d,df/D,db,d,db - Bryan's Messenger of Death(D,df,d,df+lp+rp), Law's Dragon Slide(D,df,d,df+lk), and King's DDT(D,db,d,db+lp+rp) - First you need to familiarize yourself with the diagonals on the game you are using...F causes your character to stand and walk forward, D causes your character to go into an unmoving crouch, DF causes your character to crouch and walk forward, and DB causes your character to crouch and walk backward. When completing these moves, your character should remain in a crouching position during the motion...if he stands up in any way(during the motion, not during the result of the completed sequence), you have allowed the joystick to go into the F or B position and have inputted incorrect data. Try to complete the motion as fast as possible, and pay close attention to your character to make sure you are completing the motion correctly. With a little practice, you should be able to get these devastating moves off in the blink of an eye, therebye making them quite useful(duh). >>>>>>Techable Throws<<<<<< {Character} - {Throw} - {Result of tech(a tech always results in a quick-recover roll: this lists other effects)} Gun-Jack - Lifting Choke and Toss >> Megaton Punch - damage is lessened? Heihachi Mishima - Headbutt - none Jin Kazama - Headbutt - none King - Giant Swing - damage is lessened Kuma / Panda - Headbutt - none Forrest Law - Dragon Knee - none >>>>>>Outline<<<<<< {character's name(s)} >>Strengths<< - {basic strong points of this character} >>Weaknesses<< - {basic weak points of this character} >>Counters/Reversals<< - {character's reversals and counters} - {which attacks this counter/reversal affects} >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. {a numerical list of juggle starters(for that character)} *(face down, feet towards)lk or (fd, ft, roll towards)lk, the juggle starter that ANY character may utilize from the aforementioned grounded position. ***>Useful Juggles: ({corresponding juggle starter}).{an efficient, practical juggle that the character may utilize} >>Move-strings<< {delayable move-strings(if applicable)} {a list of move-strings(from least number of hits to largest number of hits): how to complete them, and how to negate them} >>Strategy<< {Strategy for "Attacking" and "Defending" with the character.Also includes strategy for playing against the character("VS.")} BBBB RRRR Y Y AAA N N FFFFF U U RRRR Y Y B B R R Y Y A A NN N F U U R R Y Y BBBB RRRR Y AAAAA N N N FFF U U RRRR Y B B R R Y A A N NN F U U R R Y BBBB R R Y A A N N F UUU R R Y >>Strengths<< - high-damage moves - fast attacks - short recovery time - confusing move-strings - low attack counter >>Weaknesses<< - very few low attacks - most of his moves do not track very well >>Counters/Reversals<< - d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk - affects low-level punches or kicks >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. Elbow Pistons(df+lp,rp) 2. Uppercut(d,df,f+lp or WS~lp) 3. Gutpunch >> Double Punishment(d,df,f+rp >> b+rp) 4. Low Spinkick(df+lk) 5. Hop Kick(u or uf+rk) ***>Useful Juggles: (1 or 2).lp.b+rp,lp,rk (3).b+rp,lp,rk (4).WS~lk.lp.f,f+rp (5).lp.f+rk,lk,rk ***>Note that... ...the last hit for the juggle after the Low Spinkick may may quick recovered if you don't complete it fast enough. >>Move-Strings<< ***>Four-strings *>Fury Thrust >> Triple Punch {attack level} - M M M M {button sequence} - b+lk,rp,lp,rp {breaking points} - R Notes: 1. first kick may be countered or reversed *>Freezer Burn - M M M L - b+lk,rp,lp,rk - R Notes: 1(from above) >Four-string notes: These strings are very difficult to block because they look exactly the same(except for the last move). They are one of the best attack methods Bryan has: if you're using them, do the Freezer Burn a few times before the Fury Thrust >> Triple Punch(the latter is more damaging and it sets you up for Okizeme); if you're defending against them, always block the last hit as if the string was going to be the Fury Thrust >> Triple Punch unless you are *sure* your opponent is going to go with the kick. ***>Five-strings *>Pentagon Attack #1 - M M M M M - lp,rk,rp,lp,rk - R Notes: 1. first kick may be countered or reversed *>Pentagon Attack #2 - M M M M H - lp,rk,rp,lp,rp - R Notes: 1 Five-string Notes: Same as "Four-string Notes". ***>Eight-string - M M M M H H M H - b+lk,rk,lp,rp,lp,rk,lk,lk - R B B Notes: 1. first kick may be countered or reversed 2. you may break the string after the first four hits by ducking and attacking ***>Ten-string - M M M M H H H H M H - b+lk,rk,lp,rp,lp,rk,rp,lp,rk,rp - R B B B B P R Notes: 1,2 (from the eight-string) 3. you may attack Bryan during the pause between the last two moves in this string 4. The last punch may be countered or reversed >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Most of Bryan's moves and move-strings hit high. His greatest weakness is that he just doesn't have enough high-damage low attacks. Don't let this fact worry you, though, because if he connects with his Gutpunch(d,df,f+rp) and then completes the Double Punishment(b+rp), he can follow the multi with a juggle (Spinning Punches >> Spinkick (b+rp,lp,rk)). That combo takes somewhere around 80% of a life bar. Wow. However, this move is somewhat difficult to set up for, as Bryan is left wide open during and after(if it misses) the Gutpunch, so be very careful if you're using it. Be sure to use the Low Spinkick (df+lk), it's the only good low attack Bryan has. Use the Fury Thrust >> Triple Punch (b+lk,rp,lp,rp) and the Freezer Burn (b+lk,rp,lp,rk) strings to confuse your opponent. ***>Defending Just don't forget that Bryan has fast moves and grabs that may be completed during pauses in your opponent's attacks, and that he has a low attack counter(try grabbing your opponent with the Messenger of Death (D,df,d,df+lp+rp) after countering a low attack as an alternative to the Hop Kick(u or uf+rk), or after running up to your opponent and performing a crouching jab(you should buffer this move by pressing and holding the jab(lp or rp) button, and then perform the move and tap the other)), those are two of the few times you are really set up for the grab. ***>VS. Stay away from the four and five-strings. Don't use slow attacks against him(he has many fast attacks and may knock an opponent out of slow moves). Note that most of Bryan's attacks are high or mid-level (they are reversable or counterable), and that many of his attacks may be sidestepped quite easily(they're fast, but they don't track very well). EEEEE DDDD DDDD Y Y GGGG OOOO RRRR DDDD OOO E D D D D Y Y G G O O R R D D O O EEE D D D D Y G O O RRRR D D O O E D D D D Y G GG O O R R D D O O EEEEE DDDD DDDD Y GGG G OOOO R R DDDD OOO >>Strengths<< - some powerful moves and strings - juggling move-strings - his "dancing" makes him somewhat difficult to hit >>Weaknesses<< - difficult to control - easy to hit while in handstand and grounded positions - many moves require long recovery times >>Counters/Reversals<< - None >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. (handstand position)d,lk+rk 2. lk~rk ***>Useful Juggles: (1).rk.D+rk (2).d+rk.rk~lk >>Move-Strings<< ***>Six-string - M - rk~lk,rk,rp,rk,lk,lk - Notes: ***>Eight-strings *>StringA - - rk~lk,rk,rp,rk,lk,rk,rk,rk - Notes: *>StringB - - rk~lk,rk,rp,rk,rk,lk+rk,lk+rk,lk+rk - Notes: ***>Nine-string - - rk~lk,rk,rp,rk,lk,rk,lk,rk,lk+rk - >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking You can hold D or B to automatically go into the grounded or handstand positions after performing most of Eddy's moves. However, you should know how to avoid attacks before you even try this, as Eddy is wide open to attack if you don't. In the Handstand position, you can avoid most attacks by tapping u or d(like a sidestep, except he just tilts to the side