Scrambling of Filenames

EMF can also scramble the names of files in your hidden folders.  Should EMF be uninstalled by someone else, or bypassed using sophisticated disk editing software, the names of the files would still be scrambled thereby providing no clue as to their contents.

You change this setting by clicking on the S (to remove filename scrambling) or clicking in the S column (to enable scrambling of filenames) on the line of the folder you want to make changes to.

Only files in hidden folders can have their names scrambled.  Folder names and the names of files outside hidden folders cannot be scrambled.  (In theory we could do this but it would require almost double the system resources and we decided that was too high a price.)

Unlike Automatic Encryption, filename scrambling does not occur as you use the file.  Rather, all names are scrambled when you hide the files and then unscrambled at the time you make the files visible.  Therefore when you first enter your password to go into Magic Folders you will have to wait while the filenames are being unscrambled.  Likewise, when you subsequently hide your files/folders you will have to wait while the filenames are being scrambled. 

Shutting down your computer without first hiding your files/folders will leave the filenames unscrambled.