How control properties relate to properties in their underlying fields

When you create a bound control in a form, report, or data access page by dragging a field from the field list, Microsoft Access copies certain properties from the field in the underlying table or query to the control. For example, if the Unit Price field in a Products table has the Format property set to Currency, when you create a bound text box in a form or data access page by dragging the Unit Price field from the field list, Access automatically sets the Format property for the text box control to the same value. (This assumes that the DisplayControl property for the field is set to Text Box or has no setting.)

You can change the settings of any inherited (copied) properties in the control's property sheet. If you change a control's property setting, the change won't affect the setting of that property for the field in the underlying table or query. Similarly, if you change the property setting for a field in a table or query after you've created a form by using that field, the property setting for the control isn't updated; you must update this manually. (Note, however, that if you change the field property settings for the DefaultValue, ValidationRule, and ValidationText properties, these changes will be enforced in a form for controls based on these fields, even if the controls were created before you changed the field properties.)

It's best to set the Format, DecimalPlaces, InputMask, ValidationRule, ValidationText, and DefaultValue properties in the underlying field rather than in a control. This way, you can be sure that you have consistent settings whenever you add fields to a form or report.

Properties inherited for each type of bound control when you drag a field from the field list to a form or report

Bound control Properties inherited
Text box Format, DecimalPlaces, InputMask, Caption, and StatusBarText (from Description property)
List box All properties specified in the Lookup tab in table Design view, Caption property and StatusBarText (from Description property)
Combo box All properties specified in the Lookup tab in table Design view, Format, InputMask, and Caption properties, StatusBarText (from Description property)
Check box, option button, option group, toggle button, bound object frame Caption property and StatusBarText (from Description property)

If you open the form in PivotTable view or PivotChart view, a bound text box inherits the Format, DecimalPlaces and Caption properties. Other bound controls inherit the Caption property only.

Note   In a Microsoft Access database, the DefaultValue, ValidationRule, and ValidationText properties are not inherited by controls in forms. That is, Access doesn't set the control properties to the values that are set for the same properties in the underlying field. These property settings are enforced, however, when you create a control that is based on a field with these settings. If you set the ValidationRule property in a field, and also in a control based on that field, Access enforces both rules. If you set the DefaultValue property for a field, and also in a control that is based on that field, the control property will override the field property.

Properties inherited by bound controls when you drag a field from the field list in a data access page

In a data access page, a text box, list box, or drop-down list box can inherit Format, Caption, and DefaultValue properties.

A list box or drop-down list box can inherit RowSource and ColumnCount properties specified in the Lookup tab in table Design view if the RowSourceType property is set to Table/Query in a Microsoft Access database or Tables/Views/Functions in an Access project. If the RowSourceType property of the field is set to Value List or Field List, the control doesn't inherit these properties. In addition, the control doesn't inherit the ColumnCount property if the value of the property is greater than 2.

Note   In a form, if you create a text box that is based on a field with the Memo data type, Access automatically sets the EnterKeyBehavior property to New Line In Field, and the ScrollBars property to Vertical Only. In a data access page, if you create a text box based on a Memo field, Access automatically sets the Overflow property to Auto. These properties aren't inherited from the field properties รน they are properties of the control.