Set the number of decimal places to display in a field or control
The DecimalPlaces property provides a default setting, Auto, and the option to specify from 0 to 15 decimal places. When set to Auto, fields with Format property settings of Currency, Fixed, Standard, Percent and Scientific display two decimal places. The DecimalPlaces property has no effect unless the field or control has a Format property setting.
Set the number of decimal places to display for a field in table Design view
- Open a table in Design view.
- In the upper portion of the window, click the field you want to define decimal places for.
- In the lower portion of the window, click the arrow next to the DecimalPlaces property box, and then click the desired number of decimal places.
Set the number of decimal places to display for a field in query Design view
- Open a query in Design view.
- In the query design grid, place the insertion point in the column for
the field you want to change. You can place the insertion point in any row for that field.
- Click Properties
on the
Design toolbar to open the property sheet for that field.
- On the General tab, click the arrow next to the DecimalPlaces property box, and then click the desired number of decimal places.
Set the number of decimal places to display for a control in form Design view or report Design view
- Open a form or report in Design view.
- Make sure the control
you want to change is
selected, and then click Properties
on the
Design or Report Design toolbar to open the property sheet for the control.
- Click the DecimalPlaces property box, click the arrow, and then select the desired number of decimal places.
Note This procedure does not apply to data access pages.