Add a button to dial a selected phone number

You must have a working Hayes or Hayes-compatible modem to use this procedure.

  1. Open a table or form in Datasheet view or a form in Form view.
  2. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Customize.
  3. Click the Commands tab in the Customize dialog box.
  4. Click Records in the Categories list.
  5. Drag AutoDialer to the Form view or Datasheet view toolbar, or to a custom toolbar.
  6. Click Close.
  7. In the form or datasheet, select the phone number you want to dial.
  8. Click AutoDialer on the toolbar.
  9. Check to see that the phone number is entered correctly, and then click OK.

Note   You can change your modem options by clicking Setup in the AutoDialer dialog box.