Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 02:48:29 -0400 The REAL GAME GEAR F.A.Q. Version GG.02 - May 1998 Creators & Maintainers: Sly D.C. & Eric Hamel and NO FRAGGING Codes or Cheats!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ O.K.,Here's the legal stuff: Copyright (c) 1998, Sylvain De Chantal & Eric Hamel All rights reserved. This document may be copied, in whole or in part, by any means provided the copyright and contributors sections remain intact and no fee is charged for the information. Contributors retain the copyright to their individual contributions. The data contained here in is provided for informational purposes only. No warranty is made with regards to the accuracy of some informations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional contributions IS welcome! (really needed!!) Please mail additional information, opinions, and comments to : mailto --> ""(informations) or to --> ""(sell,trade) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the REAL FAQ about the GAME GEAR ! TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- 1.0) What is the GAME GEAR ?? 2.0) GAME GEAR specs 3.0) U.S. Cartridge List(still need inputs...) 3.1) Never Released (U.S.) 4.0) Accessories List 5.0) The GG in Europe and Japan 6.0) Odds and Ends... 7.0) Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0) What is the GAME GEAR ?? ------------------------------ First, play a Game Boy and find a dead squirrel and knock-it hard on your head, when you see all kind of color on the screen of your Game Boy, you've accomplish to get a dirt-cheap Game Gear ! HA!HA!HA! Only in your wildest dreams! (or the TV ad) But seriously, the Game Gear is quite unique in it's own way. It's "life" began in 1991 when it was released and now died in the end of 1997 when the last title came out (in Japan, it died in december 1996). This color handheld system is in fact an Portable Sega Master System, but Sega wanted to compete with the Nintendo Game Boy, the Atari Lynx and the NEC Turbo-Express. With now an library of about 250 titles especialy made for the Game Gear and about 120 games for the Sega Master System with the Master Gear Adaptor, you have the choices of more than 350 games that you can play on it. So enough of "small" talk and let's get on with the FAQ. And if you want to know more of the big brother of the GG, the SMS (Sega Master System), Please go see Jeff Bogumil's SMS FAQ at !! Thanks !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0) GAME GEAR specs --------------------- Main Processor: Z-80 (8-bit) Processor Speed: 3.58 MHz Resolution: 160 x 146 Colors Available: 4,096 Colors On-Screen: 32 Maximum Sprites: 64 Sprite Size: 8 x 8 Screen Size: 3.2 Inches Audio: 4-lyr RAM: 24K It is suggested that some games, can change colors on successive scan lines, and use more colors than the 32 mentioned above. The GG IS the same all over the world. (Internally of course!) That means that you can play any cart anywhere in the world !! No need of any converters or adaptors, all carts are universally compatible ! Some of you are asking themselves if we can play Game Gear carts on a Master System with an adaptor...well let me put it in one word: NOPE. The fact is the Game Gear as a color palette of 4,096 colors and the Master System as a color palette of 256. We can play Master System on a Game Gear but not the other way around just because of this. I (Sly)tried myself to take a shot at this but instead of playing Game Gear games on the Master System, i tried it on the Genesis with the Power Base Converter and it did work!! Well, kind of, i took a "Poker Face Solitaire" cart and rewire-it to a scraped "Hang On/Safari Hunt" that i put in the Power Base Converter, i am able to play the game BUT you have two problems: 1) No Pause button and 2) The Color are all mixed up! The PAUSE button isn't the real problem, we can still make a switch or press-button to correct the situation. The REAL and biggest problem is the COLOR! What is supposed to be "black" is now "green", "white" is now "orange", and so on...welcome to the 60's if you want to play !! Not GROOVY at all, that's for sure !