Windows XP (32/64-bit)/ Vista (32/64-bit), 275 MB hard drive space

Panda Security

Choose to Activate the program when requested, enter your email address, and you'll get 90 days of free updates

The suite will expire 90 days after installation

It's no secret that the web is a dangerous place, and you probably already have one or more tools designed to help keep your PC safe from harm. Why should you try Panda Internet Security 2009, then? Several reasons come to mind.

The antivirus engine doesn't just automatically detect and eliminate all known threats, for instance (the antirootkit tool is particularly impressive). Its TruPrevent Technologies 2.0 will also pick up undiscovered dangers based on their behaviour alone, ensuring you won't be one of the first to get infected.

The new Collective Intelligence technology improves malware detection performance by carefully analysing data from other Panda users (who've agreed to sign up). If the suite detects the same file in use across many installations, for instance, it reasons that this is less likely to be malware. It won't be checked as often and your scans will complete more quickly.

The firewall protects you from incoming worm and hacker attacks, while also blocking malicious programs you might have installed from making unauthorised internet connections. It includes a built-in wireless monitor that protects your wireless network from intruders, too.

Comprehensive internet browsing protection includes an antiphishing filter, web filter and parental controls. The new antispam filter aims to keep your inbox free of junk, and in our tests was one of the few tools that can compete with the leading stand-alone antispam tools. while the personal information filter prevents credit card numbers, phone numbers and any other information you define from being transmitted over the web without your permission.

Panda Internet Security 2009 provides everything necessary to keep your PC safe from online threats for 90 days. If you want to use the program after that then you'll need to extend your Panda Internet Security 2009 licence. Prices start at £25.79 for a 6 month extension, but pay £94.58 and you'll be covered for 3 years. And as the licence covers up to 3 PCs, the effective cost could be as low as 88p per system per month. Click the Buy button on the main Panda Internet Security 2009 console, or visit to place your order..

Choose to Activate the program when requested, enter your email address, and you'll get 90 days of free updates
Install Panda Internet Security to your hard drive