to avoid the attack), or you can perform a handstand crouch by tapping d. Note that he can perform special moves(great for counterattacks) while crouching or tilting. The Grounded position has many fast attacks that may be used to hit an opponent before he hits you, although you cannot really wait on an attack, as Eddy will automatically go into the face up, feet towards lying down position if you wait too long. The main thing you have to do is setup for your attacks. Let your opponent extend himself in one of his failed attacks, and then ruin his day with one of Eddy's numerous, high-damage combos. ***>Defending Eddy is most effective when you allow yourself to get into a dangerous situation(leave yourself open to attack), and then counter the attack. My advice to you on defending is: it's OK to let yourself get into bad situations as long as the ends(connecting with high-damage combos) justifies the means(putting yourself at risk). In other words, if you think you can connect with a 50% combo if you put yourself at a risk of a 20% counterattack, then it's worth the risk; if you think you can connect with a 20% combo, but you'll have to risk taking a 50% counterattack, then don't do it(duh). ***>VS. Low and mid-level attacks work very well against Eddy if he is in the grounded or handstand positions, or if he is performing one of his long, drawn-out strings(they're slow, too). Just remember that he can ss attacks while he is in the handstand position(don't extend yourself with an attack: he has high-damage counterattacks). Note that Eddy sways from side to side while he is standing up(an automatic ss, if you will): he dances from face to face with you(center), then a little to your character's right, then back to center, then a little to your character's left, then back to center again, and so on. If you don't attack him while he's centered, you're attack will probably miss and he can attack you while you are recovering(thus the frustration every intermediate-level player experiences while fighting newbies who love to mash buttons with Eddie). If you simply keep that auto-ss in the back of your mind while you're dealing with him, you should destroy every masher who challenges you. Expert players, on the other hand, will use your own attack against you by getting you to attack them when they know they can counter your attack, thus causing serious damage to your character. They will let Eddy get into a bad position, knowing that you'll try to attack while he's in it, and then dodge your attack at the last possible second so they can counterattack. This type of an Eddy player is very dangerous(duh). The best way to deal with them is to run up and complete a fast attack to knock Eddy out of the handstand and grounded positions(Note that characters with a fast low >> mid attack, like Nina's d+rk,lp or Jin's lp+rk, can use those moves to juggle Eddy while he is in the grounded position) or while he is performing one of his slower moves or move-strings. The point of your attack is to keep Eddy from setting up for one of his vicious counters, and not(necessarily) to cause large amounts of damage to him. GGG U U N N JJJJJ AAA CCC K K G G U U NN N J A A C C K K G U U N N N --- J AAAAA C KKK G GG U U N NN J J A A C C K K GG G UUU N N J A A CCC K K >>Strengths<< - very powerful moves - somewhat confusing move-strings >>Weaknesses<< - very slow movement - very long recovery times >>Counters/Reversals<< - None >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. (WS)lp 2. df+rp 3. df+rp+lk ***>Useful Juggles: (*).d+lp,lp,lp (1 or 2).rp.D,rp.(still holding down)lp,rp (3).d+lp,rp >>Move-Strings<< ***>Ten-strings *>StringA first second - M H L L L H H H M H L H - uf+lp,lp,rk,lk,rk,lp,rp,lp,(lp+rp,lp+rp or D+lp+rp,lp+rp) - R RB R R R B B B B B Notes: 1. first and second punches are reversable or counterable 2. may break the string during the second punch 3. may counter the first three kicks 4. may break the string during the third, fourth, and fifth punches 5. don't let the string get to the last two hits: they are fairly hard to block. 6. may break the string during the last move(first or second choice) *>StringB first second - L L L M M H H H M H L H - d+rp,lp,lp,lp,rp,lp,rp,lp,(lp+rp,lp+rp or D+lp+rp,lp+rp) - P B B B B B Notes: 5,6 7. may attack Jack during the pause in between the second and third punches 8. may break the string during the sixth, seventh, and eighth punches >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking First of all, never, ever do the liftoff thrust(I'm not even gonna tell ya how). It is WAY too easy to avoid(just sidestep around it), and the recovery time is appalling(plenty of time for an attack from behind). Use the Cross Cut Saw(f,f+lp+rp) because it can be followed up with either the Megaton Punch(df+rp) or the Low Cross Cut Saw(lp+rp). Those two two-strings end with either a mid-level or a low-level attack, and they're very fast, so they are pretty hard to block when used in conjunction with each other. Even more difficult to block is the Megaton Punch(b,db,d,DF+rp) and the Megaton Sweep (b,db,d,DF+lp). Note that the Lifting Choke and Toss(uf+lp+rp) >> Megaton Punch(b,db,d,DF+rp) is a vicious grab: use it whenever you can. You may follow the Death Heave(df,df+rp+rk) with the Megaton Sweep (b,db,d,DF+lp) for serious damage as well. ***>Defending Jack has no counters or reversals, but the Reverse Mega Hammer Strike(d+lp+rp) is an excellent move to use against an opponent who is rushing in with a lot of high-level attacks(it takes a lot of damage, and it sets you up for a juggle, which means your opponent might lose over half his life because of one mistake). ***>VS. Be very careful while fighting Gun-Jack. Although his moves are slow and require a LOT of recovery time when they miss, he only has to connect with one or two decent attacks and your life bar is empty (I've personally seen the Lifting Choke and Toss >> Megaton Punch take anywhere from 50% to 75% of a life bar). When blocking the Cross Cut Saw, be prepared to block the Megaton Punch(it's much faster and, therefore, much harder to see coming). If your opponent follows the CCS with the Megaton Punch, you'll already be in the proper blocking position; if he follows it with the Low CCS, a much slower move, you'll be able to see it coming and block it. Note that the Megaton Punch portion of the Lifting Choke and Toss >> Megaton Punch is techable. H H EEEEE IIIII H H AAA CCC H H IIIII H H E I H H A A C C H H I HHHHH EEE I HHHHH AAAAA C HHHHH I H H E I H H A A C C H H I H H EEEEE IIIII H H A A CCC H H IIIII M M IIIII SSSS H H IIIII M M AAA MM MM I S H H I MM MM A A M M M I SSS HHHHH I M M M AAAAA M M I S H H I M M A A M M IIIII SSSS H H IIIII M M A A >>Strengths<< - powerful moves - fast juggle starters - confusing strings - excellent low attacks >>Weaknesses<< - long recovery times - many of his moves do not track well >>Counters/Reversals<< - (special) - Heihachi will catch high and mid-level rk's if your opponent attempts the kick while Heihachi is performing any move other the than standard punches and kicks. >>Juggling<< ***>Juggling Moves: 1. Uppercut(df+rp) 2. Twin Pistons(df+lp,rp) 3. Rushing Uppercut(f,f+rp) 4. Wind Godfist(f,n,d,df+rp) ***>Useful Juggles: (1 or 2).lp.f+lp,b+rp,lp (1 or 2).lp.f,n,d,DF+rk,rk,lp (3 or 4).lp,rp.f+lp,b+rp,lp (3 or 4).lp,rp,f,n,d,DF,rk,rk,lp >>Move-Strings<< ***>Delayable Strings *>Three-string(last punch only) - H H M - lp,lp,rp - R ***>Ten-strings *>StringA - M M M L L M M M M M - df+lk,rp,rp,rk,rk,lp,rp,lp,rp,lp - R R P R Notes: 1. may reverse the first kick 2. may reverse the third punch 3. may attack Heihachi during the pause in between the last two moves 4. may reverse the last attack *>StringB first second - M M M L L M H M M M M - df+lk,rp,rp,rk,rk,lp,rk,lp,rp,(lp or rk) - R R B P R R Notes: 1,2,3,4(first or second choice) 5. may break the string during the fourth kick *>StringC - H H H H M M L M M H - f,f,n,rp,lp,rp,rp,lk,rk,rk,lp,rp,lp - RB B B B P R RB Notes: 6. may reverse the first punch 7. may break the string during the first four punches 8. may attack during the pause in between the second and third kicks 9. may reverse the third kick 10. may reverse the last punch 11. may break the string during the last punch >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Go for the juggles while an opponent is recovering from an attack(the Twin Pistons is an exceptionally good move to use). Try using the Rushing Uppercut if your opponent is attacking with a move or string that involves a lot of high attacks, but make sure you are not too close because the move requires a f,f motion. The Tile Splitter (d+lp) and the Death Fist (d,df,f+rp) are two moves that work well against an opponent who is running, jumping, or one who has decided to start up a string while he is too far away for the first few hits to connect. Don't use the Tile Splitter >> Death Fist(d+lp,rp) if your opponent is airborne: the Tile Splitter will knock him into the ground, and he can get up and attack you while you are recovering from the Death Fist. You can use the Hell Sweep(f,n,d,DF,rk,...) strings or the Hop >> Thrust Kick (f,n,d,df,n,lk) and Hop >> Low Thrust Kick (f,n,d,DF+lk) to confuse your opponent, but you have to mix them up for the attacks to be effective. Don't finish the Hell Sweeps with endings (Dragon Punch, Rushing Uppercut, etc.) if your opponent is blocking the sweeps(he'll expect a follow-up attack, and be waiting on it so he can attack you while you're recovering): if you are fast, you'll be able to get out of attack range or at least recover while he is waiting on that attack. If you connect with the Left Splits Kick(f,f+lk), and it stuns your opponent(it does this on counterhit), you should follow it with the Hell Sweeps for a solid 50% combo. ***>Defending The Chi Fists(lp+rp) and the Twin Pistons are excellent ways to knock an opponent out of a slow string. The Chi Fists will set you up for the Lightning Stomp(d+rk), and the Twin Pistons will set you up for a juggle. The right kick reversal is a decent move to use if your opponent hits you with a weak right kick, but not if he connects with a high-damage right kick(the more powerful the rk, the more life Heihachi loses while reversing it). His side grabs and his grab from behind an opponent are more powerful than most, so try sidestepping around attacks and go for one of these grabs whenever possible. ***>VS. Many of Heihachi's best moves can be sidestepped(Thrust Kick, Low Thrust Kick, Death Fist, etc). The Tile Splitter >> Death Fist is so slow that you can sidestep the Death Fist after being hit by the Tile Splitter(unless it is a counterhit), and it's even easier to sidestep the Death Fist if you have blocked the Tile Splitter. Beware of the Hell Sweeps and always ss the Thrust Kicks(they hit at either mid or low level: DON'T GUESS WHICH). Don't use a slow move-string or he'll hit you with the Chi Fists, and don't use a high or mid-level rk against him while he's completing any string or special move(he'll reverse the kick). Also note that the Headbutt throw(f,f+lp+rp) is techable. H H W W OOO AAA RRRR AAA N N GGG H H W W O O A A R R A A NN N G G HHHHH W W O O AAAAA RRRR AAAAA N N N G H H W W W O O A A R R A A N NN G GG H H W W OOO A A R R A A N N GG G >>Strengths<< - powerful kick strings - good juggle starter - fast and maneuverable - low attack counter >>Weaknesses<< - almost all kicks are mid or high-level(easily reversed, countered, or ducked under) >>Counters/Reversals<< - d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk - low punch or kick counter >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. d+rk,rk 2. f,n,d,df+rk ***>Useful Juggles: (*).WS~rk.df+lp.d+rk,rk (1 or 2).lk,lk,lk,lk ***>Note that... ...all four kicks will connect if you wait until your opponent is at the same level as your head before you start the kicks. >>Move-Strings<< ***>Ten-strings *>StringA(Left Flamingo Stance) - - rp,rp,lk,rk,lk,rk,rk,rk,rk,lk - Notes: *>StringB(Right Flamingo Stance) - - lp,rp,lk,rk,lk,rk,rk,rk,rk,lk - Notes: >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking The Bird Hunter(d+rk,rk) is an excellent move because it sets you up for easy juggles. Use this move after performing the agression charge (lp+rp+lk+rk), if the first kick(a low attack) connects, you are guaranteed a high-damage juggle. This move also works very well against an attacking opponent(juggles on counterhit). Another great move is the Sky Blast Kick(f,n,d,df+rk): Hwoarang is immune to many attacks while he is performing this move because he crouches while perfoming it, and therebye ducks under many attacks(another fine move to use against an attacking opponent). ***>Defending Just don't forget that Hwoarang has a low attack counter, and that a lot of his attacks hit at high or mid-level: watch out for reversals. ***>VS. Don't set yourself up to be hit by the Bird Hunter. Note that most of Hwoarang's attacks are high or mid-level kicks, and are therefore reversable. JJJJJ IIIII N N K K AAA ZZZZZ AAA M M AAA J I NN N K K A A Z A A MM MM A A J I N N N KKK AAAAA Z AAAAA M M M AAAAA J J I N NN K K A A Z A A M M A A J IIIII N N K K A A ZZZZZ A A M M A A >>Strengths<< - fast character - powerful moves - short recovery time - good juggles >>Weaknesses<< - some of his best moves are easily reversable - most of his moves are easy to see coming >>Counters/Reversals<< - b+lp+lk or b+rp+rk - high or mid-level attacks >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. (WS)rp 2. D,f+lp+rp 3. b,f+rp,lp,d+rp 4. f,n,d,df+rp(on counterhit) 5. f,n,d,df+rk ***>Useful Juggles: (1,2,3 or 4).lp.b,f+rp,lp,d+rp (1,2,3 or 4).lp.lp+rk,rp,rk (1,2,3 or 3).b,f+rp,lp,d+rp.(dash forward)df+rk,rk (5).lp+rk,rp.df+rk,rk >>Move-Strings<< ***>Delayable Strings *>Three-strings(last punch only) - H H M - lp,lp,rp - R - M M M M - b,f+rp,lp,(rp or d+rp) - R P *>Five-string(last punch only) - R - d+rp,rk,rp,lp,rp - H H M M M ***>Five-string(delayable) first second - H H M M M M - b+rp,rk,rp,lp,(rp or d+rp) - RB B R R R Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch 2. may break the string during the first punch 3. may break the string during the first kick 4. may reverse the second punch 5. may reverse the last punch(first or second choice) ***>Six-string first second - H H L H H M L - lp,rp,lp+rk,rp,(rk or d+rk) - RB B R B B R R Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch 2. may break the string during the first or second punches 3. may counter the first kick(during lp+rk) 4. may break the string during the third and fourth punches 5. may reverse(first choice) or counter(second choice) the last move 6. don't let this string get to the last move ***>Eight-string first second - H H M H L H M M L - lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,lp,(lk or rk) - RB B B R B R R Notes: 1. may reverse the first kick 2. may break the string during the first kick and first punch 3. may break the string during the third kick 4. may counter the fourth kick(during lp+rk) 5. may break the string during the second punch 6. may reverse(first choice) or counter(second choice) the last move 7. don't let this string get to the last move ***>Nine-strings *>StringA first second - H H M H L H H M M L - lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,lp,(lk or rk) - RB B B R B B R R Notes: 1. may reverse the first kick 2. may break the string during the first kick and the first punch 3. may break the string during the third kick 4. may counter the fourth kick 5. may break the string during the second