102 E 103 T 128 XDb\n\nXDb\n\n\nXDb.Document\nXDb Document 32771 Delete object.\nDelete 32772 Copy Instance into Clipboard.\nInstance 32778 F 32810 Copy Property into Clipboard.\nProperty 32811 Copy Reference into Clipboard.\nReference 32812 Copy Inclusion Ref into Clipboard.\nInclusion Ref 32817 Extended Paste 57345 Ready 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59137 CAP 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61203 Activate Task List 65000 New 65001 File 65002 Help 65003 Save 65004 Cut 65005 Copy 65006 Paste 65007 About 65008 Add 65009 Delete 65010 Instance 65011 Property 65012 Reference 65013 Include Ref