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0) U.S. Cartridge List Total for NOW: 243 Carts ------------------------- -------------------------- In the THEME Section: -------------------------------------------------- Act=Action Rcg=Racing Adv=Adventure RPG=Role Playing game Ard=Arcade Sht=Shooter Fgh=Fighting Sim=Simulation Msc=Misc. Soc=Social(card) Puz=Puzzle Spt=Sport In the INFO Section: -------------------- (B) = Battery Storage (P) = Password #p = Number of Player (2or4) 2ps = 2 Players Simultaniously Name: Company: #Model: Year/Mem: Theme: Info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-in-1 Fun Pack Interplay T-125028 94/ Msc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addams Family /1m Act Aerial Assault Sega / Sht 2p Aladdin Sega /4m Act (P) Alien Syndrome Sega 2324 92/ Sht Alien 3 Arena /2m Act/Sht Andre Agassi Tennis / Spt Arcade Classics Sega / Ard Arch Rivals / Spt Arena:Maze of Death / Asterix & the Great Rescue Sega / Act Ax Battler Sega 2405 91/2m RPG (P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baby Boom / Baku Baku Sega / Puz Batman & Robin(Advs. of) Sega / Act Batman Forever / Act Batman Returns Sega 92/2m Act Batter Up Namco / Spt Battleship / Soc Battletoads Tradewest 94/2m Act/Fgh Beavis & Butthead Viacom 94/ Act Berenstain Bears Sega / Bonkers:Wax Up! Sega 95/4m Act Bubble Bobble Taito / Arc 2p/(P) Bugs Bunny:Double Trouble / Bust-A-Move Sega / Puz ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caesar's Palace / Captain America / Casino Fun Pack / Chakan:the Forever Man Sega 92/ Act Championship Hockey / Chase HQ Taito / Rcg Chessmaster Sega / Soc Chicago Syndicate Sega 95/ Act Choplifter 3 Extreme / Sht Chuck Rock Sega /2m Act Chuck Rock 2:Son of Chuck Tengen 94/2m Act Cliffhanger / Act Clutch Hitter Sega / Spt Columns Sega /2m Puz Cool Spot Virgin 93/2m Act Cosmic Spacehead Codemaster / Crystal Warriors Sega 92/2m Rpg 2ps/(B) Cutthroat Island Acclaim T-81338 95/ Act ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Defenders of Oasis Sega 2503 92/4m RPG (B) Desert Strike / Sim/Sht Devilish Sage's Creation 91/1m Msc Dinosaurs Tale / Donald Duck:Deep Duck Trouble Sega 94/4m Act Donald Duck:Lucky Dime Caper Sega 92/2m Act Double Dragon Virgin / Fgh Dr.Robotnik Mean Bean Machine Sega 94/2m Puz 2ps/(P) Dracula(Bram Stoker's) / Dragon:the Bruce Lee Story / Fgh Dragon Crystal Sega 91/ Act/RPG Dynamite Headdy Sega / Act ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Earthworm Jim Playmates 95/4m Act Ecco The Dolphin Sega 93/4m Adv (P) Ecco 2:the Tides of Time Sega 95/4m Adv (P) Evander Holyfield R.D.Boxing Sega / Spt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F-15 Strike Eagle 2 / Fantastic Dizzy Codemaster /2m Act Fantasy Zone Sega 92/1m Sht Fatal Fury Special Takara / Fgh FIFA Soccer '95 EA Sports 94/ Spt FIFA Soccer '96 EA Sports 95/ Spt Foreman For Real / Spt Formula 1 Domark 94/2m Rcg 2ps/(P) Frank Thomas BigHurt Baseball / Spt Fred Couples Golf Sega 2529 95/ Spt 4p Frogger (Prototype only) Sega ???? 9?/?m Arc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G-Loc Sega / Sht Garfield:Caught in the Act Sega / Gear Works Sony 94/1m Puz (P) George Foreman's KO Boxing Flying Edge 92/2m Spt 2ps Global Gladiators / GP Rider / Rcg Greendog / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Halley Wars Sega /1m Sht Home Alone Sega 92/ Act Hook Sony / Act Hurricanes / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Incredible Crash Dummies / Incredible Hulk / Act Indiana Jones:Last Crusade U.S.Gold / Adv/Act Iron Man/XO-Manowar / Itchy & Scratchy Game Acclaim 95/4m Act ------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Pond 2:Codename Robocod U.S.Gold 93/2m Act Jeopardy Gametek / Soc Jeopardy Sports Gametek T-83078 93/ Soc/Spt Joe Montana Football Sega 92/2m Spt John Madden '95 E. Arts 95/4m Spt John Madden '96 96/ Spt Judge Dredd Acclaim 95/4m Act (P) Junction Bignet / Puz Jungle Book Virgin / Act Jungle Strike / Sht Jurassic Park Sega 93/4m Act/Adv Jurassic Park 2:Lost World Sega / Act/Adv ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kawasaki Super Bike Challenge Time Warner 95/2m Rcg (P) Klax Tengen / Puz Krusty's Fun House Acclaim / Puz ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last Action Hero / Act Lemmings Sega /2m Puz Lion King Virgin 94/4m Act Little Mermaid(Ariel) Sega / Act ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Majors:Pro Baseball Sega 2418 92/ Spt 2ps (B) Marble Madness Tengen 92/ Puz Marko & Magic Soccer / Act/Spt Mega Man:Best Of ... U.S.Gold T-79168 95/ Act Mickey M:Castle of Illusion Sega 91/1m Act Mickey M:Land of Illusion Sega / Act Mickey M:Legend of Illusion Sega 95/4m Act Mickey's Ultimate Challenge Hi-Tech / Act Micro Machines / Rcg Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Sega 94/4m Act/Fgh 2ps MLBPA Baseball / Spt Monster Truck Wars / Mortal Kombat Acclaim T-81278 92/4m Fgh 2ps Mortal Kombat 2 Acclaim 93/4m Fgh 2ps Ms.Pac-Man Tengen / Arc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NBA Action '94 94/ Spt NBA Jam Acclaim / Spt NBA Jam Tournament Edition Acclaim T-81308 94/ Spt NFL Quarterback Club Acclaim 94/ Spt NFL Quarterback Club '96 Acclaim T-81378 95/ Spt NHL All-Star Hockey / Spt NHL Hockey '95 95/ Spt Ninja Gaiden Sega 91/2m Act ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Olympic Gold:Barcelona '92 U.S.Gold 92/2m Spt 4p Out Run Europa U.S.Gold 92/2m Rcg ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pac-Attack Namco / Puz Pac-Man Namco /1m Arc Paperboy Tengen 92/2m Act Paperboy 2 / Act Pengo / Arc PGA Tour '96 96/ Spt PGA Tournament Golf Tengen 94/2m Spt 4p/(B) PGA Tournament Golf 2 Time Warner T-48198 95/4m Spt 4p/(P) Phantom 2040 Viacom T-139028 95/ Act Pinball Dreams Gametek 94/1m Msc Poker Face Blackjack Sega 2326 94/ Soc Poker Face Gin Sega 2328 94/ Soc Poker Face Poker Sega 2325 94/ Soc Poker Face Solitaire Sega 2327 94/ Soc Popils Tengen 92/2m Puz Power Drive / Rcg Power Rangers:the Movie Sega / Fgh Predator 2 Arena / Act Primal Rage Time Warner / Fgh Prince of Persia Tengen 92/ Adv Psychic World Sega / Putt & Putter Sega 2307 91/ Spt 2ps ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RBI Baseball '94 94/ Spt R.C. Grand Prix Absolute /2m Rcg Ren & Stimpy:Quest for... Sega 94/2m Act (P) Revenge of Drancon(Wonderboy) Sega / Act Riddick Bowe Boxing / Spt Rise Of The Robots Time Warner 95/4m Fgh Ristar Sega 2543 94/4m Act Road Rash U.S.Gold / Rcg Road Runner:Desert Speedtrap Sega 94/2m Act/Rcg Robo Cop 3 Flying Edge 93/2m Act/Sht Robocop vs Terminator / Act/Sht ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Samurai Shodown Takara / Fgt Scratch Golf Vic Tokai T-23018 94/ Spt 2p Shaq Fu / Fgt Shining Force:Sword of Hajya Sega 2524 94/4m RPG (B) Shinobi Sega 2402 91/2m Act Shinobi 2 Sega / Act Side Pocket Data East / Spt Simpsons:Bartman Meet R. Man Flying Edge T-81168 93/ Act Simpsons:Bart Vs Sp. Mutants Flying Edge / Act Simpsons:Bart Vs the World Flying Edge 93/2m Act Slider Sega 91/1m Puz Solitaire Fun Pack / Soc Solitaire Poker Sega 91/1m Soc Sonic Blast Sega 2573 96/ Act Sonic Chaos Sega 93/4m Act Sonic Drift 2 Sega 2562 95/ Rcg Sonic the Hedgehog Sega /2m Act Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sega /4m Act Sonic Labyrinth Sega 2584 95/ Act Sonic Spinball Sega / Msc Sonic Triple Trouble Sega 94/4m Act Space Harrier Sega /1m Arc Speedy Gonzales:Cheese Cat.. Sega 95/4m Act Spider-Man Vs. the Kingpin Flying Edge 92/2m Act Spider-Man:Ret.Sinister 6 / Act Spider-Man & the X-Men / Act Sports Illustr:Baseb/Footb / Spt Sports Illustrated Golf / Spt Sports Trivia / Puz/Spt Sports Trivia-Champ / Puz/Spt Star Trek Generations(Nexus) Absolute / Adv Star Trek TNG:Holodeck Tut. Absolute 94/2m Adv (P) Star Wars U.S.Gold /4m Act Stargate Acclaim T-81298 93/4m Act Streets of Rage Sega 2417 92/4m Fgh Streets of Rage 2 Sega /4m Fgh Strider Returns U.S.Gold / Act Super Columns Sega 95/1m Puz 2ps Super Golf