and third punches 6. may reverse(first choice) or counter(second choice) the last move 7. don't let this string get to the last move *>StringB - H H M M M M L M U - f,f,n,rp,lp,rk,rk,rp,rk,lk,rp,lp - RB B P R P R Notes: 8. may reverse the first punch 9. may break the string during the first two punches 10. may attack during the pause in between the third and fourth kicks 11. may reverse the fourth kick 12. may attack during the pause in between fourth and fifth punches 13. may reverse the last punch ***>Ten-strings *>StringA first second - H H H H H M L H M H L M U - f,f,n,rp,lp,rp,rp,lk,rk,rk,(lp,rp,lp or rk,rp,lp) - RB B B B B P R B B P R Notes: 1. may reverse or counter the first punch 2. may break the string during the first four punches and first kick 3. may attack during the pause in between second and third kicks 4. may counter the third kick - first choice - 5. may break the string during the first or third punches - second choice - 6. may attack during the pause in between the first and second punches 7. may reverse the last punch *>StringB - H H M H L H H M M M - lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,rp,lp,rp - RB B B R B B Notes: 8. may reverse the first kick 9. may break the string during the first kick and first punch 10. may break the string during the third kick 11. may counter the fourth kick(in lp+rk) 12. may break the string during the second and third punches ***>Eleven-strings first second third - H H M L M M L H H M M M L M M - b+rp,rk,rk,rk,rk,rp,lp+rk,rp,(lp,rk or lp,lk or lk+rk) - RB B R R R R B B Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch 2. may break the string during the first punch and first kick 3. may reverse or counter the second, third, and fourth kicks 4. may counter the fifth kick(in lp+rk) 5. may break the string during the third or fourth punches >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Jin has an impressive arsenal of high-damage attacks and juggles: use them to your advantage. The Demon Godfist(b,F+rp...) is an excellent move to use against an opponent who is rushing in with a lot of high attacks. Be sure to follow it with the Elbow >> Uppercut Combo(...,lp,d+rp). This juggling move sequence is very powerful, and if it is followed by any decent juggle(lp.b,F+rp,lp,rp perhaps), your opponent will lose about 50% of his life bar. Woohoo. If your opponent is blocking the combo, or if you sense that he's going to recover from the stun to reverse or block the last punch, you can stop the combo after the second punch, and then go for a grab, instead(he'll be expecting the last punch of the combo, and, if you're fast, you may be able to catch him with the grab). Mix up his strings(he has a LOT of them), when they are used in conjunction with each other, they are difficult to defend against. ***>Defending Besides his standard high or mid-level attack reversal, Jin also has the Offensive Block(b+lp+rp). The OB will block virtually every attack in the game(including the Ultimate Tackle, which is supposed to be unblockable). Use these moves to your advantage. ***>VS. Try your best to avoid getting hit by the Demon Godfist, but if you do, don't panic: just hold F to recover from the stun, and then block any attack your opponent has chosen to use(usually the Elbow >> Uppercut Combo or the Rushing Demon Combo(...,lp,rp). Don't forget that he can reverse moves, and that many of his moves can be easily sidestepped. Also note that the Headbutt(f,f+lp+rp) is a techable throw. JJJJJ U U L IIIII AAA CCC H H AAA N N GGG J U U L I A A C C H H A A NN N G G J U U L I AAAAA C HHHHH AAAAA N N N G J J U U L I A A C C H H A A N NN G GG J UUU LLLLL IIIII A A CCC H H A A N N GG G >>Strengths<< - confusing strings - powerful low attacks - very fast running attacks - low attack counter >>Weaknesses<< - slow move execution >>Counters/Reversals<< - db+lp+lk or db+rp+rk - low punch or kick counter >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. d+rk,lp 2. df+rp,lp 3. D,df+rp(stun).d+lp ***>Useful Juggles: (*).D+rp.(still holding down),df+rk,lk (1).lp.d+rk,lp (2).d+rk,lp (3).WS~lp.f,f+lp,rk >>Move-Strings<< ***>Ten-string first second third - H H M H H L H H L M M L M H M M L M - rp,lp,lp,rp,lk,lk,(lk,rk,rk,lp or rp,lk,rp,lp or rp,lp,rk,lk) - RB B B B R RB B R R R RB R R Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch 2. may break the string during the first and second punches 3. may break the string during the fourth punch and first kick 4. may counter the second kick - first choice - 5. may reverse the first kick 6. may break the string during the first and second kick 7. may counter the third kick 8. may reverse the only punch - second choice - 9. may reverse the first kick 10. may reverse the last punch 11. may break the string during the last punch - third choice - 12. may counter the first kick 13. may reverse the last kick >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Julia has numerous two to four-hit strings that may be used to confuse your opponent: use them. She has numerous running attacks, one of which stuns your opponent: use them. You should also try grabbing your opponent while he is waiting for one of her slow, high or mid level string endings: just stop the string right before the move and then grab your opponent while he is standing up and waiting on the next attack. Julia also has a few special grabs that cause a good bit of damage, and they're fairly easy to connect with(f,df,d,db,b,f+rp in particular). You should use these grabs whenever your opponent is recovering from an attack. Julia is probable the most powerful crouching character in the game. You can mix up WS~rp,rp; WS~rp,lp,lp; WS~rp,lp,rk,lk; D,df+rp; and D,df+rk,lk all from the crouching position, and she has a low attack counter to discourage low attacks, which means she can be a VERY mean crouching character *if* she is played properly. ***>Defending Julia has a few high damage low attacks that stun on counterhit: use these against an attacking opponent. Also remember that she has a low attack reversal and many powerful grabs that you can use on a staggering opponent. ***>VS. Watch out for her running attacks and her short strings: they can be very confusing. Note that many of her running attacks are very fast, and they are therefore very easy to sidestep. K K IIIII N N GGG K K I NN N G G KKK I N N N G K K I N NN G GG K K IIIII N N GG G >>Strengths<< - confusing grabs - multi-throws(powerful, numerous) - powerful moves - low attack counter - un-counterable kick reversal >>Weaknesses<< - most grabs are easily escaped - most attacks are mid or high-level(easily reversed) >>Counters/Reversals<< - d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk - low-level punch or kick counter - b+lp+lk or b+rp+rk - mid or high-level kick reversal >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. f,f+rp(on counterhit) 2. uf+rk ***>Useful Juggles: (*).d+rk.d+lk+rk,rp (*).d+rk.d+lk+rk,rk,rk (1 or 2).lp,rp,lp.d+lk+rk,rp (1 or 2).lp,rp.d+lk+rk,rk,rk >>Move-Strings<< ***>Ten-strings/Nine-strings *>StringA first second third fourth - H H H M M M L L L M M H - (lp,rp or f+rp),lp,lp,rp,rk,rk,rk,lp(,lp or ,lk) - RB B RB R R R R P R Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch(first or second choice) 2. may break the string during the first two punches(first choice) 3. may break the string during the first punch(second choice) 4. may reverse the second punch 5. may counter the first, second, and third kicks 6. may attack during the pause in the last two moves(third choice) 7. may reverse the last move(fourth choice) *>StringB first second third fourth fifth - H H H M M H M L L M M L M H L L U - (lp,rp or f+rp),lp,lp,lk,lk,rk,(rk,lp,lp rk,lp,lk lk,rp,lp+rp) - RB B RB R R R R P R R R Notes: 1,2,3,4 8. may reverse the second