Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST5 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE KERNEL GetModuleHandle LoadString DIALOGS BytesPerCluster DIALOGS InitCountryCode CurFileSet TUTORIAL MSVIEW95.Za MSVIEWER.Za MVAPI2.DLLB+ MSVIEWER.Za MVFS2.DLLB+ MSVIEWER.Za QCTL3D.DLLA CTL3D32.DLLA VERMONT2.DLLA VEBE.HLPA QUICK_UK.DLLA VERMONT1.DLLA VERMONT1.HLPA DUNZIP.DLLA WPR.INIA QUICK_UK.USRA CurFileSet CurFileSetA FS_CREATEDIR FS_FILENOTINLIB FS_LAUNCHPROCESS FS_PACKAGING FS_GENERROR FS_OPERROR CurFileSetA FS_RESETREQUIRED FileSet default CurFileSet SETUP.EXE ReadMeb ReadMeb Quicken needs %ldK memory to run. You currently have %ldK.A You must have a 486 CPU or better to run Quicken Multimedia.A Please open a Windows session on your OS/2 system.A USER.EXE You must run Windows Version 3.1 or greater for this application.A PROGMAN.EXE! PROGMAN.EXE You must launch this program from the Windows Program ManagerA DIALOGS.DLL Can't copy %s to your Windows TEMP directory, %s. Make sure you have %ldK available on drive %s and try again.a DIALOGS.DLLb QFRAMEa QConnClsa QTAXDIALOGa QBillminda CTL3D.DLL Can't copy %s to your Windows TEMP directory, %s. Make sure you have %ldK available on drive %s and try again.a CTL3D.DLLb QUICKENW Quicken 4 for Windowsb QUICKENW\BOOKS\QUICK_UK.M13 QUICKENW\BOOKS\VEBE.EXE$ QUICKENW\BOOKS\QUICK_UK.MVB MVIEWER2a QUICKENW\BOOKS QUICKENW\BOOKS\QUICK_UK.ICO Quicken 4 User's Guideb ReadMeb QUICKEN.INI Quickenb Quickenb Quickena ClassNamea QFRAME% Quickena Billminda Quickena Versiona 4, Quicken 4 for Windows CD-ROM% Quickena ProductCodea QNW-4% phone.ini RegistrationPhoneNumber1R RegistrationPhoneNumber2R RegistrationPhoneNumber1R RegistrationPhoneNumber2R Quickena RegistrationPhoneNumber1b Quickena RegistrationPhoneNumber2b Intla UKStylea Intla UKStylea Intla UKStylea Intla UKStylea Intla UKStylea quickenw\talktut quickenw\talktut\tutor.exe$ MMediaa TalkingTutCmdb MMediaa TalkingTutClassa QWTALKTUT" MMediaa UserGuideFilea quick_uk.m13% quickenw\books\quick_uk.m13 quickenw\books\vebe.exe$ MMediaa UserGuideCmdb MMediaa UserGuideFilea quick_uk.mvb% quickenw\books\quick_uk.mvb mviewer2.exea MMediaa UserGuideCmdb MMediaa UserGuideTitlea$ Quicken 4 for Windows : User's Guide% WIN.INI ^.qdt Windowsa loadR BILLMNDW.EXE! BILLMNDW.EXE! Windowsa loadb CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlg CountrySelectDlg szAppDlg_ERR CountrySelectDlg! CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA CountrySelectDlgA BILLMIND_DLG_ERR! BILLMNDW.EXE$ AUTOEXEC.*, BILLMNDW.EXEA AUTOEXEC.* Billminder, StartUpa Billmindera Debugging msg: Can't create listProgGrpsA QuickenA @=b @=b TAX.AUS, TAX.UK, TAX.US, TAX.UK, TAX.US TAX.SCD File contains invalid signature, iFileSig: %dB Didn't get path offset nResult: %d iPathOffset: %dB No drive letter in qw.cfg--path: %sb Bad user path in qw.cfg--path:b Internal error. Can't access QCfgList.A QW.CFGA Q.CFGA _MRQ( 3.00.065