Sage's Creation /1m Spt Super Monaco GP Sega / Rcg Super Monaco GP 2 Sega /2m Rcg Super Off-Road Virgin /2m Rcg Super Star Wars:R.O.T.Jedi / Act Super Smash TV /2m Arc Super Space Invaders / Arc Surf Ninjas / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tails Adventure Sega 2583 95/ Act Talespin Sega / Act Tarzan / Taz:Escape from Mars Sega 95/4m Act Tazmania Sega / Act Tempo Jr Sega /4m Act (P) Terminator Virgin 92/2m Act/Sht Terminator 2:Arcade Game Arena / Sht Terminator 2:Judgement Day / Act Tesserae Gametek / Tom & Jerry:the Movie Sega 93/4m Act True Lies Acclaim 95/4m Act Trunski / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Urban Strike / Sim/Sht ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vampire Master of Darkness Sega 2437 93/ Act Virtua Fighter:Animation Sega 2570 96/ Fgh VR Troopers / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wheel of Fortune Gametek 92/ Soc Wimbledon Tennis Sega 92/1m Spt 2ps Winter Olympics Games / Spt Woody Pop Sega /1m Puz Wolf Child Virgin 93/2m Act World Class Leaderboard Sega 91/2m Spt 4p World Cup Soccer / Spt World Cup USA '94 94/ Spt World Series Baseball Sega 2439 93/2m Spt 2ps World Series Baseball '95 Sega 94/4m Spt 2ps/(P) WWF Raw / Spt WWF Steel Cage Challenge Flying Edge /2m Spt 2ps ------------------------------------------------------------------------ X-Men Sega 2505 94/ Act X-Men 2:Gamemaster's Legacy Sega 95/4m Act X-Men 3:Mojo World Sega 2561 96/ Act ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zool / Act Zoop / Puz ======================================================================== 3.1) Never Released (U.S.)[???] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name Manufacturer ========================================================================= Humans Gametek Barbie Berlin Wall Kaneko Bethoven Breakthru! C.J. Elephant Fugitive Codemaster Dino Basher F-15 Strike Eagle 3 Microprose Golden Axe Sega James Bond 007 Joe Montana Football '94 Sega Lemming 2:the Tribes Psygnosis Popeye Beach V'Ball American Technos Prize Fighter Rampart Tengen Rastan Saga Road Rash 2 Time Warner Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves Virgin Soccer Super Battletank Super Battletank 2 Absolute Team Williams GP We're Back X-Woman Sega ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.0) Accessories List ---------------------- Rechargeable Battery Pack or the Handy Power by STD: ---------------------------------------------------- The Rechargeable Battery Pack is a portable, rechargeable battery, which weights about 400 gram. It is recharged with a AC adapter or a regular adapter, and it takes about 8 hours. This will in return give you 3 to 4 hours of uninterrupted fun with you GG. It is great for travel and saves you some money on batteries. Super Wide Gear: ---------------- The Super Wide Gear is basicly just a big lense, which magnifies the screen on your GG. So instead of a 3.2" screen, you'll have a 5" screen. It is good for some games, but not all. As it is with all video games, the larger the screen - the harder it is to keep track of every thing, that is going on, on the screen. One downside about the Super Wide Gear is that it is very hard on your eyes. Really recommended if you're a big Role-Playing Game fan !! AC adapter: ----------- The best AC Adaptor is the one fot the Sega Genesis model 2 or for the Sega 32X & the Nomad. The Sega CD or the Sega Genesis model 1 will not work just because of the size of the plug. They may have others third partys that made AC Adaptor replacement but it would be preferable to use one from Sega. Master Gear Converter: ---------------------- The Master Converter is a device which you plug in where you normaly put in the games. This will enable you to plug in games from the Sega Master System and play them on your GG. I have heard that some 2 player games doesn't work propaly on the GG. I would also guess that you lose some detail, on the screen, as the Master System screen size 240 x 226 and it can display 52 colours out of 256 