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M. Bosi, K. Brandenburg, et al.
ISO/IEC MPEG-2 advanced audio coding.
In 101st AES conference, Los Angeles, November 1996.
preprint 4382.

K. Brandenburg and M. Bosi.
Overview of MPEG-audio: Current and future standards for low bit-rate audio coding.
In 99th AES conference, New York, October 1995.
preprint 4130.

K. Brandenburg, G. Stoll, et al.
The ISO/MPEG-audio codec: A generic standard for coding of high quality digital audio.
In Neil Gilchrist and Christer Grewin, editors, Collected Papers On Digital Audio Bit-Rate Reduction, pages 31-42. AES, 1996.

R. Buchta, S. Meltzer, et al.
The Worldstar sound format.
In 101st AES conference, Los Angeles, November 1996.
preprint 4385.

S. Church, B. Grill, H. Popp, et al.
ISDN and ISO/MPEG layer-3 audio coding: Powerful new tools for broadcast and audio production.
In 95th AES conference, Amsterdam, October 1993.
preprint 3743.

M. Dietz, H. Popp, et al.
Audio compression for network transmission.
In 99th AES conference, New York, October 1995.
preprint 4129.

E. Eberlein, H. Popp, et al.
Layer-3, a flexible coding standard.
In 94th AES conference, Berlin, March 1993.
preprint 3493.

B. Grill, J. Herre, et al.
Improved MPEG-2 audio multi-channel encoding.
In 96th AES conference, Amsterdam, February 1994.
preprint 3865.

J. Herre, K. Brandenburg, et al.
Second generation ISO/MPEG audio layer-3 coding.
In 98th AES conference, Paris, February 1995.

Witte, M. Dietz, et al.
Single chip implementation of an ISO/MPEG layer-3 decoder.
In 96th AES conference, Amsterdam, February 1994.
preprint 3805.

layer3@iis.fhg.de, 03/98