Thank you for evaluating Magic Folders! Actually this program incorporates two programs, Magic Folders and it's big brother Encrypted Magic Folders. Both programs make any folders you choose and all the files in those folders completely invisible to others yet instantly accessible to yourself. Your invisible folders and files can't be deleted, viewed, modified, or run. For all practical purposes they don't exist. Use Magic Folders to protect your finances, taxes, business and personal documents. Others won't know these files exist, and they won't be able to accidentally delete or modify them either. With Magic Folders you can turn over your computer to your children or your co-workers without worrying if they'll delete, modify or view important files. Yet, just enter your password and you'll instantly have complete and normal access to all your folders and the files within. There's no need to un-hide each file or folder individually. And Magic Folders is totally transparent. No one need know your invisible folders/files even exist. If you wish, you can establish 5 different accounts so everyone using your computer can create their own invisible folders that only they have access to. Encrypted Magic Folders is an advanced version of Magic Folders. In addition to hiding folders and the files in those folders, EMF also lets you hide individual files outside of hidden folders. It also adds the capability to scramble the names of hidden files, and encrypt/decrypt the files in the background as you use them. You won't even know you're using encrypted files. This way, should the program somehow be defeated your filenames would be scrambled and the contents of the files encrypted leaving no clue to their purpose or contents. In addition, Encrypted Magic Folders checks your documents list and cleans it of any of your hidden files. EMF's registration is $60 compared to Magic Folders' $30 registration. But there's no cost or obligation to evaluate either program (or both) for 30 days. Regardless of what version you choose to install now, you can easily switch to the other by clicking "About" in the program. In that way you can evaluate both versions without cost or obligation. If you're using a non-english version of Windows you may need the english version of the VB5 runtime files. You can get them at: If you have any problems please send e-mail describing the problem in detail to: LEGAL: "Magic Folders" (tm) and "Encrypted Magic Folders" (tm) are copyrighted 1996-2001 by PC-Magic Software Incorporated. Both products are shareware. You may evaluate them without obligation for 30 days. If you choose to continue using either one beyond the 30 day evaluation then you must register. "Magic Folders" and "Encrypted Magic Folders" are licensed "As is" without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. In no event shall PC-Magic Software Inc. be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including without limitation, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Your rights may vary based on your state's laws. Parts of the program are proprietary. Do not use the software unless you agree NOT to unassemble, disassemble, reverse engineer or use any other means to examine or modify the code of any of its files. ƒ