greenstreet software’s 20 years of developing innovative quality software has created a company that delivers reliable software time and time again. The originator of Timeworks Publish-It is now the only alternative provider of non-professional DTP and graphics software to Microsoft.
Products previously licensed to many major publishing houses are now available under the greenstreet brand with the same level of quality and improved support and responsiveness.
Our software has won hundreds of awards world-wide and is generally acknowledged as the best budget software for DTP & Draw. greenstreet’s development team is determined to continue to enhance our products and make sure our DTP & Draw products remain the best!
Great Reasons to buy greenstreet:
greenstreet software offers great award winning application and content software that’s ideal for home, small business and corporate users alike.
Low price with modern technology and legendary "ease of use" make every greenstreet package a winner.
All products are fully tested for Windows 95, 98 and NT and are all year 2000 compliant. Low cost upgrades are a common feature of the greenstreet range along with free technical support. New content and updates are constantly available from our web site:
Users get a bonus CD offer in many greenstreet packages with a valuable CD for p&p costs only. greenstreet delivers major product quality and capability at a budget price!
Desktop Publishing Software developed by Greenstreet Software Ltd.
Canon Pressworks 2.5 DTP Neue Medien Desk Top Publishing (German) Fuji Publisher Global Software Publishing (Europe) Power Publisher, Pressworks 3,Pressworks 2.5, Press International GST (North America) Pressworks 2.01, 1st Press, Press International IMSI MasterClips Publisher, TurboPublisher 1.0 Macmillan Publish It Deluxe Media Graphics Publishers Paradise Page Express Micro Vision Vision Publisher 4 NEBS PageMagic 1, PageMagic 2 PersonalSoft Publications (French) Pushbutton Publish Softkey Publisher DOS v1&2 Sybex Page (German) Timeworks Publisher, Publish-it, Publish-it Lite, Publisher Lite VCI Pro Publisher Wizardworks CompuWorks Publisher 1&2
Draw Software developed by Greenstreet Software Ltd.
BHV ColourDraw DTP Neue Medien Grafik Design (German) Fuji Designer Global Software Publishing (Europe) Designworks v1.0 to 3.5, 1st Design GST (North America) PressworksDraw, 1st Design IMSI TurboDraw 1.0 Media Graphics Publishers Paradise Design Studio Micro Vision Vision Draw NEBS DesignMagic PersonalSoft Creation Graphique (French) Pushbutton Design VCI Pro Design Wizardworks CompuWorks Designer 1, CompuWorks Draw 2
greenstreet keeps its quality high by developing the majority of software at its research labs in Cambridge, England. We have been developing quality software for over 20 years and we know how to make products that people like to use. Even when we license software from other people to expand our greenstreet range, we put a heavy emphasis on quality and usability.
greenstreet is dedicated to producing a wide range of productivity software for home and small business users. Our focus on this niche market will make sure that we deliver the best productivity software. Because that is all we do, you can be sure that we give it our full attention and ensure that what you get is the best of breed.
- Premium Line products are complete applications and suites focused around DTP and Graphics. World class software which comes complete with a manual and prices start from $29.95.
- ‘Value Line’ products show incredible value for money, retailing between $14.95 and $19.95.
For up to date details of the range - please visit our website.