Magic Folders makes any folder you choose and all the files in that folder completely invisible to those without your password. These invisible folders and files can't be deleted, viewed, modified, or run. For all practical purposes they don't exist. Use Magic Folders to protect your finances, taxes, and personal documents. Others won't know these files exist, and they won't be able to accidentally delete or modify them either. With Magic Folders you can turn over your computer to your children or your co-workers without worrying if they'll delete, modify or view important files.
Yet, just enter your password and you'll instantly have complete and normal access to all your folders and the files within. There's no need to un-hide each file or folder individually. And Magic Folders is totally transparent. No one need know your invisible folders/files even exist.
If you wish you can establish 5 different accounts so everyone using your computer can create their own invisible folders that only they have access to.
Keep your important files safe. Protect them with Magic Folders! Try it and you'll see why Magic Folders has gotten more awards than you can shake a stick at.
Encrypted Magic Folders is Magic Folder's big brother. It's loaded with additional features such as automatic encryption, filename scrambling, hiding of individual files outside hidden folders, etc.., but it also costs twice as much should you decide to purchase it. Both programs are included. You can easily evaluate both. Just switch between the two by clicking the button on the "About" screen, or by selecting "Configure/Swith to..." from the main screen.
Magic Folders now comes with Password Magic! Password Magic not only provides a safe and secure place to store all your passwords it can also use your password data to automatically launch and log you into password protected web sites!
Magic Folders (tm) and Encrypted Magic Folders (tm) are copyrighted 1996-2001 by PC-Magic Software Inc.. Parts of the program are proprietary. Do not use the software unless you agree NOT to unassemble, disassemble, reverse engineer or use any other means to examine or modify the code of any of its files.
Magic Folders and Encrypted Magic Folders are licensed "As is" without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. In no event shall PC-Magic Software be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including without limitation, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Your rights may vary based on your state's laws.
By choosing to install "Magic Folders" or "Encrypted Magic Folders" you signal that you understand and agree to abide by the above.