colours. If the game are using is a PAL game, then it will just slow down a bit. Game Genie & the Pro Action Replay: ----------------------------------- The Game Genie is a cartridge-like thing, you plug between the GG and the cartridge. When you start the GG, a menu pops up and you can type a code, which will change something in the game. For example, you can have more lives or weapons, start at which levels you want or something else. The codes are available in magazines, on the net or you can program your own codes. The Pro Action Replay for the Game Gear was only available in Europe, and has the same function as the Game Genie except that it takes different kind of codes. Tv Tuner: --------- The Tv Tuner is another device which you plug in where you normaly put in the game, which makes you able to watch tv on your GG. The Tv Tuner has gone out of production, because got into a fight with the producers of the TV Tuner. To prevent that the company continued to produce the TV Tuner, Sega changed the GG, so the new models do not support the TV Tuner. You can see if you GG supports th TV Tuner by checking the models number. Does the number end with a letter, then your GG NOT support the TV Tuner. The TV Tuner is compatible for different models to support the different TV systems around the world. As I know it is made in a NTSC, a PAL and a SECAM model. The TV Tuner should be quite hard on your batteries, but with a Rechargeable Battery Pack you should get three hours of uninterrupted tv. The TV Tuner also has a small input line-In jack which can be use to plug a VCR, a dislay screen for a Camcorder, hook it up to watch Cable and even play another Video game System !! Car Lighter Adapter or the Handy Plug by STD: --------------------------------------------- These Car Lighter Adapter can be plugged into the cigarette lighter of your car (or somebody others car), so you can play when traveling great distances or simply bored to death. Gear-to-Gear Cable: ------------------- With some games that supports multi-players, this is the only way to compete with an adversary. Really great for Combat games like Mortal Kombat. Carrying Case & Deluxe Carrying Case: ------------------------------------- The Carrying Case has 2 separate pockets. One is padded for the Game Gear unit the the other can hold 8 to 10 cartridges. The Deluxe Carrying Case can hold your Game Gear unit, 10 cartridges, batteries and manuals. And has even a shoulder strap for carrying ease. FM Radio Adaptor: ----------------- There is an FM radio unit that fits in the cartrige slot (like the TV Tuner) and lets you listen to any FM station just like a Walkman. Unfortuanetly, i don't remember which company is making this accessory or any other info. Handy Gear: ----------- This accessory is made by STD. It's let you protect your Game Gear unit from water, rain and snow. It also has a screen magnifier that even has an glare reducer, also has a space storage to put an extra cartrige and has a carrying strap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.0) The GG in Europe and Japan -------------------------------- European Releases Only: ----------------------- Name Manufacturer Type ========================================================================= 4-in-1 Pak Sega Various Akira Asterix - Secret Mission Platform Bart's Nightmare Konami Platform Baseball '91 Sports Baseball '92 Sports Berlin Wall Kaneco Platform Blackjack Cards Buster Ball Riverhill Dropzone Codemasters Shooter Duffy Duck Platform Ernie Els Golf Codemasters Golf Factory Panic Sega FIFA International Soccer Electronic Arts Soccer FIFA '96 Electronic Arts Soccer Formula-1 (F1 Racing) Domark Driving Formula 1 Grand Prix 2 Domark Driving Frogger (Prototype) Platform Galaga '91 Namcot Shooter Gamegear Alleste Compile Shooter Gamegear Alleste 2 Compile Shooter Gamegear League Sega Baseball Gamegear Wars Strategy Headbusters Heavy Weight Champioships Boxing House of Tarot Hurricanes U.S. Gold Soccer James Bond 007 Domark Kick & Rush Sims Soccer