PRODUCT INFO Berkeley Systems are better known as “the After Dark people” and true to form they have produced another superb product. A spoof of American quiz shows, this trivia quiz is loud, brash and hilarious nonsense. It refreshes the parts other spoofs can-not reach and takes the artform to the nth degree. The CD plays as if you are on an imaginary radio quiz show, beginning with voiceovers of the production team setting up the show and continu-ing the theme with a quizmaster, musical introduc-tions to questions and “Bronx cheer” buzzers that are used to answer questions. Needless to say, the whole thing is smoother than a pint of Guinness. The questions are off-the-wall nonsense, but what makes them more fun are the equally wacky categories which you pick. Each is, ostensibly, related to the questions behind it. But don’t think you’re going to be able to guess the subject of the question: the category “extra crispy” actually refers to anatomy. A typical question is: “If your cannibal neighbours invited you round for Kentucky Fried human, which bone would not be found in the pot at the end?” Yes, a lot of them are sick and many more appeal to vaguely smutty minds like mine, although the humour is more Steve Martin than Bernard Manning. You can play on your own, or with others. In this latter case the game takes on a new angle. You have the opportunity to “screw your neighbour”. Big, bouncing screws appear and you can play them like a joker, forcing your opponent to take a question to which you know they do not have the answer.