Personal Computer World, Christmas 2008 - CD Edition

We're busy finishing this Christmas edition and I've just come back from a late Summer holiday. Still, it's now getting dark really early and feels like Christmas with the weather we have this week (first week of October). This 'Christmas' edition is on-sale early November, so should get you in the mood for what you're going to buy other people for the holiday period.

Luckily for you, this issue is an early Christmas present, with the two world exclusives in Paragon Partition Manager 9 SE and PC Tools Registry Mechanic 7. Other highlights include Palo Alto Email Center Pro basic Edition and the audio editing tool VinylStudio 5 Lite..

If you have bought the DVD edition, you'll find Password Depot 3 which will enable you to store and retrieve your passwords. You'll also find the Resources, Linux and Game demos.

Important: Problems Obtaining Full Application Serial Codes
Over the last few months, we've noticed that readers have had problems obtaining serial codes from online registration pages. This isn't always a problem with the online registration page, but a problem with anti-spam filters, which filter out the incoming email (containing the serial code). If you have an internal anti-spam filter installed on your computer, check your 'junk mail' or 'spam' folder, to see if the email has accidentally been classed as spam.

Alternatively, you may find that you're Internet service provider (ISP) has implemented a server-side anti-spam filter. A server-side anti-spam filter filters email at the you don't even see the spam. However, the downside is that any email that your ISP classes as 'spam' means that it gets filtered, by your ISP. Our advice would be to turn off your ISP server-side anti-spam filter and use a filter on your system, which means that spam is filtered by your own preferences (ie what you regard as spam).

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