zFTPServer Suite - Frequently Asked Questions

General information

Basic configuration

Accounts setup

Advanced configuration

Allright, what's so special about zFTPServer... aren't there enough FTP servers out there?

Yes, now there is.

zFTPServer is a fast and powerful FTP server with a lot of interesting and usefull features:

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Ok, maybe I need this one... How do I get started?

It's very simple:

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Why are there two programs, Server and Adminstration?

The advantage with this is that the Administration could be done from any machine capable of connecting to the Server using TCP/IP. I.e. this is to enable remote administration of the server.

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Why are there so little configuration options?

Well, zFTPServer Suite is designed to be easy to use and maintain. If you want however, you may activate the advanced settings in the main menu under "Setup".
Note that even if the advanced settings is hidden they still apply, they will just not be visible in the graphical user interface (this may e.g. be used to prevent accidental change of certain critical settings).

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I have configured the server to listen on port 8888, why can't Administration connect to the Server?

The port you specify is only for other users to connect to, the Administration program should always connect to port 3145 (unless you have specified otherwise in e.g. your firewall).

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How do I enable anonymous access to my server?

First you must enable anonymous access, by default this is disabled for security reasons. With "Show advanced settings" activated you will find this security setting within the general settings of the server.

Then you simply add an ordinary user account with the username "anonymous" without a password. Leaving the password blank tells the server to accept anything as password for this account. Any other special configurations are just as with every other user account.

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What does "Administrator account" mean?

If an account has administrative privileges it may be used to manage the server with the administration program. Normally only system administrators have this privilege.

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How do I construct the home directory for users?

You may see the "Home Directory" as a file tree, with the root on top. Simply add folders to the tree in order to build the users file tree (as seen when the user connects to your server). Directories and files from resources will be added into the file tree as requested.

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"New Folder" and "Add Resource", what's the difference?

"New Folder" will create a virtual folder on the users' file tree, allowing you to build the home directory as you like.
"Add Resource" will add directories and files at the location where it is placed in the file tree.

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I have installed the server as a system service but I cannot add any network paths as resources, what should I do?

When a system service is installed the default in Windows is to run that program as "LocalSystem" account. What you need to do is to change the user that the program is running as in order to give the program access to e.g. network paths (a good choice is to use "Administrator" for the zFTPServer service).

  1. Right-click on "My Computer"
  2. Select "Manage"
  3. Double-click on "Services and Applications"
  4. Click on "Services"
  5. Find "zFTPServer" in the right pane and double-click on it
  6. On the tab "Log On" you specify which account the program should run as
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Why should I add more than one resource to a users' Folder?

If you have data in several folders on your harddrives that actually should be seen as one folder, you may create a virtual file system by adding more resources to the same folder. This will be seen as one big folder for the users connecting to your server.

You have some pictures stored in one location and another set of pictures stored in another location, then you may add those two locations as "Resources" to a particular "Folder" and then it will seem as all files and subdirectories are in the same folder (for users connecting to your server).

Another useful way of using this feature is for instance by adding an upload resource to some folders, that way users may upload files to, what they see, some folders. However, the files are actually sent to a particular upload folder on the location you specified.

When specifying upload folders, it may be usefull to add more than one resource since then the files being uploaded to that folder will physically end up on the resource with the most available space (it will seem as you have a huge upload folder)

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Why can't I remove some resources and folders?

The resources and folders that are in bold face are inherited from a group membership. You cannot remove resources and folders a user gets from a group membership.

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My Server is behind a firewall, what should I do?

First of all you need to configure your firewall to accept incomming connections to the server.
Then, if you know your external IP-adress you must enter that in Server configuration. If you do not have a static, real IP-adress you may specify a dns-name for lookup every time your IP-adress is needed (e.g. "myserver.no-ip.com" could be used as an IP-adress).

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I have a www-proxy blocking outgoing calls, how do I use Administration?

The Administration program is capable of using simple HTTP-commands for remote administration. Just setup Administration to use the www-proxy and otherwise connect as normal to the Server.
Note: performance will not be optimal when connection through a www-proxy (e.g. the update of connected users and what they are doing is only updated at regular intervalls (every 2 seconds)).

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What is "Spy User"?

With this feature you may watch what a particular user is doing on your server. "Spy User" will bring up another window where only that particular user will be logged.

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When do the programs auto-update?

If automatic updates is selected the programs will check for a new version each time they are started. Observe though that Administration will only search for and update Administration, and Server will only search for and update Server.
Further, the programs check for new versions every midnight.
When a new version is found it is automatically downloaded.
The update will be performed when

... the program has been idle for 1 hour.
... the user manually trigger the update by clicking on the yellow star, which is visible once there is an update available.
... there are no users connected to the server.
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Allright, this is to simple... I want some challenge!

Ok, then maybe you want to experiment with the various tokens that may be used when specifying access rights for users.
The following tokens are available and will be replaced by their respective value where ever they are found in paths:

The current user trying to access the resource (e.g. nils)
The current year in 4-digit format (e.g. 2003)
The current month in 2-digit format (e.g. 06)
The current day in 2-digit format (e.g. 29)

Using these tokens you may specify directories where access rights depend on e.g. who is accessing the resource or when.

E.g. You may only want to allow uploads in a directory with the current date. Then add a folder to the home directory with e.g. "%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%". Then any resources accessrights under this one will only apply during the current date.

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