and third kicks 9. may reverse or counter the first kick(third,fourth, and fifth choices) 10. may attack King during the pause in between the last two moves(third choice) 11. may reverse the last kick(fourth choice) >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking King has very few punch/kick attacks, and the ones he does have are easy to see coming. In other words, he is best played defensively. His ss grab(ss,rp+rk) is a useless offensive attack, although most people believe otherwise. I say this because the grab is easy to see coming, it can be reversed, King is wide open to attack as he comes out of the crouch to grab his opponent, and the grab can be ducked under. However, it is a very useful move against an attacking opponent. If your opponent is ducking under your grabs, try using the Low Powerbomb(d+rp+rk or d+lp+lk) or, even better, try the low MTS(df,df+rp+rk). If you have a choice as to which multi-throw you can start, make it the Reverse Arm Clutch(F,df+rp+rk or F,df+lp+lk). Depending on which way you start this throw, the break sequence for the following throws will be different, making this multi very difficult to escape. Also, there are several moves that set you up for ground throws; use these moves whenever possible: Irish Whip >> Quick Slam, Irish Whip >> Spinning Ground Smash, Dark Arrow(ss,rp), Ankle Breaker(d,DF+lp), Bouncing Knuckle Bomb (f,d,df+lp+rp). Although you may achieve a ground grab after completing the DA, it is better to follow it with a grab(yep, you may grab your opponent before he falls to the ground). The ONLY grabs you cannot connect with are the multi-throw starters that affect standing opponents. You have time to ss before completing a grab, and you may also use the grabs that affect crouching opponents(yes, including the Reverse Full Nelson MTS) if you go for them while your opponent is hunched over(of course you must do this before they hit the ground, so the timing is somewhat difficult). You should also try using the Aggression Charge in conjunction with the Ali Kicks >> Octopus Special. ***>Defending King is the only character in the game who can reverse the Ankle Kick (d+rk). Use his high or mid-level kick reversal to do this. Also note that you can achieve a ground throw after completing his kick reversal. Don't forget that he has a low attack counter, as well, and that the DDT(D,db,d,db+lp+rp) is an excellent move to use after that counter. ***>VS. Be sure to know all of the multi-throw escapes, or a decent King player will destroy you. Also, watch out for the grabs that work against a crouched opponent. Try not to get into close combat with King: he is a MUCH weaker opponent at the longer ranges. The Ali Kicks(d+lk+rk,rk,rk,...) are stunning sweeps that you may recover from faster by holding F. By doing this, you should be able to block the second kick every time. Note that the first Ali Kick may be followed with another low-level AK(followed by others) or a mid-level punch: this may be somewhat difficult to block if you are attempting to recover(tapping/holding F) AND trying to get back to the proper blocking position at the same time. Also note that the Giant Swing (f,b,db,d,df,f+lp) is a techable throw(the the tech affects the damage of the throw, reducing it from about 70% to about 30% of a "normal" life bar). K K U U M M AAA / PPPP AAA N N DDDD AAA K K U U MM MM A A / P P A A NN N D D A A KKK U U M M M AAAAA / PPPP AAAAA N N N D D AAAAA K K U U M M A A / P A A N NN D D A A K K UUU M M A A / P A A N N DDDD A A >>Strengths<< - very powerful moves >>Weaknesses<< - limited number of good moves - slow move execution - slow recovery time - may be hit by numerous attacks while grounded >>Counters/Reversals<< None >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1.f,f+rp ***>Useful Juggles: (1).uf+rk.lp.f,f+rp >>Move-Strings<< None >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Use the Cross Cut Saw(f+lp+rp) as a counterattack, or against an attacking opponent(it is very effective in this respect, and it may be followed by the Rushing Uppercut(f,f+rp) for an easy combo). The Circus Roll(f,b,db,d,df,f+lp+rp) is a very fast, very powerful throw that can be used with great effectiveness against a recovering opponent(say you just popped him in the face with rp, and follow that with the throw(you may even buffer the move by holding the rp)). Mix up the two attacks that start with b+lp+rp, one of them has a VERY long range(Bear Roll (f,df,d,db,b,ub,u,uf,f)), and the other(Claw Slash(press nothing)) is a fast unblockable that tracks very well. ***>Defennding Even though he's big, Kuma can still sidestep many attacks, and his side grabs and from behind grabs are very powerful(they're worth the risk). ***>VS. Watch out for the two attacks that start with b+lp+rp. If your opponent does it, back out of the range of the Claw Slash, and then start sidestepping to avoid the Bear Roll(if your opponent decides to do that instead). Note that Kuma can be hit with many attacks while he is grounded. FFFFF OOO RRRR EEEEE SSSS TTTTT L AAA W W F O O R R E S T L A A W W FFF O O RRRR EEE SSS T L AAAAA W W F O O R R E S T L A A W W W F OOO R R EEEEE SSSS T LLLLL A A W W >>Strengths<< - very fast character - powerful moves - numerous juggle starters - punch counter(b+lp+rp~) - low attack counter >>Weaknesses<< - most attacks are mid or high-level(easily reversed) >>Counters/Reversals<< - b+lp+lk or b+rp+rk - high or mid-level kick counter - b+lp+rp - high or mid-level punch counter - lp - Dragon Fist Strike - rp - Turning Backfist >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. d+rp,lk 2. lk,rk or lk,lk,rk or lk,lk,lk,rk 3. b+rp,lk,rk 4. b+lp,rp,lp ***>Useful Juggles: (*).WS~rk.df+lp.b+rp,lk,rk (1,3,4).lp,rp.b+rp,lk,rk (2).WS~lp.b+rp,lk,rk >>Move-Strings<< ***>Delayable Strings *>Three-string(last punch only) - M M M - b+lp,rp,lp - R *>Variable-string(any of the last three punches) - H H H H H H H H H H M M M - f+(lp or lp,lp or lp,lp,lp or lp,lp,lp,lp),rp,rp,rp - R R R R >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Use the Turning Backfist(back turned, lp) to set up for high-damage attacks from behind your opponent(note that Law may use this move after the punch counter(b+lp+rp), the Low Elbow(db+rp), or the Low Eblow >> Reverse Flip Kick(db+rp,rk), or any other time your back is turned towards your opponent. Follow the Backfist with b+rp, and then follow that with the attack of your choice(prefererably d+rp,lk: it's a juggle starter). Also use d+rp,lk or df+lk,rk against an opponent who is rushing in with a lot of high-level attacks. The Dragon Tail(db+rk) and the Dragon Slide(D,df,d,df+lk) are two useful attacks(they're fast), given that you are fairly close to your opponent(the DS has a long range, but it is too easy to see coming if Law is too far away when he performs it). ***>Defending If you are trying to set up for the TB, and you feel your opponent is going to attack you before you can perform it(it's somewhat slow), you can always use a kick(their much faster) to negate that attack. Don't forget about the punch counter >> TB, it's probably the best counter in the game because it sets you up for so many attacks to your opponent's rear: you can literally spank somebody with this one. ***>VS. DO NOT allow yourself to be hit by the TB: an experienced opponent will juggle 70%+ of your life away if he hits you with it. Note that many of Law's attacks are high or mid-level, and are therefore reversable. The Dragon Knee(f,f+lk+rk) is techable. L EEEEE IIIII W W U U L OOO N N GGG L E I W W U U L O O NN N G G L EEE I W W U U L O O N N N G L E I W W W U U L O O N NN G GG LLLLL EEEEE IIIII W W UUU LLLLL OOO N N GG G >>Strengths<< - confusing fighting styles - numerous grounded/back turned attacks - powerful kicks - low attack counter(hold F while in Panther Stance) >>Weaknesses<< - many moves set opponent up for an attack from behind >>Counters/Reversals<< - d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk - low-level attack counter >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. (grounded, face up, feet away)lk+rk 2. (back turned)uf+lk or uf+rk 3. (Panther Stance)rp 4. uf+rk ***>Useful Jugglles: (1,2,3, or 4).lp.f,n,lp,rp,lp,rp,lk (1).b+lp+rp.f+rk,rp,lp,lk ***>Note that... may switch into a special stance during or after the rush punches in the first juggle. >>Move-Strings<< ***>Delayable Strings *>Five-string(all are delayable) - M M M M M - f,n,lp,rp,lp,rp,lk - R R *>Variable-string The punch-rush into mid/low kick that follow a f+rk are all delayable. ***>Nine-string - H H L M M M L L M - lp,rp,lp,lk+rk,lk+rk,lk+rk,lp,lp,rp - RB B P R Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch 2. may break the string during the first and second punches 3. may attack during the pause in between the third punch and the first flip 4. may reverse the last punch ***>Ten-string first second - H H L M M M H M L H M H - lp,rp,lp,lk+rk,lp,rp,rk,lp,(rk,rk or rp,lk) - RB B P B R RB B Notes: 1,2,3 5. may break the string during the second kick 6. may reverse the first or last kick(first choice) 7. may break the string during the last kick(first choice) 8. may break the string during the last kick(second choice) >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Know which characters you can lay down against: don't lay down against a character that has numerous attacks that can connect with a downed opponent. Also, be sure to lay down at the worst possible time for your opponent(maybe he's rushing in with a move or move-string that doesn't connect with downed opponents), and then attack before he can react. Use the special stances whenever you can start them in conjunction with some attack ie. use the Rush Punches (f,n,lp,rp,lp,rp,rk) during juggles and ss into whichever stance you would like to be in while your opponent is getting up. Also note that you can ss attacks with the stance switch and then attack using your new stance(be sure to set up for the best stance possible when doing this). SPECIAL STANCES: - Art of the Phoenix This style has very limited uses: it is very easy to knock Lei out of any of the attacks he may use while in this stance. - Drunken This style has a powerful punch and can be used as a high or mid-level punch counter(Lei automatically sidesteps any punches). However, other than those functions, this stance is very limited in it's usefulness. - Dragon This stance has powerful moves, but they all connect at high or mid-level and are therefore easy to block with the single exception of the Neckshaker throw, but that move is fairly easy to see coming and can be ducked or broken. - Crane The best moves in this stance would be the two punches. If you press rp, and your opponent fails to block it, you are set up in the back turned position. If you press lp, and your opponent does block it, you are again set up in the back turned position. In other words, as long as you are reasonably sure about whether or not your opponent will block the next attack, you can punish him for being too predictable. - Tiger This stance only has a few attacks, but they are fast and they hit at different levels, and so they are difficult to block. - Snake Another stance that has very fast moves. The Three Punch Combo(rp,rp,rp) will stun an opponent even if they block the first two punches, allowing the third punch to connect. You can also switch into other stances by holding F after any of these punches. If the first punch connects on counterhit, it will stun your opponent, allowing you to set up other attacks. - Panther An excellent stance. It has fast moves that connect at different levels, and rp juggles. Even if the rp is blocked, you can follow it with the Guard Melting Punches(...,lp,rp). Try using the Two-handed Low Punch(lp) a few times, and then follow that with the rp if you think your opponent will try to block the TLP. ***>Defending Don't forget that Lei can ss attacks while in any stance in which he can switch into another: use this to your advantage. Note that the Drunken Stance(f+lk+rk) is a punch counter, and that you can also get out of the range of many attacks by laying down or by turning your back(I know that sounds crazy, but it works) and then coming back with a counterattack. While your back is turned towards your opponent, note that Lei's hopkick(BT,uf+lk or BT,uf+rk) is a fast, juggling move: if you have enough time, use it. ***>VS. Don't let Lei dazzle you with his various stance attacks: confusion is his greatest weapon. You can knock him out of most of his stances simply by hitting him with a low punch or kick(must be a fast one). Learn the best ways to attack a downed Lei, and realize that you can attack any character that is rolling towards you with a crouching punch or kick, or even a juggling uppercut(df+rp), if you can pull it off before he attacks. M M OOO K K U U JJJJJ IIIII N N MM MM O O K K U U J I NN N M M M O O KKK U U J I N N N M M O O K K U U J J I N NN M M OOO K K UUU J IIIII N N >>Strengths<< - unpredictable >>Weaknesses<< - unpredictable >>Counters/Reversals<< - varies >>Juggling<< - varies >>Move-Strings<< - varies >>Strategy<< Figure out who he is mimicking and proceed from there. N N IIIII N N AAA / AAA N N N N AAA NN N I NN N A A / A A NN N NN N A A N N N I N N N AAAAA / AAAAA N N N N N N AAAAA N NN I N NN A A / A A N NN N NN A A N N IIIII N N A A / A A N N N N A A W W IIIII L L IIIII AAA M M SSSS W W I L L I A A MM MM S W W I L L I AAAAA M M M SSS W W W I L L I A A M M S W W IIIII LLLLL LLLLL IIIII A A M M SSSS >>Strengths<< - good juggle starters - very confusing move-strings - fast character - multi-throws(powerful, numerous) - low attack counter >>Weaknesses<< - slow recovery time after some moves >>Counters/Reversals<< b+lp+lk or b+rp+rk - high or mid-level punch or kick reversal d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk - low kick counter >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. db+lk,rk 2. db+lk+rk 3. (face down, feet towards)lk or (fd, ft, roll towards)lk ***>Useful Fuggles: (*).d+rk,lp.df+lk,lp,rp,f+lp+rp (1 or 2).uf+lk.d+rk,lp.df+lk,rp,lp,lp+rp (1 or 2).uf+lk.d+rk,lp.db+lk+rk (3).d+rk,lp.df+lk,lp,rp,f+lp+rp >>Move-Strings<< ***>Delayable Strings *>Four-string - M H H M - df+lk,lp,rp,f+lp+rp - R *>Variable-string Any of the punch-rush strings that end with f+lp+rp. ***>Ten-strings *>StringA first second third fourth fifth - H M M H H H M L H H L M H M - (lp or df+lp or WS~lp),rp,lp,rp,lk,lk,rp,lp,(rk,lk or rp,rk) - RB R R B B B R RB B R R B Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch(first, second, or third choice) 2. may break the string during the first punch(first choice) 3. may break the string during the first three punches 4. may counter the second kick 5. may reverse the fourth punch 6. may break the string during the fourth and fifth punches 7. may counter the first kick(fourth choice) 8. may reverse the last kick(fourth choice) 9. may break the string during the first punch(fifth choice) *>StringB first second third - H M M H H H H L L M L M - (lp or df+lp or WS~lp),rp,lp,rp,rk,lk,rk,rp,rk,lk - RB R R B B B RB R R R R R Notes: 1,2,3 10. may reverse the first kick 11. may break the string during the first kick 12. may reverse or counter any of the last five moves >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Use the Divine Cannon(db+lk+rk) or the Divine Cannon Combo(db+rk,lk) whenever your opponent is rushing in with a lot of high or mid-level attacks: it's one of the best juggle starters in the game. You may also use the DCC in conjunction with the Agression