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Create a form

There are three ways to create a form.

Based on a single table or query by using AutoForm. AutoForm creates a form that displays all fields and records in the underlying table or query. If the record source you select has related tables or queries, the form will also include all the fields and records from those record sources.


  1. In the Database window, click Forms under Objects.
  2. Click the New button on the Database window toolbar.
  3. In the New Form dialog box, click one of the following wizards:
  4. Click the table or query that includes the data you want to base your form on.
  5. Click OK.

Microsoft Access applies the last autoformat you used to the form. If you haven't created a form with a wizard before or haven't used the AutoFormat command on the Format menu, it uses the Standard autoformat.


You can also create a columnar AutoForm based on the open record source or the record source that's selected in the Database window. Click AutoForm on the Insert menu, or click the arrow next to the New Object button on the toolbar, and then click AutoForm. If the record source you select has related tables, AutoForm adds a subform that contains the related tables displayed as datasheets and subdatasheets.

Based on one or more table or query with a wizard. The wizard asks you detailed questions about the record sources, fields, layout, and format you want and creates a form based on your answers.


  1. In the Database window, click Forms under Objects.
  2. Click the New button on the Database window toolbar.
  3. In the New Form dialog box, click the wizard that you want to use. A description of the wizard appears in the left side of the dialog box.
  4. Click the name of the table or other record source that includes the data you want to base your form on.

    Note   You don't need to do this step if you selected Form Wizard or PivotTable Wizard in step 3 รน you can specify the record source for the form later.

  5. Click OK.
  6. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

    If the resulting form doesn't look the way you want, you can change it in Design view, PivotTable view, or PivotChart view.


On your own in Design view. You create a basic form and customize it in Design view to suit your requirements.


  1. In the Database window, click Forms under Objects.
  2. Click the New button on the Database window toolbar.
  3. In the New Form dialog box, click Design View.
  4. Click the name of the table or other record source that includes the data you want to base your form on. If the form won't contain data (for example, if you want to create a form to use as a switchboard to open other forms or reports, or if you want to create a custom dialog box), don't select anything from this list.


    If you want to create a form that uses data from more than one table, base your form on a query.

  5. Click OK.

Microsoft Access displays the form in Design view.