BURNOUT Championship Drag Racing PLAYER'S CHOICE EDITION Version: 2.01 Date: 10/21/98 ********************************* ** THIS PATCH IS FOR ** ** PLAYER'S CHOICE EDITION ** ** ONLY! ** ********************************* HOW TO INSTALL -------------------------------------------------- 1) Download and/or copy the file PCE201S.EXE or PCE201H.EXE into the directory where you installed Burnout PCE. PCE201S.EXE is a self-extracting zip file that contains the version 2.01 patch for the Xngine (Software) rendered version of Burnout PCE. PCE201H.EXE is a self-extracting zip file that contains the version 2.01 patch for the 3Dfx Hardware rendered version of Burnout PCE. SOFTWARE VERSION INSTALLATION: 2) To install the software rendered patch (PCE201S.EXE): From the directory where you installed Burnout PCE, run "PCE201S". This will extract the patch files to your game directory. Answer Yes to any questions asking to overwrite files. 3Dfx VERSION INSTALLATION: 2) To install the 3Dfx rendered patch (PCE201H.EXE): From the directory where you installed Burnout PCE, run "PCE201H". This will extract the patch files to your game directory. Answer Yes to any questions asking to overwrite files. AFTER INSTALLING THE PATCH 3) Read PCE201.TXT for information regarding the patch. HOW TO USE THE NEW VERSION --------------------------------------------------- The new version will run exactly like the original. We hope that you enjoy playing BURNOUT Championship Drag Racing PLAYER'S CHOICE EDITION. CHANGES IN THIS VERSION (2.01) --------------------------------------------------- 1) The Two Step (rev limiter) works correctly. The upper rpm value wasn't correctly limiting the engine rpm. Now, the first value is the rpm limit when the Two Step is engaged, and the second value is the maximum engine rpm limit when the Two Step is disengaged. When you prohibit the use of the rev limiter in the class restrictions, the Two Step has no affect and engine rpm is not limited. 2) Class files load correctly. There was a problem that caused certain restrictions to become corrupt when loading a class file. 3) Driver names appear correctly in the ladder diagram when you join a network event. 4) Fixed an engine sound problem that occurred if you changed engine sounds during a multiplayer race. You no longer can change engine sounds between runs. The sound that is chosen prior to the start of the event will be used for the entire event. After the event, the engine sound is updated to the currently selected sound. 5) The Class name now appears in the ladder diagram header. If the name is too long to fit in the header, it is truncated when displayed. 6) Added the file names for the car interiors to the CAR INFO tab in the paint shop. 7) There is a new command line option: -O The '-O' option will make the Nitrous Oxide control button act like an On/Off toggle switch. Press the nitrous oxide button once to turn it on, and again to turn it off. The default method requires the user to hold down the button to keep nitrous oxide injection on. Definitely use this option if you are experiencing problems with your controls not responding to input while holding down the nitrous button. When using this option, The screen will display "N2O: ON" in the upper left corner of the race screen when nitrous oxide injection is on. Example command line: C:\pce>pce -o 8) Fixed a problem with the engine dyno that caused engines using the MANUAL ENTRY .050-LIFT TIMING camshaft to produce incorrect horsepower and torque curves. Good news for those of you who are using them, because in most cases you should see a nice horsepower and torque increase. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------- Version 2.00 and 2.01 are compatible for multiplayer racing, but it is highly recommended that you install and run the 2.01 patch.