Charge: if the first kick(a low attack) in the combo connects, the second one will also connect. Use the Shin Smash MTS(d,db,b+lp+rk) whenever you see that your opponent is going to rush in with a grab or attack that has a short range. Nina is one of the best sidesteppers in the game, so you should use this to your advantage, as well. If your opponent tends to ss a lot, ss in the same direction and perform the Quick Blonde Bomb(ss,lp+rp), it is very effective against sidestepping opponents. ***>Defending Just don't forget that she has a high or mid-level punch or kick reversal(b+lp+lk or b+rp+rk), or that she has a low attack counter(d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk). ***>VS. Don't let yourself be set up for the Divine Cannon (Combo) or any of the MTSs. OOO GGG RRRR EEEEE IIIII O O G G R R E I O O G RRRR EEE I O O G GG R R E I OOO GG G R R EEEEE IIIII >>Strengths<< - powerful moves - numerous unblockables >>Weaknesses<< - few move-strings >>Counters/Reversals<< - b+lp+rp >>Juggling<< >>Move-Strings<< - None >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking rp. That's an important button to remember while you're playing Ogre I(II as well). f,f+rp is probably the best unblockable in the game...follow it with D,df+rp for a vicious combo. f+rp is another good move(high damage, high priority). So is SU~rp. Don't use the infinity kicks(WS~lk,lk,d+lk,...): you'll get hurt. ***>Defending The best defense is a good offense(with Ogre, at least). Poke if you can, f,f+rp if you can't hehe. ***>VS. While fighting Ogre I you should either be right up in his face, poking the dog-snot out of him, or you should back off and wait for him to make a mistake. The main reason for this is f, simply cannot afford to get caught by that unblockable more than two or three times...either stay out of range or poke Ogre out of it every time you see him start the animation for it. You may also ss that move, although ssing the f,f+rp is somewhat difficult to do. ss the infinite kicks (WS~lk,lk,d+lk,...), and you should have enough time to severely punish your opponent for trying those cheesy kicks before he can recover. Put time into setting up your moves so that they'll have a better chance of connecting, or he'll KO you with only a few attacks. OOO GGG RRRR EEEEE IIIII IIIII O O G G R R E I I O O G RRRR EEE I I O O G GG R R E I I OOO GG G R R EEEEE IIIII IIIII >>Strengths<< - powerful moves - numerous unblockables >>Weaknesses<< - few move-strings >>Counters/Reversals<< - None >>Juggling<< >>Move-Strings<< - None >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Same as Ogre I, except follow the f,f+rp with D,f+rp(it's a more damaging combo =). ***>Defending Same as Ogre I. ***>VS. A really stupid(or cheesy) player will constantly use the Dragon Flame attacks(lp+rp or d+lp+rp). If they perform the standing DF attack, there isn't much you can do(besides ducking it). If they perform the flying DF, you can ss the attack(note that this attack tracks, and you'll have to keep sidestepping in the same direction(duh) to avoid the attack) and then run up for the attack of your choice. Also note that Ogre II may follow the unblockable(f,f+rp) with d,f+rp for significant damage. If your opponent likes to use the juggle escape (any button while being juggled), use any rushing punches you may have during the juggle, and that, along with a healthy dose of forward dashes, will keep him juggled for quite a while. Also note that Ogre is big enough to sustain hits from attacks that normally wouldn't hit a grounded character: use that to your advantage(poor, fat Ogre II =). PPPP AAA U U L P P A A U U L PPPP AAAAA U U L P A A U U L P A A UUU LLLLL PPPP H H OOO EEEEE N N IIIII X X P P H H O O E NN N I X X PPPP HHHHH O O EEE N N N I X P H H O O E N NN I X X P H H OOO EEEEE N N IIIII X X >>Strengths<< - powerful moves - confusing moves >>Weaknesses<< - very slow recovery time >>Counters/Reversals<< - b+lp+lk or b+rp+rk - high or mid-level punch or kick reversal >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. uf+rk 2. d,df,f+lp(juggling)...if stun follow with "1. uf+rk" ***>Useful Juggles: (1).lp.d,db,b+lk,rp,(delay)lp (1 or 2).lp.d+rk,rp >>Move-Strings<< ***>Delayable Strings *>Two-string(last punch only) - M M L - D,df+rp,(lp or rp) - *>Three-string(last punch only) - L M M L - d,db,b+lk,rp,(lp or rp) - ***>Five-string - H H M M M - lp,rp,lk,lp,rp - RB B P RP R Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch 2. may break the string during the first and second punches 3. may attack during the pause in between the first kick and third punch 4. may reverse the third punch 5. may attack during the pause in between the third and fourth punches 6. may reverse the last punch ***>Ten-strings *>StringA - H H M H M H H L M M - lp,rp,lk,rp,lp,rp,lp,rk,rp,lp - RB B B BP B R Notes: 1. may reverse the first punch 2. may break the string during the first and second punches 3. may break the string during the third or fifth punches 4. may attack during the pause in between the fifth and sixth punches 5. may break the string during the sixth punch 6. may reverse the last punch *>StringB - H H M M L M H M L M - lp,rp,lk,lp,rk,rp,lp,rk,rp,lp - RB B R R R P R Notes: 1,2,6 7. may reverse the third punch 8. may counter the second kick 9. may reverse the last kick 10. may attack during the pause in between the sixth and last punches >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking One of the more powerful characters in the game, Paul has quite a few moves that are very hard to see coming. Try setting up the Falling Leaf Combo(d+rk,rp) with one or two quick jabs(the best-case scenario would be you knocking your opponent out of a move or move-string with the jab(s), therebye making it even harder to react to the FLC). You can also use the Crounch Dash(d,df,f) in conjunction with the FLC and the Death Fist(CD,rp) to confuse your opponent. Also note that he has a few grabs that are both powerful and fast: use them while your opponent is recovering. ***>Defending Just don't forget that Paul has a high or mid-level punch or kick reversal. ***>VS. Be prepared to block the Death Fist if your opponent performs the Tile Spliter(d+lp), it's faster than the FLC(which can also be performed after the TS). If he does the Death Fist, you'll already be in the proper blocking position, if he is taking too long to do the DF, he is probably going for the FLC: block it. You should use a fast, low punch or kick to knock Paul out of the CD, as you cannot be sure if he is going to do the FLC or the Death Fist, and you may be able to sneak in a grab after knocking him out of these moves. L IIIII N N GGG X X IIIII AAA OOO Y Y U U L I NN N G G X X I A A O O Y Y U U L I N N N G X I AAAAA O O Y U U L I N NN G GG X X I A A O O Y U U LLLLL IIIII N N GG G X X IIIII A A OOO Y UUU >>Strengths<< - highly maneuverable - very quick character - confusing attack methods - easily avoids attack - low attack counter >>Weaknesses<< - weak moves >>Counters/Reversals<< - b+lp or b+rp - high or mid-level attack reversal - lp+rk - high or mid-level punch or kick counter - db+lk - attack counter >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. (back turned)rk 2. WS~rp ***>Useful Juggles: (*(hold D during sweep)).D+lk,rp.rp,lp.f,f+lp+rp,lp+rp (1).df+lp.rp.rp,lp.f,f+lp+rp,lp+rp (2).rp.rp.rp,lp.f,f+lp+rp,lp+rp >>Move-Strings<< ***>Delayable Strings *>Four-string(last punch only) - M M M - u+lp+rp,rp,lp - ***>Ten-strings *>StringA - M H H M M L L L M M - u+rk,lp,rp,lp+rp,lp,lk,rk,rk,rk,lp - R B B R R R R R Notes: 1. may reverse the first kick 2. may break the string during the first and second punches 3. may reverse or counter any of the last five moves *>StringB - M H H L L M M L M M - u+rk,lp,rp,rk,rk,rp,lp+rp,lp,rk,rp - R B B