Create a list of folders you want hidden by dragging them from the folder listing at the right of the screen over to the list of Magic Folders. You only need do this once. To exit with the folders hidden simple click on the "Exit with Magic Folders Invisible" button at the bottom of the screen. To exit with the folders visible click on the "Exit with Magic Folders Visible" button. If you exit with the folders visible you can quickly hide them again by clicking on the "Hide Folders" icon on the taskbar or by running Magic Folders again and clicking on "Cancel".
Hiding of files outside hidden folders
With EMF you can hide individual files outside hidden folders. One advantage of this is that you can hide individual files in My Documents and Desktop icons. Just select the desired file from the file list box to the far right and drag it to the hidden folder list. If there isn't a file listing to the right then go into Configure/Properties and select "Allow selection of individual files"
EMF also allows you to automatically and transparently encrypt your hidden files. Should EMF be uninstalled by someone else, or bypassed using sophisticated disk editing software, the contents of the files would remain encrypted thereby providing no clue as to their contents.
The Encryption is totally transparent. You use the files normally. The encryption and decryption of the files is all done automatically in the background as you use the files.
You change this setting by
clicking on the E (to remove encryption) or clicking in the E column (to encrypt
the folder) on the line of the folder you want to make changes
Scrambled Filenames
EMF can also scramble the names of files in your hidden folders. Should EMF be uninstalled by someone else, or bypassed using sophisticated disk editing software, the names of the files would still be scrambled thereby providing no clue as to their contents.
You change this setting by
clicking on the S (to remove filename scrambling) or clicking in the S column
(to enable scrambling of filenames) on the line of the folder you want to make
changes to.