Magical Tal Route Major League Baseball Baseball Man Overboard Mappy Marko's Magic Football Domark Platform Micro Machines Codemasters Racing Micro Machines 2 Codemasters Racing Operation Starfish Ottifants, The Sega Platform Outrun U.S. Gold Racing Pac-in-Time Namco Arcade Pete Sampras Tennis Codemasters Tennis PGA Tour Golf Tengen Golf PGA Tour Golf II Tengen Golf PGA Tour Golf 96 Tengen Golf Phantasy Star 1 Adventure Phantasy Star 2 Adventure Phantasy Star 3 Adventure Pop Breaker Micro Cabin Power Drive US Gold Racing Powerstrike 2 Pusho Pusho Sega Tetris Ray Earth Clamp Ronald in the Magical World Sega Platform Sensible Soccer Sony Sports Skweek Infrogames Smurfs (Schtroumpfs, Schluempfe) Platform Smurfs 2 (Schtroumpfs, Schluempfe) Platform Sonic Compilation Sega Various Sonic Drift Race Sega Racing Sonic Maze Sega Platform Squeek Strider U.S.Gold Superman Tarzan Tazmania 2 Sega Platform Ultimate Soccer Sports Wagon Land Wizard Pinball Pinball Wonderboy Sega Platform Wonderboy 2 Sega Platform Wonderboy 3: Monsterworld 2 Sega Platform Japanese Releases Only: ----------------------- Name Manufacturer ========================================================================= Doraemon Games Part 2 Gear Stadium (Gia sutajiamu with Katakana) GG Pro Striker (soccer game) Good Luck Gorby (Factory Panic) Great Voyage of Hyoutanjima (Hyokkori Hyoutanjima -Hyoutanjima no Daikoukai) Griffin Gunstar Heroes Hao Pai Last Bible (Megami Tensei Gaiden Last Bible) Last Bible Sequel Magic School Lunar Magical Taruru-to Kun (Magical Tal Route in Europe) Majong Style Game Match-able model "Great Strategy G" (Taisengata Daisenryaku G) Mickeys Magical Kingdom Ninku Ninku 2 Phantasy Star Adventure Puzzle Bobble (Bust-A-Move) Taito Rastan Saga RayEarth II Road of the Magic Story I Road of the Magic Story II (Madou Monogatari 2 Aruru 16sai) Road of the Magic Story III (Madou Monogatari 3 Kyuukyoku Joousama) Royal Stone Ryu Kyu Face Sailer Moon (Bishoujo Senshi Sailer Moon S) Saint Samurai Spirits SD Gundam Winner's History Shikinjo Sunsoft Shining Force Gaiden Sega Shining Force II Sega Shining Force III Sega Shikin Castle (Shikinjo) Sonic Drift Sega Sqweek Loriciel Super Wagan Land Tama & Friends Olympic Games (Tama & Friends 3tyoume Kouen Tamalynpic) Volleyball Warehouse Keeper (Soukoban) Yu Yu Fighters Sega Yu Yu Hakusho Yu Yu Hakusho 2 Zan Gear ??? - some horse racing game ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.0) Odds and Ends... ---------------------- * Here something that was supposed to be released but never did, a kinda clone of the Super Game Boy, (Mega Game Gear ???) was an convertor that was supposed to play Game Gear games on the Genesis/32X !! But companies like Sega or Nintendo has a tendance to "work" on a great device but never comes out...hate that when it happens. * Another odd hardware is the Wide Gear, a device that let's you connect your Game Gear to a TV and plug even a Genesis controller for playing !?! This thing is huge but at least it does work (and how !!) but it's too expensive to buy (more than a 1,000$). Many of you contacted me to ask me where you can find a Wide Gear, Sorry to say i don't know !!! PLEASE don't ask me this question anymore. I read the story of this gadget in one of the Electronic Gaming Magazines which had a picture. Better ask SEGA or EGM, maybe they know ? And good luck in your search ! * Marlin Bates & Tom Cronin sent this UNIQUE info: There exist a board developer's Game Gear with a modification for TV out - the entire circuit board fits easily within one of the battery compartments. It plays games on a TV set just fine - there's is a border around the action, but every- thing is clean and viewable. It also have (for some reason) the Game Gear developer's hardware - consists of two cards to plug into a PC, an In- Circuit Emulator, a 5.25" floppy (presumably containing an assembler) and a LARGE circuit board - with composite video out. And Chris Pepin sent this info: In an older issue of EGM I believe, they showed a Game