R R R R R Notes: 1,2 4. may counter the second and third kicks 5. may reverse the third kick 6. may reverse the third punch 7. may reverse either of the last two moves >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Most of Ling's best moves must be performed with her back turned. This puts you at risk of attack, but you should note that she is the only character in the game who can ss with her back turned and remain in the back-turned position. You should use this to your advantage: turn your back, ss an attack, and then start up a juggle with rk. Note that although most of her attacks don't take much damage, she is VERY evasive. Ling is probably the best poker in the game. ***>Defending Wow. Slap Reversals(b+lp or b+rp), high or mid-level attack counter(b+lp+rk), low attack counters(d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk), Body Push Counter(db+lk), Spinning Dodges(lk+rk or d+lk+rk), Dive Roll(f+lk+rk), Cartwheel(f+lp+rp). Use them all. Wow. When jumping over an opponent (f,f+lk+rk), don't let yourself fall too close to your opponent: he'll surely grab you. If you screw up and land too close, you can try ducking the grab, then sidestep your opponent's next attack, and then(finally), go for a counterattack. ***>VS. Watch out for an opponent setting up for an attack: they mean to take off a LOT of your life. If your opponent is close enough(after he has flipped over you), go for a back-turned grab as soon as he lands; if he is too far away, tap b(you should move outside the range of the Vertical Hook Kick(back-turned, rk)). Try to keep her from evading your attacks as much as possible by using moves that track well. Note that you can reverse the High Overhead Flip(f,f+lk+rk). Y Y OOO SSSS H H IIIII M M IIIII TTTTT SSSS U U Y Y O O S H H I MM MM I T S U U Y O O SSS HHHHH I M M M I T SSS U U Y O O S H H I M M I T S U U Y OOO SSSS H H IIIII M M IIIII T SSSS UUU >>Strengths<< - powerful moves - numerous unblockables - ability to regain power or siphon power from other player - low attack counter - sword block(b+lp+rk) >>Weaknesses<< - many high or mid-level attacks(easily reversed) - some slow moves >>Counters/Reversals<< - b+lp+rk - high or mid-level attack reversal - d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk - low-level punch or kick counter >>Juggling<< ***>Juggle Starters: 1. rk~lk 2. df+rp 3. D,df+lk ***>Useful Juggles: (1).lk (1).db+rp,rp,rp,rp,rp (2).lp.b+rp,rp,rp,rp.lp.f,f+rk(buffer this into a dash) (3).WS~rk.f,f+rk >>Move-Strings<< ***>Delayable Strings *>Four-string(all are delayable) - M M M M - df+lp,lp,lp,lp - R ***>Five-string - H H M H U - rk,rk,rp,rp,lp - RB RB R RBP R Notes: 1. may reverse any of the moves 2. may break the string during the first and second kicks 3. may break the string during the second punch 4. may attack during the pause in between the last two moves ***>Eight-strings *>StringA - H H M H H L M M - rk,rk,rp,rp,rk,rk,lp,lk+rk - RB RB R RB RB R R R Notes: 1. may reverse or counter any of the moves 2. may break the string during the first and second kicks 3. may break the string during the second punch and third kick *>StringB - H M M H H L M M - lp,rp,lp,rk,rk,rk,lp,lk+rk - RB R RB RB R R R Notes: 1. may reverse or counter any move except the second punch 2. may break the string during the first punch 3. may break the string during the first and second kicks ***>Ten-strings *>StringA - H H M H H L M U U U - rk,rk,rp,rp,rk,rk,lp,lp,lp,lp - RB RB R RB RB R R R R R Notes: 1. may reverse or counter any of the moves 2. may break the string during the first and second kicks 3. may break the string during the second punch and third kick *>StringB - H M M H H L M U U U - lp,rp,lp,rk,rk,rk,lp,lp,lp,lp - RB RB RB R R R R R Notes: 4. may reverse or counter any move except the second and third punches 5. may break the string during the first punch 6. may break the string during the first and second kicks *>StringC - H M M H M M M M U U - lp,rp,lp,rk,rp,rp,rp,rk,lp,lp - RB RB R R R Notes: 5 7. may reverse the first punch 8. may reverse the first kick 9. may break the string during the first kick 10. may reverse any of the last three moves >>Strategy<< ***>Attacking Yoshimitsu has many unblockable attacks(using his sword). However, he can be jabbed out of many of these moves, and most of the ones he can't be jabbed out of take so much recovery time that your opponent can grab you even after taking the unblockable hit. You should concentrate on his juggles and be sure to wait for the best time to attack with almost ALL of his moves, otherwise you'll take more damage than your opponent after he atttacks while you're recovering. ***>Defending The Sword Reversal(b+lp+rk) is an excellent move to use against an opponent who is running up to snag you with ANY high or mmid-level attack. However, this move tends to come out too slow to hit an opponent who is performing a move-string: only use it during the longest pauses in the string. Also note that he has a low attack counter(d+lp+lk or d+rp+rk). ***>VS. Watch out for his unblockables(he has a LOT of them). You may punch Yoshimitsu out of the Spinning Sword Flip(d,df,f+lp), and many of his other unblockable moves, and you have enough time to grab him after the Front Kick >> Sword Slice(f,f+lk,lp). ******HELP ME*********************************************************** If anything is wrong, or if you have any insight(on any of the information in this FAQ) that you would like to see in this faq, please e-mail me at will be credited for the info in the "Thanks" section, and I will automatically e-mail newer versions of this FAQ to you). Without your help, this document will never be complete, so PLEASE inform me of ANYTHING you think might be of use. ******THANKS************************************************************ Namco for creating the Tekken series SurfBard for making such a fine FAQ Chojin for helping me get this FAQ on the web for always reminding me of how great Tekken 3 is Yagyu for his input on Lei Wulong(he contributed almost all of the Lei strategy) Kaiser for pointing out erroneous moves in Law's "Counters/Reversals" section Sauer Kraut for submitting delayable move-strings and other various techniques, and pointing out errors ShiangL for submitting various juggle starters, juggle combos, fixes, and other miscellaneous input All the gamers for offering me intelligent competition, and thus at Acadiana getting me where I am today Mall's arcade Visitors to the for bringing various techniques to my attention video.arcade newsgroup Visitors to the for bringing various techniques to my attention late Tekken Online Forum Visitors to the for bringing various techniques to my attention Twisted Tekken Message Board Visitors to the yep, for bringing various techniques to my attention Tekken 3 Message Board Visitors to the guess late BMW's Tekken 3 BBS The following for making the following songs bands whispering things into my brain assuring me that I'm insane - Metallica "Sanitarium" with time the child draws in this whipping boy done wrong deprived of all his thoughts the young man struggles on and on... - Metallica "Thee Unforgiven" what have I become, my sweetest friend everyone I know goes away in the end you could have it all, my empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt - Nine Inch Nails "Hurt" I put my faith in God and my trust in you now there's nothing more f---ed up I could do - Nine Inch Nails "Wish" step out the front door like a ghost into the fog where no one notices the contrast of white on white and in between the moon and you the angels get a better view of the crumbling difference between wrong and right - Counting Crows "'Round Here" blast of silence explodes in my head - White Zombie "Thunderkiss '65" good golly, miss molly - (duh)