About the Table Analyzer's query

Two tables created from one table and the query that brings their data back together

1  Original table

2  Tables created by the Table Analyzer

3  Query created by the Table Analyzer

4  Lookup list

If your Microsoft Access database has a table that contains repeating information in one or more fields, you can use the Table Analyzer to split the data into related tables so that you can store data more efficiently. This process is called normalization.

The Table Analyzer divides one table that contains repeating information into separate tables in which each type of information is stored only once. This makes the database more efficient and easier to update, and reduces its size. After the wizard divides the data, you can still view and work with the data in one place by having the wizard create a query.

You can use the query to update data from more than one table at the same time. The query also offers other timesaving features to increase the accuracy of your data.