Gear modified by Sega to have RCA outputs on it to allow playing Game Gear Games on TV. They jammed a couple of extra circuit boards into the battery compartments. Theoretically, almost anybody should be able to modify their GG to have Composite output. Just as long as one knew exactly where on the circuit board to tap to get the correct signals. Unfortuantly, I don't remember which issue it was in. I cur- rently have a GG with a bad screen that I would love to modify if I only knew how. :-( [Just without saying, if anybody knows which mag number is, please e-mail me it so i can put in this FAQ to everybody to know. For a picture of this, it will be on my web site by the end of this month. And if there's a willing good soul who has one and wants to depart of it, selling it or trade it, please e-mail me pronto, i have the skill and the know-how of electronics so i could make a shematic of this board for everybody would make themselves and enjoy it. Thanks!] * Matt Ferguson sent this information: There is a cable that lets you play 2-player Master system games on the Mastergear. One end plugs into the gear-to-gear port and the other end has a port for attaching a master system controller for the second player. * Here's some info that Barry Cantin told us: I have noticed something kind of odd at - of all places - K-Mart stores. (and Zellers stores in Canada too - SDC) They sell used video games from a distributor called "The Game Trader". If you haven't seen this already, you'll definitely want to look. I have bought several Game Gear titles from them over the past year, each at $15. Now, the interesting part. Many of the US/European titles they sell are COMPLETE, NEW, in the box with instructions. I managed to pick up a few this way. (Oh, in case you didn't already have this tidbit for your FAQ, the silver Game Gear boxes were the ones sold in Europe [note the multi- lingual docs] while the purple ones (later) or the original ones [with the old Game Gear logo] are for the North American market...) Anyway, among the K-Mart items are - occasionally - some japanese Game Gear titles. now I know that they're brand new but they never include the box or docs. Maybe the people at "The Game Trader" thought that Americans and Canadians would be offended at the thought of buying a Japanese game (which is silly to me, it's more deceptive to NOT include the original packaging, which I want anyway). I have bought about five or six this way. Well folks, you heard it from Barry, you can find some Europeans or Japa- nese Cartridges from the "Game Traders". Just look in a nearby shopping store, who knows ?? You may get lucky !! * Another thing that Barry told is some older Japanese games do not work on the newer US systems (same difference as TV Tuner). So check them out before buying them IF you can. * Did you know that in Japan they made a "Coca-Cola Limited Edition" Game Gear ? If you are passing in Atlanta(Georgia), just make a stop by the Coca-Cola Museum. There is one displayed. It also came with a red cartridge, and if somebody knows the name of this game, please e-mail it to us ! This unit is really beginning to be a collector item since Video Game Collectors and Coca-Cola Collectors are trying to get their hands on it !! * In Japan, the Game Gear was released in a white color casing and another variant is has some figures of Virtua Fighter desinged on it. This GG came in a package deal called "Virtua Fighter Mini Kids Gear" with the cart "Virtua Fighter". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.0) Credits ------------- * Jeff Bogumil (for the pointer to this FAQ) * Barry W. Cantin (Boy did he help me !!) * Thomas Cronin (Micro-Board Gear to TV info) * Matt Ferguson (the 2 player cable MasterGear) * Chris Pepin (Micro-Board Gear to TV info) * EGM & Gamepro Magazines Thanks and see you in the next version !!! ---------------------------------------------------------- Copyright(c)1998, Sylvain De Chantal, "" Copyright(c)1998, Eric Hamel, "" or come visit my homepage at ""